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December 01, 2009 06:47 PM UTC

2010 Front Page Guest Editor Elections Announcement

  • by: Colorado Pols

We’d like to thank our front page guest editors for the second half of 2009, ClubTwitty and ThillyWabbit, as well as special guest editor BarronX for their work and great commentary over the past few months. The whole community appreciates your contribution.

We will be holding an election for two new front-page editors Tuesday, December 15th. The new editors will start on January 1st, and barring anything unexpected will hold their position until the middle of 2010–at which time we’ll have another election. We’ll conduct one poll of nominees, and the top two finishers from that poll will win front page editor spots for the first half of a critical election year. And naturally, our current editors are automatically renominated unless they decline, in keeping with our general view on the deleterious effects of term limits.

To learn more about the privileges and expectations of our guest editors, read this post, and feel free to ask questions.

Use this thread to nominate (and second) candidates for the position–you’re free to nominate yourself, of course, and as always we are not aware of any restrictions on campaign spending.


103 thoughts on “2010 Front Page Guest Editor Elections Announcement

    1. He sticks it to the “Harolds”, “Humphreys” and “Hamers” with his honest political duct tape. And I’d vote for CT again if not term limited.  Or CT could come back again in the summer/fall of 2010 to assure the final stretch of the election cycle doesn’t have a milquetoast editor.  

        1. moreover, he’s respectful in his exchanges. I think that has to be an editor quality in order to qualify for this position.

          But I don’t think you’re serious. 🙂

  1. Steve Harvey, Red Green and, sorry, I’m at a loss for a credible conservative anymore unless special guest editor Barron X wants to become just plain old guest editor.  

      1. I’m both unqualified and lazy.  Don’t even write diaries.  Just shoot my mouth off as therapy.  Otherwise stuff tends to go round in my head while I’m trying to sleep. But this reminds me that you are qualified.  I’m tossing you in along with my previous picks.  As for Barron, I know you and Barron don’t get along but I’m a  fan.

        1. why do all my picks keep turning me down? 🙂

          And no on me (but thank you!) I’m about to get involved in a political campaign so I think it would be a conflict of interest.

    1. I would be an awesome fp editor. I’m not sure if I can take it though, I’ll let you know once the election actually happens.

      As your fp editor, I promise to actually read and participate in this blog should I be honored to serve. 😉

              1. The one with “Johne” in it. That’s my personal favorite for a variety of reasons. Although I like your current one, too. Nice to see we can buy our leaders so easily. 🙂

          1. or the right?  Keep in mind that your left is the other person’s right…

            Seriously, it’s nice to see you so calm lately,  you crack me up this way.  Angry, you’re insanely brilliant and a bit scary.

            Unfortunately my complaint was only to garner support for Danny.  I nominated him and feel like I should follow through with that.  He’s great, you’re great, I’m a jerk. 🙂

            1. That’s right, bitchez. I’m “insanely brilliant”.

              RSB and I know each other personally through some fluke and he hated me when I first started posting here but now he loves me, don’t you RSB? I’m sure if you give me a chance, you’ll grow to love me too (though I don’t know if I can maintain this sugary-ness. It’s sticky and makes me angry.)

  2. He is my news source for the western slope.  I don’t know what I’d do without the WS bloggers on this site.  The DP barely covers the WS and the Sentinel is a PoS, I guess I could try the Herald.

    As a lark I nominate Ali as the conservative blogger as he seems to be out of electoral politics for a while.  The guy has done some face palming things, but he never fails to be gracious and I appreciate that.

    I nominate MAH.

      1. I mean, he’s got the name recognition, and he already proved he can win one of these elections (he was supposed to be Democratic FP editor before I usurped him when he couldn’t go.)

        The public demands Danny the Red ascend to his rightful place in the upper echelon of Colorado bloggers.

        1. If I am elected I promise to start writing more diaries.  I haven’t really done it since I came back.

          It will be tough during the session since I get pretty busy, but I will try.

      1. Twitty brings a lot to the table, particularly environmental issues and moreover, he’s respectful in his exchanges. I think that has to be an editor quality in order to qualify for this position.

      1. I think, doh!  Why didn’t I thinK of that?  Except for Ralphie’s nomination of Libertad. I’m sticking with Barron X for the conservative view. And not just to aggravate you, Middle 🙂  

            1. Yes, exactly so.

              Does thing go in the dishwasher or the laundry?

              When Jambalaya is on, I need one for my monitor too. I find I can aim my laughter and spit away from the keyboard- but my monitor is not always so….safe

  3. for the “token conservative” slot. He’s wrong all the time, but he seems to research things and doesn’t just copy and paste. His diaries would be provocative, though probably still wrong all the time.

    1. Since Haners left and LB stopped posting as frequently, BoulderRepublican seems to be picking up the “conservative you can actually engage with” title.

    2. He’s got a point of view, does research, and exhibits the fundamentals of argument.  He’ll even concede a point on occasion.

      He doesn’t post very often though

    3. I almost never agree with him, but that’s irrelevant. Pols needs a principled conservative, and I certainly give him credit for that. He believes what he says and intellectually backs up his positions.  

    1. but on the bright side, the front-page abbreviation of your post is “What does it pay? I just got laid.”

      Seriously though, good luck. My wife will soon be out of a job too, and this will be the first time I’ve been personally affected by a recession since before Clinton was elected.

  4. On the liberal side we have so many – which once again shows that we liberals are both better looking and more eloquent on the web 🙂

    On the conservative side my first choice is Ali, second is Libertad (he’s had a number of spot on comments recently). And if neither is available, then I guess… ow this hurts… um… BoulderRepublican (because the first part of his handle is awesome).

    And do we have a good moderate as a 3rd candidate? Someone who marches with a banner that says “Be Reasonable… or we fight”?

  5. I’m so honored by all the nominations – thank you all! I’ve always maintained CPols as the best political website in Colorado, primarily because of all the great interaction and emphasis on dialogue

    I would actually accept the role, if voted in…. however…. there is a very very very good chance I’ll be running for office again in 2010… if that’s a conflict of interest, then I should politely decline nominations

    As far as my nominations – I’m disappointed Middle of the Road has turned it down – she’s terrific

    I was critical of Thilly and CT, but they have done a solid job – as a Western Sloper, I’m so glad they’ve both brought a bigger emphasis on Western Slope issues – that’s the most important thing to me – I also think Baron should continue as a special editor – please keep this special role for him

    Otherwise, I think RedStateBlues would do a terrific job, as would Libertad – thus, in addition to the renominations, I would like to nominate Lib and RSB

        1. and I’d be honored to be chosen, I just don’t see it happening.

          Starting in January I’ll be able to post more, maybe I’ll be able to get enough name recognition by the midterm FP elections to make a credible run for it!

          1. You’d be surprised how many people see your comments and like your analysis, I bet. But Ralphie’s right–everybody I nominate either declines or seems to be dead so, you know, I’m probably the kiss of death. 🙂

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