“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”
–H. G. Wells
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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Senen O'clock and Trump stinks.
Even Kim Jong Un is staying upwind of him.
Do thou likewise.
How Trump Got Outplayed on North Korea
Check out the New York Times Editorial Board's assessment of Trump's administration to date. The country's newspaper of record is leaving our future historians a motherlode of information on how the GOP has become thoroughly corrupt, and is actively seeking to destroy our democracy in the name of greed and power through expediency and cowardice.
Wow…just, Wow.
I wish they'd tell us what they really think of him.
Awww…how sweet. You always show up to try to distract us with irrelevancies, whenever Trump is at his weakest. When even the most willfully ignorant deplorables have to be seeing through the lies and asking, “WTF?!!” you are there to point to “Crooked Hillary”.
How dependable of you.
Wait….next Gerbils will launch into a chant of "Lock her up!" A phrase made famous by Michael Flynn who awaits being locked up himself.
What a special week this has been. First, Fluffy returns after his Taller Coffman Sulk and now this one. Can Powerful Pear be far behind?
Unfortunately, probably not. Carnholio is a paid shill for Putin and Moldyanus is just stupid. The Pear was very conservative but no shill and actually contributed some useful dialogue. I wish he would come back.
True, I owe Roger am apology. He's a right wing zealot but principled unlike these two clowns.
The Russians are signing contracts for the upcoming election season. I'm hoping for some new talent…PissAnt and Fluffy are the Batman and Robin of incompetence and lameness. It would be cool if the Russians would hire a couple of trolls who could actually write.
We now know the real reason Hillary lost.
Obama and his minions were trying to help Trump.
Who would have thought?
Did you find out about the Tiki-torch rally in Charlottesville from Brietbart Cornholio? When you were in jail, who made you their bitch?
I wonder how much Breibart is paying his sorry ass for posting links here? I wonder if the Kremlin offers matching funds?
That's great political fantasy right there. Keep it coming, сволоч
I tried to read it, I really did. But halfway through, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe
Hey Gerbils — Is that all you got? The New York Times Editorial Board must have really gotten your panties all in a twist this morning:
And I'm sure the one you are most proud of since it's your whole job description:
I was only able to give you the highlights. The full list is really eye-opening.
But as a card-carrying member of the Depraved Political Whore Party, you probably won't.
All of those suggest Jenga blocks pulled out of our national foundation.
We know how Jenga games end.
Well, look what the cat dragged in. I’m going to have to talk to him about bringing rats into the house.
The wardens are letting you post these memes, jailbird Carnegie?
This is what #Resistance looks like.
Concerned by Trump, Some Republicans Quietly Align With Democrats
Even better … there are Republican donors who are abandoning the extremes, looking for some sense. From the Daily Caller:
And best of all — there are some Republicans who are now going public with their support of Democrats. Mercury News explains:
Everything is swell.
Dems control no branch of the Federal Government and about 40% of the Governorships.
Dem coffers are empty and you can't raise any money.
Everything is working just fine.
Keep it up.
Did you shave extra close this morning, Carnholio? You know trump doesn't like to be tickled when you kiss his butt.
I hope the rubles are worth it, because the stink must be unbearable.
Kissee, kissee, Trump butt, Carnholio.
Sup 2 Live Drew? Did you get out of jail? What was your cellmate's name? Omar or Dimitri?
That's what I was talking about, PissAnt. Is that supposed to make me clutch my pearls?
You will never win. You backed the wrong horse and you know it. Come back in late November and we will see where we stand.
You may think you have already won, but you haven't even come close. The T***pian party is a fascist party, intent upon eliminating democracy in America…but you will fail. In the meantime, the best you can do is to try to divide and discourage us.
And you know its not gonna work, don't you Andrei?…we are on to your plan and the end is near. Better think of a new approach, before the Yamster brings down your own dictator, Vlad the Smirker. Never fails…you bad guys always overplay your hand. But I guess that is just what eventually happens to all greedy bastards.
p>Connor Lamb. Doug Jones. Ralph Northam.
