“The only people that seem to want this are women who have more than four cell phones in their house.”
–Rush Limbaugh, on health care reform
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BY: spaceman2021
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: allyncooper
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: Wong21fr
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: The realist
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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Thank God Ms. Romer gets it.
only because 1,000 people left or were dropped from the job seeking list.
Stocks are up because earnings are up. That is the result of layoffs and depleting inventories. Not sustainable.
It is going to be a long march back.
This “new economy” landscape is littered with corrupt policies that have cost taxpayers billions and returned nothing on our investment.
You confirmed Godwin’s Law with the first post of the day! Congrats Libertad.
Maybe you can head down to the library and check out a taxpayers copy of: The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements
Cash for Clunkers = $24,000/unit cost to Taxpayers
True Believers can still make a difference though, just hike up your jock and get ready to help CNN spin the data
And you gotta love the soon to be re-elected Guv of NJ on job creation, spin and being a True Believer:
In a memo to NJ state department head Corzine asked them to “come up with an event or two or three that show job creation or economic development in the private sector.” The events, planned for this week, would “get our message out” that “the economic policies of Governor Corzine are working,” in part by generating “stories in weekly as well as daily newspapers,”
Highlighting positive things such as job creation is customary for incumbent governors seeking re-election, but the memo goes further.
“I know that it might be a stretch for some of you, but please be creative,”. “While many programs might not created (sic) jobs directly, they do have some connection to job creation either through training, giving money to sustain employment or create demand for workers.”
So come on drones, hike up your jocks and show you’re a True Believer!
Rule #1: Bold enough text, and your arguments become more valid.
Never, ever, provide a link for blocked quotes.
“Russian roulette is not the same without a gun.” -Eric Cartman
The point of the Stimulus Act was to do exactly that – slow job loss and use public works to move the economy out of recession. And your link seems to prove it worked, contrary to the stunning reporting done my the right-Wing media (today’s quoter included.)
Since you’ll all about History now ‘tad, please explain your opening title. How exactly did the German gov’t of the 30’s come to power? Hitler was backed by the Munitions and other Heavy Industries…so who was the beneficiary of those Gov’t spending programs? Sounds like the PREVIOUS administration, not the current one.
BONUS POINTS: Without the Google (which you barely use anyway) please cite an example of American Economic recovery purely driven by the private sector. Heck, I’ll even handicap it for you – has the private sector even slowed or prevented a recession or depression by it’s wonderful self?
On the world markets, borrowing from the likes of Prescott Bush’s Union Bank. He was funding Hitler to the extent that Congress passed a law and FDR signed it to stop trading with the enemy, as it were.
Rush is a peddler of hysteria and hate (bigotry). He knows that rating points + paid advertising = his obscene income. I suppose it’s too much to hope the media and blogs will cease to give him free advertising.
Is “having four cell phones” some kind of euphemism for something? I honestly don’t get it.
I thought it was just me…I don’t have a clue what he’s trying to say or what his comment is supposed to mean.
Somewhat disingenuous coming from someone who lives in a $10 million house.
even if just for emergencies. So maybe it’s a slam against mothers with more than one kid?
At least he’s not complaining about black people today, so that’s progress.
Okay, so I read this and found it very interesting and I have to say I agree with Coffman. Isn’t Penry being anti-military? He signed a bill against the military hence…anti-military. There was a chance for more jobs, help the Springs out a little bit with the economy etc. etc. and Josh went hardcore against all those good things. I guess I don’t get why such a “conservative” would sign something like this.
Another note, Coffman’s a pretty good writer.
B-X insists that expanding PCMS would be the US Army’s equivalent of training Disneyland.
I say it’s still not enough real estate to do Brigade or (larger) unit maneuvers, and still wouldn’t have all the cool lazer tag, live fire ranges and a standing OPFOR units that Fort Irwin or Fort Polk have.
The truth (honestly is somewhere in between.)
If we want to pretend we’re going to fight all of our future wars in AFPAK, then why are going to expand a training area that’s prairie and sand? Shouldn’t the DoD take back Camp Hale, and make poor grunts hump the hills?
Think Mojave instead.
It’s freaking gorgeous at Hale (more so than most Army training areas), but the main training value there is the altitude.
Humping a full kit, ruck and M249 SAW is one thing – doing it while running up a mountain while crawling between rocks is another.
There’s a reason why the High-Altitude Army Aviation Training Site is here in Colorado….flying a helicopter at this altitude is scary enough in nice weather, without bad guys shooting at you.
Besides, it was snark…..if the Military continues to train for the last war it fought, we end up with the inept US Army of the 70s’….
The bill passed and was signed into law, so that makes everyone who voted for it or supported it anti-military? That’s a lot of stones to be throwing.
And how do you know that Coffman actually wrote the letter, and not some staffer?
As someone who is supposed to represent their people he is anti-military. I bet a majority of his constituents wouldn’t have wanted him to sign it but he did anyway, so he was acting for them, so I say he was acting anti-military.
And you can act anti-military at one point and not at another. This bill he was. I didn’t throw stones, I merely asked a question.
And you’re right a staffer could have written it, in that case, good job staffer.
I’m not.
And remember that a lot of people have come out against this, including most of CO’s congressional delegation, both houses of the legislature, and the Guv.
The same could be said for the other side. I think it’s a 50/50 thing…and the majority of the people you mentioned are dems, hence my point that Penry is acting more Democratic then Republican.
Why won’t McInnis debate these things you point out with Maes and Penry?
If you can ask a rhetorical question, so can I.
Look, I don’t know why he won’t debate, my assumtion is that he is ahead. So, why give in to Penry and risk losing traction. That would be my first and only guess.
