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May 09, 2018 04:28 PM UTC

Donna Lynne Campaign Circles the Drain

  • by: Colorado Pols
Donna Lynne appears to have nothing up her sleeve as the June Primary approaches.

Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne’s hopes of winning the Democratic nomination for Governor are fading fast. As Corey Hutchins reports for the Colorado Independent:

Two top staffers for Donna Lynne’s campaign for governor have left or are on the way out amid a staffing shakeup just as the latest fundraising reports become public and primary ballots go out in a little more than a month.

Lynne is a former healthcare executive and the current lieutenant governor who is running her first campaign for public office. She is one of four candidates in an anything-could-happen Democratic primary in Colorado. Her three rivals in the primary have raised more money than Lynne, with one self funding, and are also benefitting from independent groups spending on their behalf.

Lynne’s campaign — or what’s left of it — makes a pretty weak effort to spin this news as something less than disastrous, but we can’t blame them for that.


8 thoughts on “Donna Lynne Campaign Circles the Drain

    1. I’d still like to see a first term for Hick, he has the potential, unarguably, but in real terms he’s shown up even less than Walker Roberts . . . 

      . . . a third term of underperformance? No thanks.

      Hopefully, I’ll get to see a first term from a Governor (Polis or Kennedy) who has an agenda, and is willing to put forth the efforts to actually achieve something?!

  1. It's odd that the last three lieutenant governors were technocrats and weren't really politicians. Barbara O'Brien was known for children and education. Joe Garcia, high ed. And Donna Lynne, healthcare. If you were hiring someone for a job, each would be well qualified.

    Bill Owens had a couple of odd birds as lieutenant governor: first, Joe Rogers and then the right wing shill, Jane Norton. You have to go back to Gail Schoettler to find one who was an elected office holder before being tapped for the job.

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