In a press release sent a few minutes ago, Rep. Jared Polis announced that he will support the House’s current health reform bill, H.R. 3962. Full release follows–says Rep. Polis, “Although I found enough fault with the initial version to justify a no vote in committee, my strong support for President Obama’s health care reform has never wavered. I am thrilled to now support a House bill that more closely resembles the President’s plan to ensure health care stability for American families and extend coverage to more Americans. While ideally I would prefer a bill with no tax increases, the threshold for the surcharge has been raised significantly.”
So, after months of spoon-feeding Republicans their talking points–all’s forgiven, right? What “teachable moments,” given the simple dollar-sign probability (see Big Line) that Rep. Polis is a Congressman for as long as he wants to be, can all involved take away from this experience?
November 4, 2009
Contact: Lara Cottingham (Polis) 202-503-6067
Andrew Stoddard (Titus) 202-503-6738Titus, Polis Pledge Support for Health Care Bill, Praise Surcharge Fix
WASHINGTON-Today, two key Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee-Reps. Dina Titus (D-NV) and Jared Polis (D-CO)-who initially opposed H.R. 3200 when it was before their committee-announced their full support for H.R. 3962, given its lower cost, deficit neutrality, and significant changes made to the surcharge, which improve the bill’s impact on small businesses.
“For more than six months I have discussed the need for health care reform with my constituents, and time and again I heard from small business owners who are struggling to afford health care coverage,” said Titus. “With a large number of small businesses in my suburban Southern Nevada district, it is critical that we do everything we can to strengthen their hand so they can be critical engines of growth in our community. After having serious concerns about the impact the first health care bill would have on small businesses, I am pleased that the new House bill takes important steps to make health insurance more affordable and accessible for the uninsured, employers, and those with preexisting conditions.”
“Although I found enough fault with the initial version to justify a no vote in committee, my strong support for President Obama’s health care reform has never wavered,” said Polis. “I am thrilled to now support a House bill that more closely resembles the President’s plan to ensure health care stability for American families and extend coverage to more Americans. While ideally I would prefer a bill with no tax increases, the threshold for the surcharge has been raised significantly, and I am pleased that this new bill not only reduces the deficit, but also includes no tax increases for most small businesses making less than one million dollars.”
“We both commend House Leadership for addressing and including the concerns we heard from our constituents into the final bill and are proud to join them in support of the fiscally responsible health care reform bill before us today,” concluded Titus and Polis.
Earlier this year, Polis and Titus voted against H.R. 3200 in committee, primarily in opposition to the surcharge’s impact on small businesses. During the summer, Titus and Polis led efforts to adjust the surcharge and find a more equitable funding solution in the House bill.
The new House bill-H.R. 3962-released last week, raised the threshold for the surcharge from $280,000 to $500,000 for individuals and from $350,000 to $1 million for families, significantly reducing any negative impact on small businesses, while meeting President Obama’s goal of deficit neutrality and keeping the price of the bill under $900 billion. Under the higher threshold in the new legislation 98.8% of small business owners will pay no surcharge.
The legislation also includes a Health Insurance Exchange for individuals and small businesses to enter into in order to purchase health insurance at a lower cost. An amendment offered by Titus and supported by Polis has been included in the bill to increase access for small businesses by increasing the size of small businesses that can enter the exchange.
Without reform, many small businesses would face the steepest rise in insurance premiums in years. The House bill will allow 18,900 small businesses in Titus’ district and 23,400 in Polis’ district to obtain affordable health care coverage and will provide tax credits to help reduce health insurance costs for up to 16,700 small businesses in Nevada’s Third District and 22,300 small businesses in Colorado’s Second District.
With two key Democrats who opposed the initial version now supporting health care reform, the bill is gaining momentum toward passage in the House.
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Lawmakers will not complete this legislation and must push it into next years election year. Delays such as these are wholey responsible for the failure of this Congress to move forward expansive entitlement policies sure to cost the average American billions of dollars in higher prices, more taxes and greater fees.…
What is this, some kind of record for you? Who hacked into your account and started copying and pasting links to go with the massive blocks of text? Where is the Libertad pod with the real Libertad inside?
Someone alert the authorities!
“Lawmakers will not complete this legislation and must push it into next years election year.”
Libertad is having a lot of difficulty with the terms will not vs. may not. Nice links though !
fuck Harry Reid. Just fuck his stupid ass all to hell. You’ve had enough time, get off your stupid ass and do something.
OK, I feel better. Carry on.
What you just said.
…about dinner!
Wooo Hooo!
Middle – you coming to dinner? Harry Reid’s buying!
And I, too, love flourless chocolate cake. (I really do.) It’s probably my favorite dessert…served with a really expensive red dessert wine.