This seems to have been overlooked here due to the weather (I assume):
Another campaign-related e-mail sent out to state workers’ accounts http://www.denverpost.com/poli…
“The tables have turned, with Republican state employees complaining they’ve received invitations to a fundraiser for Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter on their work e-mail accounts…”
The nature of the complaint was not sending emails to government accounts, it was using an email list compiled for government purposes.
The article does not explicitly state or imply that the Governor’s campaign was using a government email list. Quite the contrary it explicitly states that the campaign has a process for removing government email addresses.
Penry’s ethical lapse was not sending emails to government employees, but rather using the Senate News email list.
No, I didn’t write this. I wish I did. Because it’s the painful truth. And you know how much I love to stir the puddin’. This list was actually forwarded to me from a friend of mine … Ain’t this the truth?
If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t` eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.
If a liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a person of color is conservative, they see themselves as independently successful. Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need
of government protection.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a conservative slips and falls in a store, he gets up, laughs and is embarrassed. If a liberal slips and falls, he grabs his neck, moans like he’s in labor and then sues.
If a conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he’s “offended”.
Hammer meet nail!
Just when I was beginning to have some respect for your opinions. I guess you never met a liberal that you liked or respected.
You must live in a very small world.
This isn’t the painful truth – it’s another bogus chain email that somehow inflates your political self-worth by slighting those who oppose your world viewpoint.
If for once in your life, you;d like to try and weigh the real differences, I invite your attention to this graphic:
Couldn’t find it on the web to post the red-blue diagram, thanks for the link.
ps why are you always so bitter to other people, is this blog your life?
…spent part of the day working to link homeless veterans with the 3 nonprofit’s that got part of $17 million in Grants from the VA.
And I’m trying to arrange a meeting with a OIF Vet with PTSD who was just in jail in NM, but thanks to a great counselor at that Socialist health care system (the VA) he’s out on bail. I hope to get him into a DAV service office and get his amended claim filed next week.
Oh, and I was also trying to link up with the Veterans Court grant administrator to see if we could give a PTSD/TBI awareness class to the Auraria Police Dept – did you know that over 1200 Post 9/11 vets are using this Big Gov’t Stimulus to go to school on that campus THIS semester?
So, what do you do today – get a little further on the Burning Crusade in World of Warcraft? Get an epic axe yet?
Way to go. At least you remain true to form. I’ll give you that much.
from an email that is lively right now.
Wow, you sure are an incredible, independent thinker, Libbers.
I would have hoped you had a counter email that you could have posted bashing conservatives.
Show me any evidence that ‘liberals’ file liability suits more often than ‘conservatives.’
Point me to where all liberal vegetarians demand that all meat products be banned.
etc. etc. etc.
Why aren’t you in school today? Pig flu?
If a conservative doesn’t like murder, he doesn’t kill. If a liberal doesn’t like murder, he wants all murder outlawed.
If a conservative doesn’t like domestic abuse, he doesn’t beat his spouse. If a liberal doesn’t like domestic abuse, he prosecutes spouse-beaters.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church. Whether a liberal is a non-believer or not, he respects the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Jeez, mahn, get a clue.
we get a little production from you … and its to the point
If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he gets drummed out of the party.
If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a conservative imagines a foreign threat, he launches a preemptive war costing trillions and doing untold damage to our reputation.
A liberal believes that force should be used strategically and sparingly, when the threat is clear and established, with a clear plan for victory.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life in the closet.
Liberals considering homosexuality understand that the equal protection guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution applies to everyone.
If a person of color is conservative, he will be placed prominently in any camera shot to pretend that there is diversity in the party.
Their liberal counterparts become POTUS.
If a conservative is down-and-out, or even if he is wealthy, he is first in line for any government handout available, with conservative state’s receiving a higher percentage per capita of government funds than their liberal counterparts.
If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he tosses labels around like anti-American, unpatriotic, Marxist, Stalinist, Leninist, Maoist, Hitler. Liberals demand that accountability extend to everyone.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church and never, ever, ever talks about evolution, because none of his party’s leaders ‘believe’ in that nonsense.
A liberal understands that the separation of Church and State means just that–that individuals of any faith are free to practice, preach and otherwise appreciate and proselytize, just not on the government’s dime.
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he gets a fat government job from which he can complain about government spending. A liberal understands that it is an obligation of community to care for one another and that government has an important role to play.
If a conservative reads this, he’ll forward it to the Free Republic where a long chain of comments will ensue praising Glenn Beck and highlighting the Marxist threat in our midst.
A liberal will think its kind of silly.
way to play!
…from the 9th most likely House seat to change parties next year to the 10th.
Water contamination is on the rise as people are poisoned and sickened, fish are killed, and aquifers are threatened. Now we learn from Arkansas of another possible threat from drilling in that area’s shale plays:
But like the chemicals being pumped into the ground, the public may never know if this activity is causing the earth to rumble:
All in the
publicprivate interest.They would have surrendered
Navy ship accidentally fires on Polish port
Loading the weapon is performed by pulling the charging handle which locks the bolt to the rear. The weapon is placed on safe and the charging handle is pushed forward (this is spring loaded on the tank mounted version). The feed tray cover is then lifted and rounds are laid inside the feed tray. The feed tray cover is then closed and the weapon is ready for operation.
Clearing the weapon is performed by ensuring the bolt is locked to the rear and the weapon is on safe. The feed tray cover is then lifted, the remaining belt (if any) is swept out of the feed tray, the feed tray is lifted to visually inspect the rear of the barrel and the face of the bolt. Any links or brass casings are removed.
The weapon is now clear.
Williams paints rosy Piceance drilling picture-Funny they fail to report to shareholders that the ‘burdensome’ oil and gas regulations in Colorado have driven them from the state-so are they lying to shareholders or are you lying to us?
apologies for not including it, I was channeling Libby