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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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DPS analysis finds The district analyzed CSAP scores of students moved from failing programs in 2007.
Thanks for the link. It should be noted that these are DPS stats. The Denver Post asked for the data to be released so that an “independent analysis” could be done.” DPS declined to release the data.
But, Libertad, in so far as this is accurate, it certainly enhances Bennet’s resume.
So what we know is that apparently some students are scoring higher on the CSAP tests. Does that mean they are learning more, or becoming better equipped to lead successful and fulfilling lives? No one really knows.
Did we move students from worse schools to better schools? Or did we close down schools that were trying creative ways of reaching and inspiring disadvantaged students, in favor of shipping them to the standardized test mills?
CSAP data is just one small part of the answer to that question.
I think those are provocative questions, cdsmith. They are just rhetorical, unless you can find someone to answer them.
You tell me how how you are going to find the answers.
Not all innovation works. Ask the poor kids who were at Manual High School in 2001 when the Gates Foundation, with its huge footprint, designed it wanted to “experiment” and broke Manual, with the okay of the then Board members, but not the parent/guardians of the kids,
into three “smaller” schools. The experiment was a dismal failure. The school was closed in 2006 and the kids who were at Manual at the time were scattered to the four winds. A Denver Post independent analysis last spring, found that those kids did even worse that they had been doing at the failing Manual, How do you make those kids whole again? Who pays??? Not Gates.
My new rule is: I am not playing rhetorical gamemanship where kids are concerned. You got a fact, spit it out…if not. I am not there.
I’m still interested in these parents that scam the system, fail to validate their personal data (address), and butt-in-line because they think they are smarter then others and won’t get caught abusing the system.
Where is the accountablility on their part – why are they uncivil?
This is the asertion of the Post you presented here and I’d be interested in hearing more from the candidates, you or The Post.
Energy development requires substantial amounts of water, a scarce commodity in the West–and one that may be less available soon as climate change has it’s impacts on the area’s hydrology.
Then there is contamination, from the regular–oft-unreported spills and mishaps, potentially from frac’cing contamination, and the like.
Now a new study out indicates that that the wide-scale development–roads, well pads, compressor stations, pipelines and other industrial infrastructure may be impacting our snowpack too–the source not only of our water but over a dozen states that rely on rivers draining from both sides of the Divide.
Simply drive on I-70 between Rifle and De Beque and note the mud on the pavement left by vehicles leaving the gas fields.
When that mud dries, it becomes dust.
But there’s no air samplers there. Why?
on the Western Slope should be required to take a drive over there! This is a good article by a very good writer at the Summit Daily News. Sounds as if important research is being done in this area, but may be too little too late.
Pols, can you deal with this?
That is just really bad form.
Pols I don’t know if you have terms of use, but pretending to be another real person would seem to be a problem.
Ralphie’s concerns seem justified. This person is trading on the name ID Ralphie has built up through his Grand Junction (and now HuffPo) blog.
After some deliberation we changed the username for a generic one. We apologize on his behalf.
to the tune of $21 million.
The Royalty-In-Kind program is set for termination pushed by DOI Sect. Salazar.
The oil and gas industry–which apparently is OK with the ‘hookers and blow’ pay out that helped grease the wheels of this scam, is fighting reform efforts in Congress, according to the LA Times article linked above:
Sentinel ‘Breaking News’
Republican candidate for Ted Kennedy’s seat