OTOH, you guys picked up Steve Lebsock.
Andrew —
Republicans control only the Executive Branch. Paul Ryan is the Speaker of the House, but cannot get anything done — not even pass a gimme Farm Bill. Mitch McConnell is the Majority Leader (by 1 seat) and he can't get anything done except confirm marginally qualified federal judges and incompetent nominations to the Executive Branch.
State legislative votes: In 2018, as of May, nine seats flipped as a result of state legislative special elections. Eight seats flipped from Republican control to Democratic control. One seat flipped from Democratic control to Republican control.
re: your idea of money. http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/383740-cook-more-than-40-dem-house-challengers-outraise-gop-incumbents
John, you are trying to talk reason and logic to a shill who cites Breitbart as authority.
Nuf sed?
I feel like I'll never be trolled better than this, even if it is unintentional.
What do you mean, Psuedo? The John Rowe donor story (threatening to cut off $ to Republicans who won't sign on to protect Dreamers) is a real story.
I posted that story with all the disdain and venom my tiny leftist heart could muster for the third-wayers selling out the Democratic party to the middle. But, I did it sarcastically, as is my wont. "Resistance" nah nah. JID responded as though I had posted it sincerely as an example of left-right cooperation, which I think is betrayal, but many centrists think is great.
We often talk about trolls as folks who post nonsense or disinformation like Moddy and Andrew, but there's a broad range covered by the concept. One old school way of trolling people is to engage with their conversation sincerely but in a way that the person trolling knows will enrage them. Classic case: take snide post (mine) and respond with more of the same saying "this is also great." It's a grand old tradition on the Internet. It takes some skill, too. I expect JID was just sincerely agreeing, but if he weren't that would be some next-level trolling. Thus, my appreciation.
For a sarcasm-free view of my beliefs, the tweet which led me to the story
Interesting. Tactically, I think it might be smart to ally with some Republicans for short term objectives. These might include:
Not provoking a war with North Korea.
Not firing Rosenstein or Mueller, letting the investigation go where it will.
Not deporting 400,000 Americans who were brought here as children.
Not modeling ourselves after a fake Putin-style "democracy".
Letting the Sadministration wallow in its own incompetence and corruption, making great unfulfilled promises.
Long term strategy? There are a few ways to think about that.
Outside of the scope of this comment, though. Write a diary about what you think is the best political strategy to save the planet and our democracy. Or what you think is worth saving.
Somebody said something like, "Democracy sucks, except compared to every other system of government there is." I know some Polster will have the exact quote.
Hell, even the Coke Brothers are leaning on their stooges to pass DACA legislation.
Here's hoping they use the threat of a cutoff of $$$ to their flunkies to get them to sign the discharge petition, vote to pass it through the House, and get to 60 in Senate.
Politics does indeed make for strange bedfellows.
I look at the names and ideas I quoted and can only think that this is another mechanism by which corporatist liberals and neoconservatives can get together to push the status quo before Trump and mute or eliminate the influence of the left on the Democratic Party. But, hey, we'll see.
Churchill rushed to aid the Soviet Union after Hitler attacked. Challenged by a rival who noted Churchill's long record of anti-communism, Winnie said, "If Hitler invaded Hell, I'd at least make a favorable refetence to the devil in the House of Commons."
Likewise, any man, woman, bear or platypus that stands against Trump is my friend for the duration of this struggle.
What mj said.
I saw that yesterday. Some people on both sides have fretted for years about how divisive American politics have become. Along comes the most divisive figure in living memory and slowly, quietly, Dems and Repubs are starting to make common cause for his ouster or defeat. He has united the country–against him. Maybe he'll accomplish something good despite his best efforts. Whodathunk it?
Trump stinks. And Carnholio is his shill.
This probably didn't even rise to the front page of any newspaper or TV newscast: