“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.”
–Marcus Aurelius
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: After Reaching the Mountaintop, MAGA Begins Inevitable Descent
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Genghis
IN: After Lauren Boebert, It’s Good To Be The “Bread Sandwich”
BY: Genghis
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: After Reaching the Mountaintop, MAGA Begins Inevitable Descent
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: After Reaching the Mountaintop, MAGA Begins Inevitable Descent
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: After Lauren Boebert, It’s Good To Be The “Bread Sandwich”
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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P.S. Here’s my new signature.
I had lamented the lack of msm coverage of the very important Denver Board of Education elections. Four seats out of seven are open. There are eleven candidates. It was suggested that I interview those candidates. That would have been logistically impossible. So, after a few false starts, I set up a diary, emailed all the candidates, and invited them to respond to a question i posted. None have. I did hear from three who requested more information on how to post or who I was, etc.
This is what i learned. First, my admiration for David has grown tremendously. It is really hard to get candidates to take a chance on something unknown. I could understand why candidates would not risk posting. I am not a journalist and certainly not objective. I have strong opinions about DPS and have posted those here. Did candidates check out my postings and decided not to participate? I don’t know.
I also found myself becoming almost protective of the candidates. I am not supporting any candidate and told them so. I also felt that if anyone had responded, I would have been constrained from supporting anyone as the race continued. I wanted them to feel comfortable in participating here.
I did find a site with information which I will post here, later. However, neither the Denver Post nor the broadcast media (Including nor as far as I can tell, local talk radio), has published any information on the Denver School Board election. The ratings for schools came out last week. Typically, no one asked the current Board Members to comment. No one asked the current candidates to comment. The only incumbent is running unopposed.
You tell me what this means.
I really do.
Second, a couple of questions–for those that did respond to your email–did they know what Colorado Pols was? Had they heard of the blog? Would it have been easier to send each of them your question or questions, as newspapers often do, let them know the date due and then post their replies in a diary here?
I’m not terribly surprised that the school board race isn’t being covered. Sorry to hear it, that’s for sure but I’m not surprised. Our school board races here only receive coverage when there is scandal involved. Otherwise, voter turnout is pathetic and the response from the community is apathetic, at best.
Back to your original assertion that elite parents are scamming their kids into Brommwell and other “good” schools, then lying about their real address?
and a great way to lower your cholesterol. Try adding fruit to it for moisture and flavor.
fiber content when adding fruit to oatmeal. Fiber is also beneficial in lowering cholesterol.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Loads of fiber. Raspberries, too.
Not, of course, for the first time.
Some of us are just not bothering to respond to Libertad anymore and when we do, we are choosing to respond with the same level of inane thinking as he engages in.
this still doesn’t address the Glenn Beck’s criminal history. Did he or did he not rape and murder that girl?
I think the next time Governor Palin or Senator Grassley or anyone else brings up death panels, the WHite House should put out an announcement that names them as Co-Chairs and Panel members.
the oatmeal with a liquid yougurt drink (with active bifidus bacteria) can also help keep you regular.
Its a great way to start the day!
but I’ve eaten blueberries, yogurt, and Fiber One cereal for breakfast four or five times per week for the past six or seven years.
I can’t remember the last time I was sick.
I’ll admit that some mornings I’m not as enthusiastic about the combination as I used to be, but now I’m afraid to change the routine.
(Good gawd! I hope I didn’t jinx my good fortune by boasting about this.)
and added oatmeal and berries to my diet daily this summer and it has literally changed my life. The results in how much better I feel are nothing short of stunning.
…Are delicious.
I’m particularly fond of the apple streusel flavor. They can be expensive so make sure to look for sales.
More importantly, why won’t Glenn Beck stop hiding behind his lawyers?
my favorite Fiber One Bars are the Dark Almond Chocolate. Yummy. Every once in awhile there’s a coupon on a box which is worth it’s weight in gold. 🙂
I hydrate it with soy milk and water, add dried coconut flakes and some cinnamon. After it’s heated, I stir in ground flax seeds, and pour some Colorado clover honey on top. Maybe add some peaches or banana. Yum.
Or I may have a greasy egg sandwich, instead, some mornings.
The crock pot method sounds interesting, though, I must say.
