The Durango Herald with the footnote–no serious challenger for John Salazar this go-round.
Rep. John Salazar raised $201,045 for his re-election campaign from July through September, while his Republican opponent raised only $5,640.
Salazar, D-Manassa, finished the quarter with $719,215.38 in the bank. Martin Beeson, a Republican district attorney from Glenwood Springs, has $11,629.25 after raising money from just four individual donors.
State Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, has talked about getting into the race against Salazar. Tipton challenged Salazar once before, in 2006. He could not be reached Thursday.
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He’s already run once and got hammered. He’d have to give up a safe legislative seat to do it. Money would be a huge problem, as Beeson is finding out.
having already been trounced by Salazar once, but he does have the (factless) GOP talking points down:
Meanwhile, the last failed GOP contender (Wayne “Who?” Wolf) is running for SD5 (Gail Schwartz’ seat), although his apparent membership in the Delta County Communist Party might be a problem with the ‘base’:
Don’t be sheepish.
A new face has emerged in the CD3 race, a gentleman by the name of Ray Scott. He is not a career politician or celebrity but a businessman from Grand Junction. He is quietly building momentum with a “listening tour” of the 3rd CD district.
I have heard him speak and he is a breath of fresh air and could surprise the establishment should he decide to run. People are listening but more importantly HE is listening to them. He actually has a personality, doesn’t give a canned speech. The established GOP’s better take notice. The money will be the key, if he finds the donors, look out John Salazar a steamroller may be headed for your camp.
Voters are weary of the same old candidates and the same old message, Tipton? Are you kidding? He would be a sacrificial lamb, Salazar would love another feast on him. Rowland is a hotheaded emotional conservative that wouldn’t stand a chance.
From his website:
Yawn. More teabagger red meat.
By the way, welcome aboard. You earned your money today.
Since you seem to know a lot about Ray Scott, perhaps you can help me understand something. The FEC has no record of a candidate named Ray Scott. On what basis is Scott soliciting contributions?
You could have at least created a less obvious username Ray.
From the website:
Don’t be so quick to discount Tipton – the reason he won his House seat so easily is because most Republicans feel he ran a solid campaign and a lot of people came out to support him
Salazar has voted his District, no doubt, so he would be very difficult to beat – but if anyone has a chance of defeating Salazar, it’s Tipton
Your campaign issue can be why we need a federal version of TABOR….
MAH: Tipton did not run a solid campaign, not that it would have mattered. Salazar owns the southern part of the 3rd District and has made inroads in many counties north of I-70. He’s on the House Appropriations Committee, a plum spot in Congress. He has oodles of money and can raise much more if he needs it.
Tipton won his state House seat because it’s a heavily Republican district. Even a well-financed Montrose County Democrat who’d been elected to the City Council there couldn’t come close to beating Tipton.
In addition, he has done next to nothing in the Legislature. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I think he’s smart enough to avoid another campaign battering by Salazar.
I’ll politely disagree in that, the Western Slope & Pueblo Republicans that I talk to all love Tipton – I think his campaign left a great impression
Regarding Mayor Noelle Hagan (Tipton’s opponent) – it was my understanding that Mayor Hagan was very intelligent and very popular – Tipton’s gigantic victory over an articulate Democrat, during a Democrat-year, was very solid validation of his good work and reputation
I do agree that Salazar has built excellent relationships, and most importantly, has voted his district — if Tipton were to run, he would have every Republican vote… at that point, he’d have to win 40% to 45% of Indies…. that may not be possible, but nonetheless, out of any Republican, he’d be our best chance… however, Ellen Roberts would also be a terrific choice, as she could really peel off some Indies, but she’s focused on State Senate
….Matt Smith is another TERRIFIC CD3 Republican, but last I heard, he has no interest – too bad – he’s a wonderful leader who loves Colorado deeply
well….. I’m in CD2 my friend (Eagle County)
And…. while I am very confident of my work, I think there’s many other good leaders out there who would do a better job as a Congressman/Congresswoman