(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
UPDATE: A reader kindly pointed out to me that Stapleton came out against the bill on Saturday. He answers a question about the legislation here beginning at 19 min 30 seconds. He says, in part, “I know the bill. I have not read the bill verbatim. My concerns with the bill are, number one, as I have experienced during my career at the treasurer’s office during seven legislative sessions, eight to be completed, no bill that gets introduced during the last 10 days is a good piece of legislation. Nothing that’s rushed ever makes sense. And my concern is, this bill was introduced during the last couple days of the legislative session. .. I am deeply concerned about the due process and lack of due process associated with the bill and what can be done to redress some sort of decision that was made on an individual unfairly….”
Prior to his show on KNUS Saturday, host Craig Silverman reached out to all the Republican gubernatorial candidates to find out where they stand on the “red flag” bill, which allows law enforcement officials to ask the courts for permission to seize guns from people who are deemed to pose a “significant risk” to themselves or others.
Silverman (at 9 minutes here): “Victor Mitchell wrote back, and he said, I favor the bill. Doug Robinson wrote back, I favor the bill. You know what, I favor those responses. Greg Lopez wrote a response. It’s unbelievable, the statement he released in opposition to this [proposed] law. If it was a seventh grade paper, I’d give it a D. It makes no sense. It starts with a double negative. And it gets worse after that. And Greg Lopez, I like you, brother, and you came to my studio, and I was there when you gave that speech to the Assembly, but you are not going to get my vote. Maybe you’ll get other people’s votes…
As for Walker Stapleton, he has not gotten back to me. Anybody who knows Walker Stapleton’s position on this issue, give me a call, 303-696-1971 [studio line].”
Despite the support from some Republicans, it appears the red-flag bill, which was passed by the Colorado state house Friday, will die in the state senate, but not just because the GOP members of the Senate’s State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee, which will consider the bill, oppose the legislation.
In fact all the chamber’s Republican members would vote against it, according to GOP Senate Majority Leader Chris Holbert, as reported by the Denver Post’s Jesse Paul Reported today:
When asked about potential GOP support for the legislation — House Bill 1436 — in the Republican-controlled Senate, Grantham and others brushed off the notion.
“There is no divide in the Senate,” Senate Majority Leader Chris Holbert, R-Parker, told reporters.
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Don't hold your breath waiting for Stapleton to reply. Mr. Do Nothing Treasurer hopes to be our Do Nothing Governor, so taking a stand on a critical bill that might upset the wackos he's still trying to win over just isn't in the cards.
Remember, the only reason the ammosexual crowd started emphasizing the mental health issue after each mass shooting was only because "Thoughts and Prayers" was losing its shield effect. They really didn't think anyone would take up their calls to actually do something, least of all Staplegun.
OTOH, Mitchell and Robinson did something courageous. They will be inducted into the Wing Nut Hall of Shame along with Dan Thurow, Cole the Mole, and Broccoli.
True, they each deserve some credit for either common sense, or a savvy eye to appeal to the newly enfranchised independent voters. Either one is a positive sign.
One day maybe RMGO and their ilk will once again crawl back under the rock from which they came.
Worked for Cory Gardner…
I'm guessing Lopez doesn't like the bill because he's afraid his wife beating incident might be interpreted as a red flag.
As it should be.