“Let him that would move the world, first move himself.”
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BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: harrydoby
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Christmas 2024 Open Thread
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Delta County’s Rep. Matt Soper Opposes Birthright Citizenship
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Colorado Pols is 20 Years Old!!!
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Detailed at HuffPo – put a 0.1% tax on all financial transactions
This would raise hundreds of billions a year (to pay for the stimulus spending required by dumb financial transactions) and it would decrease the very short term trading on small changes in the market.
It would also affect very few people. What makes a tax like this tough is those very few people own Congress.
the lovable guy who doesn’t know much, but he knows he hates being taxed for his productivity. He tried getting a “job” to earn “money” the “honest” way, but his entrepreneurial spirit was just too strong, and kept beckoning him back home to sit on the couch all day and refresh stock quotes on Yahoo. Why this tax might cost him up to $10.37 a day, and given his immense losses from his really stupid decisions, he can hardly afford sitting at home anymore. And without his reckless pursuit of pennies, how would the universe’s capital be allocated efficiently?
Why do Democrats hate Joe the Day Trader? For that matter, why do they hate America?
It’ll be Joe The Hedge Fund Manager.
A much less likable character.
…for succeeding in a capitalistic manner?
Success is bad. Socialist scum.
I thought you meant “all financial transactions,” which I think includes putting a nickel in a parking meter.
Looks like Andrew is going to try to “move the world” by “moving himself” first.
He’ll be announcing on Wednesday, first in Pueblo at the Lake Elizabeth Pavilion at the Riverwalk at 10am, then a community conversation at the Penrose library in Colo. Springs at 1pm, then a celebration of the Volunteers for Outdoor Colo. at their office at the north end of Wash Park in Denver at 5pm.
Go Andrew!
Is wasting donors money in a primary war. Dems with any sense will join House Speaker Carroll in supporting Bennet, especially since, if there’s a dime’s worth of difference between Bennet and Romanoff on policy issues, general position on right/left scale, etc. it certainly hasn’t been made at all apparent to date.
What reason is there for this campaign other than Romanoff should have gotten it in the first place, is royally pissed off and just can’t accept that it’s over? News flash: That ship has sailed. Bennet’s in and Romanoff needs to move on.
Bennet wasn’t elected by Democrats or the general electorate. He wasn’t even recommended to Gov. Ritter – as far as we can tell – by any of the rest of our elected government officials.
He’s still a mostly unknown quantity. Given what I know of both men, Romanoff has the advantage right now – I at least have a clue about him. Bennet’s been defining himself poorly – first leaning conservative on some issues and now coming out in favor of the public option. I still don’t know him too well.
Romanoff and Bennet both have an opportunity to get in and win the minds and hearts of voters, and if we have a solid primary, Bennet will be able to hone his campaigning skills (of which he’s demonstrated few to-date).
Colorado will be better off for the primary race, IMHO.
I’d agree. Unfortunately, I think there are going to be a lot of hurt feelings and infighting because of this primary.
I mean, people (including myself) have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Romanoff–way more than Mike Miles. If the President comes and campaigns for Bennet, in addition to 5 of the 7 Democratic Congressional delegation, and Bennet comes out on top, with Andrew on the short end of the stick, do you think people will just smile and vote for Sen. Bennet? I think some will. I think a lot won’t.
That’s bad news for Democrats in a year when Democratic turnout is even more important than 2008.
like the Obama race to drive participation of all the new voters who came out just to vote for him so turnout is going to be a challenge in any case. Maybe not so much for Rs hellbent on turning things around. Still think Bennet wins nomination and election.
There are eleven candidates for Denver Board of Education.
Here they are:
At Large:
Deborah Sims Fard
Christopher Scott
Mary Seawell
District 2 (SW Denver)
Ismael Garcia
Andrea Merida
District 3 (Central, East Denver_
Jeanne Kaplan Incumbent and Unopposed
District 4 (NE Denver)
Alton Clark
Nathaniel Easley
Vernon Jones
Andrea Mosby
Jacqueline Shumway
Here is the link for their contact information:
From time to time, I will post a question here on ColoradoPols and invite these candidates to answer it.
I don’t know if that will work. But, I don’t think I can interview eleven people, even if they were to agree.
I find they are the most useful for me to assess the candidates.
But, I haven’t seen a schedule. Usually, there are a series of forums. What we do know, so far, is that if any of them read ColoradoPols, they haven’t felt moved to post any information here.
Realistically, I could not interview 11 people in the next seven weeks or so. I could not begin to match the standard you have set.
This is what I plan on doing. Tell me what you think. I will post a question. Tomorrow, for example, the question will be on the article in today’s Post by Alexander Ooms “Playing games to sneak kids into good schools.” I will ask if they agree or disagree with his analysis.
I will email them and ask them to participate by logging on to ColoradoPols and answering the question, and maybe even engaging in dialoguing with you all here…something which Jared Polis did.