Maybe if we ask nicely, they’ll help pick up the tab. 🙂
I also met three people on here today from Illinois (Aristotle, MADCO and Arvadion) and one of them even knew my hometown. I’m tempted to extend the invite to the three of them, too.
He’s smart. He leads on many issues such as immigration reform. He can see which way the wind blows on others.
You may be the first person to ever say that Polis has “good political instincts.” In the last couple of months, he’s walked head first into two mistakes of his own doing (HC reform and Net Neutrality) that he has had to quickly backpedal out of.
We’re not saying his instincts are bad, but lets just say if he were a gazelle, he’d have been eaten by a lion a long time ago.
He’s a lot more independent than other politicians in that he can finance his own campaigns.
What it sounds like you’re saying is he doesn’t have to do what his district wants because he doesn’t need the donations and can buy more TV time.
Please clarify.
You can do just about whatever you want if you can self-finance to any degree. But that doesn’t mean Polis has keen political instincts.
He can say what he wants. He’s voting for the health care bill. He did so in a way that let the business community know that he’s pro business.
His campaign last year was sailing to destruction, and he had the willingness to admit some errors, change his hired help, and change his message. The willingness to admit errors is a trait that many professional politicians sadly lack.
His immigration work stands above the smears which keep most Congressmen from supporting sane reform.
The left wihg of the Democratic party should take yesterday’s results and realize that Americans are more concerned about jobs and the economy than anything else, including health care.
If the left wing of the Democratic party inists on destroyig compromise as part of the politcla process, it will destoy the majorities that the Democratic party currently enjoys.
On a side note, it’s sad that the youth so active in last years’ election have decided to go back to staying home.
but I still maintain that his signing on to that NN letter was most likely a staff f’up, not his doing. My guess is that as soon as he heard about it he barfed up his coffee. In the end staff is his responsibility, but good staff is hard to find, especially with D’s in power in the WH and in both chambers.
This is the very image of Polis.
Why did I click on the link? Oh wait! He escaped!
Oh, thank God. I like a happy ending.
I may just have to change my sig line:
Joan Fitz-Gerald was the last “lion” (and a pretty powerful one at that) that tried to take down this “gazelle” and he’s still running–and running strongly, I might add.
I agree with Ray’s assessment: Polis does have good political instincts. You don’t run in–and win–as many elections as he has, get the powerful committee assignments that he has gotten in Congress and have “bad political insticts”.
Jared isn’t perfect. And he chooses at times to do things that are not popular with the base. Neither means he sucks at the job.
The GOP nutjobs and their stupidz just took it right on the chin.
AP Sources: Dem Health bill to get AARP backing
WASHINGTON – In a coup for House Democrats, AARP will endorse sweeping health care overhaul legislation headed for a history-making floor vote, officials told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
An endorsement from the seniors’ lobby was critical when then-President George W. Bush pushed the Medicare prescription drug benefit through a closely divided Congress in 2003. House Democratic leaders are hoping it will work the same political magic for them as they strive to deliver on President Barack Obama’s signature issue.
An announcement from the 40-million member group is expected Thursday, said officials with knowledge of the group’s decision. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the endorsement is not official yet.…
Sen Candy-ass Reid just might have to change his change to the change about not having a Senate Vote on Health Care….
AARP has been one of the most visible organizations supporting health care reform. They’ve been vociferously supporting the President’s plan, and they’ve run a lot of television advertising to that effect.
Nice to see though.
AARP is run by whack job liberals who view The Taxpayers money as an opportunity to grow their world leading insurance business financial margins through forced insurance mandates and more cost shifting.
ps old people don’t like death panels
…but the AARP closed the deal on the Medicare Prescription Drug deal. Like it or not, it gives politicians the cover they need to vote.
Those damn grumpy old people vote in pretty high percentages…and they have all day to call Congresspeople and Senator’s office.
Bastien’s on LB!!!
Already supported the turd they brought to the townhalls, did they not?
(I could be mistaken).
The Senate isn’t going to do jack shit with health care until after the 1st.
Do they have flourless chocolate cake at Bastien’s? I just love flourless chocolate cake. Especially free flourless chocolate cake.
(warning – Sinatra starts playing when the page loads)
Why don’t you take the family to this fine Denver dive in advance of your future Pols dinner?
Getting a goofy House Bill done doesn’t win squat. It has to be ready to go to Obama’s desk, right? That’s what “done” before Jan 1st means.
I haven’t been there in years. I should go down there with the girls.
I mean the Catholic bishops?
So they’re for universal access- for everyone. Don’t have that.
They want a strong conscence clause (whateverinhell that is)
And the real pill- they want the Hyde amendment language banning federally funded abortions to be inlucded in any federal funded health insurance.
Your reporting on Polis was excellent. I think what was written here had an impact and I thank you for bringing his position on healthcare to the voters. This is political activism at its best.