“Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion.”
–Francis Bacon
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: harrydoby
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Thorntonite
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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I won my lawsuit. Here is a great write up by Popehat. Here is an article in the Sentinel. Here is our release. Here is the judge's ruling.
I will certainly be posting a blog on this at some point.
Congratulations, Pete. I'm passing news of your victory along to some young activists fighting Extraction O&G in Greeley. They just won a partial victory ; 2/ 4 of the SLAPP suits were dismissed.
Congratulations, Pete!
Tune of "Wild Thing"
You make my nose shrink.
You make everything
You make me hold my nose.
I need to burn my clothes.
I think I hate you.
And now I know for sure!
House Republicans ready to claw back a $Trillion or so from Medicare and Medicaid that recently went to the X-Percenters. Is Bennet still parroting their rhetoric? Is he willing to make that tough vote? In the name of bipartisanship?
Zappatero: thanks for providing some needed comedy relief today. We all really needed to hear your latest anti-Bennet diatribe.
If only this was that.
The House Republicans are going end Medicaid and Medicare. Next up will be Social Security.
Those are so 20th century – we just can't afford it
Watching Joe Scarborough this morning mimic Beauregard’s interview yesterday on the Christian Broadcast Network (in full vapors mode) was SNL Cold Open material. A great tonic to start the day.
Sure. But Joey Scabs and Mika loved Trump until they didn’t.
That's only because they liked going to Mar-A-Lago and wanted to hold the wedding there.
That visit didn’t come without its consequences.
That’s splitting hairs, Zappy. He was always in the Jeb Bush camp (and for the record I think Jeb is a decent guy). I’d enjoy a link showing where Mika loved Trump if you find one.
Trump, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough: A Roller-Coaster Relationship
Joe And Mika Owe America An Apology
Thx for the links, Pseudo. I’m not a regular follower of MJ and didn’t know this history. They are clearly no longer in his camp. Given our current roster for VP I think Joe would be an unprovement. Not putting him on a pedestal – I remember his scandals while serving as a ‘family values’ Congressman.
Kind of a nice campaign ad:
Awesome ad. I hadn't heard of MJ Hegar before. I mean, anyone with the initials "mj" has to be awesome, anyway. But she really is. I hope she wins.
Congrats also from me, Pete. I'm happy I was able to provide a few bucks to help your defense.
Another good reason to elect Jared. The Supreme Court just made it a lot more difficult for small business to sell over the web. A lot! (I'm not saying the decision has validity, just that a consequence of it will be devastating to small business.)
Jared understands this. Both technically and it's gigantic negative impact. He'll work to bring the sales/use tax world of Colorado from the 19th Century to the 21st.
And plug for Hawaii that does this right. In Hawaii if you sell something it's a state sales tax. No matter what you're selling, product, services, anything.
I always advocated for a simplified internet sales tax that appoximate d the average levies of various citirs, counties, special districts and sta te. Say that works out to 6.8 pct. Any Colorado buyer pays that tax and it is forwarded by the seller to the state once a quarter. The state then divides that income between itself and its various subdivisions. Just one rate for the state. Arvada gets its share, Jeffco, etc. You don't have to worry if you're in the RTD etc. KISS keep it simple, stupid. With this decision, makes we can get the legislature to pass such a simplified levy.
Two comments.
First, my brother used to work for a national uniform supply company managing their taxes, Colorado was his nightmare. Many cities didn't have the ability to remit online so he had to send checks out, no matter how small, to podunk home rule cities all over the state.
Two: As for etailers, I'm sure Shopify and companies like them would be able to automate the taxes pretty easily and for a fee, remit them in bulk for their clients.
Getting the jurisdiction and from that who to pay – that's doable. Will need to go through a 3rd party (and pay them) but doable.
What % to charge, if any – that's a nightmare. For example, do you have to pay the sugar surcharge when selling in Boulder?
Or the one we could never get an answer on – do we charge sales tax on our annual maintenance? That covers updates (product, taxable) & support (service, not taxable). The final answer I got is it's up to us to decide and then the state will sue us if they disagree (talk about an anti-business department).
That's the beauty of Hawaii's system – if money changes hands, they get their percentage. And always the same percentage.
Oldtimer turned lurker popping up here. Hi!
So, I'm an election judge in Prowers County. Today was our first toe-dip into verifying ballots from U voters. Sadly, our first day's tally puts us at about 10% of U ballots invalidated because the voter wanted to swing both ways.
I have already had a couple of online conversations as to why double-dipping is not allowed. Here's something I am going to try next. Comments and suggestions welcome!
Let's say you're at a company picnic, and someone starts up a baseball game. "Hey, I want to play," you say. "Swell!" say the others. "Pick a team and let's go!"
"Oh, no," you say. "I don't want to have to pick. I want to bat for BOTH teams!"
And that would be a no. Right?
Hey Neon – nice to have you poke your head in the room! Hugs to all the Prowers County Dems (and all the other fine folks down there, too).
Hey NN…Good to see your user name.I hope you have been well.