I think if you do 2 questions a week (so you’re not taking up a ton of time) that it could work. But you have to work like crazy to get them to answer the first time.
ps – thank you for the nice comment.
Yes, it’s stupid. But still fun.
(BTW, as a former Military Officer, Joe Wilson should at least act like he still has the vestiges of discipline and respect…something that will play very badly in his district of Active Duty Military and Veterans.)
but the bottom line remains unmoved –
undocumented aliens get free health care now, and they will get it in the future, regardless of whether some sort of reform passes.
It really doesn’t matter that there’s a section that says that the Obama Plan will prohibit any tax support for such care; its gonna happen.
Why argue about whether the tide will rise, whether the Sun will set, or whether undocumented immigrants will get life-saving care if they show up in an emergency room dying ?
While it brings back the idea of a National ID card, how would you prevent undocumented workers from sneaking into the health care pool?
I don’t feel like bringing a passport or my birth certificate to the Doctor’s office or ER, and even if I did, who’d check it? INS? Rent-a-cops hired by BCBS? The new Medical Police?
And what about the large segment of undocumented workers who pay their bills (and taxes) – if someone is willing to write checks for health care, would it even be legal for BCBS (or more likely, the Urgent Care Center) to refuse to take it?
It’s a winning issue for the Repubs to bleat about this, but short of a “Papers Please” solution, I don’t know how to resolve it.
I agree the “papers pleaze” is a problem, but Taiwan has a national health ID that is also an electronic health record.
It has allowed for cost cutting and improvements in safety. Of course there are problems (privacy and insurance profiling are high on my list), but properly constructed the benefits would vastly out weigh the risks.
As to people who do not have their health card, whether because they forgot it or because they don’t have one, they would still receive emergency treatment. If you had a card and it was lost, destroyed, or forgotten your records would be recoverable. For those that lack legal documentation, how to handle them is an issue for the immigration debate.
70% of Doctors want the Public Option, 10% want single payer
Back to the discussion – if you make it like my buddy’s Army ID card, where all the records are on the card, and you’re free to make backups to your PC, AND there’s strict rules on who and why you can demand to see it, yes.
that Cat Stevens is presently shilling for a cell phone? Wow. Bummer. Not surprised to see Whoopi Goldberg in the ad but seeing Cat Stevens sell out is beyond disappointing.
He just released an album or is getting ready to–I saw a review in Newsweek. They said it was the best he has put out in years. I can’t imagine he’s this hard up for cash.
Then again, it is a bad economy. Maybe it’s a way to raise awareness and publicity for his latest CD.
His shilling helps promote his album, plus he gets paid for it instead of his record company having to shell out for the marketing. It’s kind of sad to see everyone turn into shills, but that ship sailed decades ago.
and I’m almost embarrassed at how naive I still am about stuff like this. I just can’t help myself–when I hear a Beatles tune or a Led Zeppelin riff on a tv ad, I just want to weep.
How about this one?
I think you just broke my heart.
I thought that was Jobs.
Is the other one the guy with the motorcycle TV show ?
I think you’re right about Jobs, though. That does look like him. Cat Stevens sings the song that accompanies the ad. He’s not in the actual ad.
He is very active in philanthropy. From wiki:
and it’s turned into quite a match.
But nothing, absolutely nothing, can top Federer’s shot yesterday that led him to match point and victory in the Semi-Finals.
That was sweet.
Del Potro (20 years old!) beat Nadal and Federer in this tournament. Tennis should have a new unlikely #1 after all is said and done.
I missed the very end of the last set (I had to teach class) and ran to my computer as soon as it was over to check and I just couldn’t believe it. I kept thinking Roger was going to pull it out since he has a habit of coming from behind. Del Potro was magnificent in that game. He deserves every kudo he receives.
Did anyone catch the Silverman/Dan Haley radio program this PM…specifically the very last caller? I am not quite sure what I heard the lady say.
opining that mangoes taste better than kiwi fruit, and much better than Chinese Gooseberries. What’s there to argue about ?
This comes from someone’s Facebook photo page – entitled “Morons Holding Signs.” I’m still trying to figure out how to link to the library…
what, Dan, you never been infromed ?
It’s the opposite of being left hanging out there.
What a disappointment.
I just saw the breaking news on TMZ
that the Kanye West bit with Taylor Swift had been rehearsed a couple of weeks ago.
Serena’s joke about a foot fault was also rehearsed back then.
Is nothing sacred ?
TMZ is offering to throw one election for any Congressman who will go on their show and say that they were involved in planning Addison Wilson’s outburst, two elections for videotape of him discussing it with Speaker Pelosi beforehand.
And they are rumored to be negotiating for video from a cell phone of Serena out at a nightclub with the Asian line judge the night before.
Saying things that aren’t true CAN be funny, but the context matters. Are you parodying something?
Apparently Obama called Kanye West a jackass for disrupting Taylor Swift’s award.
Since Republicans have no other goals aside from trashing Obama, expect to see them rushing to West’s defense.