Denver7’s Oscar Contreras reports, the teensy-tiny gene pool that is the congregation of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka is headed to Broomfield High School for their next maximum shock-value protest. Why Broomfield received this honor is anybody’s guess:
The Westboro Baptist Church, the group infamously known for picketing the funerals of slain U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan with virulent anti-gay rhetoric, is coming to protest graduating students at Broomfield High School on Tuesday.
In a flyer posted on the group’s website last Tuesday, the Westboro Baptist Church says they will bring “words of life and health” to students graduating from Broomfield High School in the hope that they will turn to God and repent for their sins.
Unfortunately for Westboro Baptist’s hateful stalwarts, fewer in number than ever now that the founder/head cousin Fred Phelps went to be with the Lord a few years ago, there’s a small problem with tomorrow’s protest:
The problem? Broomfield High’s graduation is this Saturday. If any students are at school next week, it will unlikely be the big audience the Westboro Baptist Church hopes to reach.
The group will be picketing outside Broomfield High School from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., hoping to deliver what they call “the truth of God.”
Among those truths, according to the group: “Fornication is a ruinous sin,” “God does not love everyone,” “God hates drunks,” “Jesus Christ is returning soon,” “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and their trademark anti-gay inflammatory remark, “God hates f-gs.”
With few kids on campus to receive Westboro’s message, this protest seems to have no purpose other than to piss off the local community for the benefit of any news cameras that bother to show up. There is a counterprotest being organized, and if history is any guide it’s likely to considerably outnumber the Phelps clan. Please keep it civil, punching one would only encourage them.
In fact, maybe just wait the remaining Phelps cousins out? They’ve got to stop pumping out haters eventually.
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God hates shrimp?
Are they picketing outside a Red Lobster?
That's a clever counterprotester. It's technically true. We're done posting their real signs.
Thanks… Glad you aren’t publicizing the Kansans.
My favorite counterprotest of Westboro was referred to in The Laramie Project — "Big Assed Wings." From the play:
Remember that G*d commands that meat and dairy products be kept on separate plates. You cheeseburger-eating sinners are going to hell!
McDonalds is a tool of Satan.
Yeah, and therein lies part of the problem. These weeping pustules on the left buttock of the universe remain and will continue to remain famous as long as Facebook dumbasses continue organizing counterprotests.
Their first cousins showed up at the San Diego EarthDay event last month. The skinhead in the middle of the pic was spewing filth I won’t even repeat. They were even quoting scripture to support ‘The Wall’. The line between Jesus and ‘dirty hippies’ is indeed thin.