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April 14, 2018 11:49 AM UTC

Cynthia Coffman's Campaign For Governor Is Over

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: The Denver Post’s John Frank reports on the end of the line for Cynthia Coffman, whose campaign for governor collapsed in a heap earlier this afternoon:

Attorney General Cynthia Coffman, once considered a sure bet for the primary, suffered a devastating defeat and took only 5 percent of the vote, finishing behind first-time candidate Barry Farah.

The race became nasty in the final hours before the vote, as campaigns and independent political committees bombarded delegates with phone calls, emails and text messages that forced Coffman and Stapleton into a mud-slinging match…

Stapleton managed to win support despite the reintroduction of a 1999 drunken-driving conviction and a new controversy about apparent fraud in how his campaign collected voter signatures to qualify for the ballot through the petition process.

In short, Cynthia Coffman received almost no support for her bid to be governor–but managed to inflict damage on the Republican frontrunner worth much more than the amount of support she attracted to her campaign. For Democrats, this could be considered something akin to a best-case scenario.

And for a candidate attacked today as “not a real Republican,” Coffman proved she can sabotage fellow Republicans with the best of them! Which is, as any truthful Republican will tell you, a quintessentially Republican trait.


We’re tracking happenings at the Colorado Republican Party’s state assembly, where as expected the desperate struggle by Cynthia Coffman to avoid elimination from the gubernatorial race at the hands of Walker Stapleton in the early afternoon is taking a decidedly ad hominem turn:

Longtime readers will recall the late-breaking story in the 2010 Colorado Treasurer’s race of Stapleton’s DUI in San Francisco back in June 1999–complicated by charges that he attempted to leave the scene of an accident after causing bodily injury to two victims. The story came too late to affect the race in 2010, but we’ve always expected that when Stapleton attempted his next move up in elected office the story would be more rigorously investigated.

And thanks to Cynthia Coffman, today’s the day!

Not to be outdone on the objective scale of nastiness, convicted felon tax cheat and author of the 1992 Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR), Doug Bruce, is working the floor against Coffman with his usual charm:

Put on your hip waders and stay tuned, we’ll update as the votes come in this afternoon.


26 thoughts on “Cynthia Coffman’s Campaign For Governor Is Over

    1. Hey, CHB — you witnessing that GOPer hate fest live?  If so, please keep us updated.

      Doug Bruce handing out hate screed on Joe Arpio pink paper, with a bible verse about truth?  Wow — let the good times roll!

        1. I dunno’ Madco?  I mean, I could probably pretend to nutter, pass for a day, and have way too much fun doing it too. 

          But, I think we just missed our big chance.  I can’t imagine there being a better year than this Trumpocalypse . . . 

          . . . fuck, I’m praying there’s never gonna’ be another year like this!  (Which must mean I’m already changing my mind about pretending there’s a god to pray to).

  1. I wonder how Fluffy is holding up? He's probably gone through the jumbo-size bottle of skin moisturizer and a couple of boxes scented Kleenexes.


  2. Gee, there's going to be a bit of a …. problem? … for Moderatus. Apparently, we really SHOULDN'T be afraid of Coffman, after all.

    Ernest Lee Luning tweets:

    Steve Barlock – 4%
    Walker Stapleton – 44%
    Barry Farah – 13%
    Cynthia Coffman – 5%
    Greg Lopez – 33%
    Lew Gaiter – 1%
    Terri Kear – 0%


    1. Coming soon: . . . 

      “Admit it, libtards.  You’re all just afraid of Stapleton!!”

      Remember, you heard it here first, folks . . . 

  3. As for what she does now, it's either go to Disney World, or send her resume to Trump who is looking for a new lawyer.

    Still, a finish in single digits really has to hurt.

    1. Résumé schmésumé . . . 

      . . . Just send that “Goooooo Truummp!” video clip to Fox & Friends.  

      One airing and Yammybonkers will be scrambling to hire her as Sessions replacement!

    1. Steve House must have enjoyed the assembly…..

      First Tanc tanked and withdrew before the caucuses, and then Cynthia had a Viking funeral by trashing Stapleton and incurring the wrath of Eleventh Commandment Republicans.

      1. The only thing that might have pleased him more would be if someone did an ice bucket challenge,  pouring water over Marilyn Marks, thereby melting her.

        Becky Mizel has already self-destructed; her political career is over.

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