That was not my assertion. That was in an article published in the Denver Post by Ooms. I asked the candidates to comment on it.
and Libertad knew that. But clarifying it and quoting in context would have made his spin less effective. More work for him too, but that’s not why he avoided it.
See, the best of us believe in the best of others. But the rest of us believe in …well, festivus I guess. It’s not that I’m saying he’s evil- I’m saying we just don’t know.
That’s an excellent summation, MADCO.
I’ll be interested in their responses to the Posts assertion.
I like your suggestion. However, I did not want to run the risk of anyone saying I was editing responses, etc. I can’t hand hold candidates.
ColoradoPols.com is both a reputable blog and one of the most read in Colorado. If any of the candidates felt that this was too political, etc., the option existed to post that comment.
I sincerely wonder if any of these folks had heard of it. I often wonder if blogs are read as much as we think they are. I wasn’t assuming this blog was too political; I was actually wondering if the candidates even knew what this forum was or had heard of it.
But again, I think you deserve big kudos for making the effort and for being interested. I do pay attention to our school board races where I live but am appalled at how few people are.
I’ll tell you anything you want to know. 🙂
They may not know that much about it, but they are very aware of it’s influence. When I interviewed Senator Salazar the first 10 minutes was him quizzing me on blogs and he said they were now driving the political news. And he’s old school.
So, they may not know of ColoradoPols, but they will be very interested in what is being said & done on the blogs about the election.
Keep trying. I was told no by Ed Perlmutter (his staff actually) I think 6 times before I got an interview. It sounds like a couple you could get. And once you do, it forces the others to also participate.
It is interesting how it affects how you react to them and write about them. And thanks for the kind words.
but your diary still sucks as much today as it did when you published it yesterday.
to reduce unpleasant odors.
The Grove Norquist approach.
work just as well. Although it can be a bi+ch inserting them…
That is utterly too cute for words. Cats usually hate water.
very cute…
it doesn’t have the flaming waters of Weld county.
You seem upset with Ritter, but superimposed his face onto one of the good guys. (The wizard in “The Seeker”)
Tom Delay from “Dancing with the Stars”.
He even got panned on The View. You know you suck when the ladies start bashing ya.
Hassel-hack? I though everything a Republican did was great in her book….
She’s on maternity leave.
didn’t realize she was spawning….
Frack Fluid Spill in Dimock Contaminates Stream, Killing Fish
by Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica – September 21, 2009 4:09 pm EDT
Has Kathy Hall ever held in her mouth a dead fish bathed in frac fluids?
(And if so, did she bite the head off?)
I thought this stuff was as safe as Coca Cola.
snarkthat if you left a tooth in Coca Cola over night it would disintegrate. Maybe we should just start using Coke for fracking and everybody’s happy? She held an equally alarmist view of packaged white bread, by the way.
and make them look sparkly new.
Shines ’em right up.
If it is good enough for brass, it is good enough for my stomach!
wait- wrong one. Imagine that- more than one fracing toxic spill. Who wouldda thunk it?
The open fracing crowd probably hired actors to dramatize the whole thing.
Flaming water? Shoot- you should pay extra for allt hat free gas your gittin’. You don’t like the taste of the chemicals- well, it’s afree cuntry, dont’ drink downstream of my well.
God bless his big, big heart.
click here to see
from Tampa Bay Online
I thought the central theme of “Aryan Nations” was keeping the Black Man down. I thought “White Power” was about Black powerlessness.
But I never really asked. The Gazette ran an article on Aryan Nations yesterday, and I finally sought out their website. It was a revelation.
First, the blog owner says that the worst enemy of the White Race is feebleminded Whites who don’t get with the program.
He wants them to be executed.
But then he (I presume its a man) launches into how the “other” is disempowering the White Race and foreclosing the future of White children. And it turns out that the “other” is no other than the Jew.
In my short time viewing the site, I didn’t see any space devoted to explaining why the Black Race was evil and despised, everything was directed at the Jew.
This may not be news to youse, but it was news to me.
I’m here at 0-Dark-thirty Colorado time because I’m surfing on the web at 6pm Manila time. Re-post it on the new thread for Thursday and I bet it gets some response.
BTW, are you intentionally withholding the URL of this “Seek Help” group?
note the classy link to BabelFish. I guess that’s so Whites who don’t speak English – mother tongue of Mandarin, Hangul or Spanish, for example – can get the full Aryan experience.