“His saving grace is his incompetence.”
–Richard Cohen
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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Trump stinks.
Great God Almighty.
Trump stinks.
Stay upwind, America.
No one ever asks if Republicans have gone too far to the right – but it’s always critical mass if Democrats actually support popular policies that Americans support and that have proven to work in the past.
If Democrat policies worked so well why isn’t Hillary Clinton President?
PP, other than being pro-gun and anti-abortion, what are Republican policies? Seriously.
Fiscal responsibility is obviously not a Republican policy.
So what do you have?
Making sure people lose their healthcare.
Putting gays behind electric fences? Or as they describe it in Huerfano County, “American Values”
Question for Moderatus:
Does Pastor Worley and his moronic shill (who reminds me of Kim Davis) represent:
a.) Sincerely-held religious beliefs;
b.) A psychotic episode;
c.) The end product of home schooling; or
d.) All of the above.
Nutter is still trying to figure out if this is a trick question.
MAGAt. It's a legitimate question. There are just no answers that make you look good, but they're the ones that fall into your limited scope of understanding.
No taxes
…. that’s the Prime Directive, isn’t it?
Pear – I believe we credit that unfortunate outcome to the slave-era construct, the Electoral College. Remember that time when T**** said the EC was a disaster for our democracy?
Powerful Pear …
I think Trump won for a variety of reasons — not least of which was his promise to provide better healthcare for everybody, at lower costs. Or maybe his plan to end the wars, since he know things better than the generals. Maybe because he promised to bring back jobs and keep some from going away.
Any of those going to come true any time soon?
I'm still waiting for him to make good on his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall.
Which he is not building. *rump got 1.6 billion in the last budget, basically to fix and upgrade existing border walls and fences.
And Mexico is not paying for any of it. Former Mexican President Vicente Fox:
Current President Enrique Peña Nieto also reiterates that Mexico will not pay for the wall.
If Democratic policies worked so well why isn’t Hillary Clinton President…….
And let's not omit Jill Stein and her gaggle of Useful Idiots in MI, WI and PA.
Every time I see "Democrat" used that way, I wonder, if Republicans are so smart, why is their grammar so atrocious?
Why?…Your side cheated.
All you dedicated purple-staters and Third Way-ers (how’s retirement, Mark?) better sit down before reading this.
So, are the policies of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the ones that work? No one else has answered the question.
In what world are her proposals crazier than policy that guts health care for millions to give a few billionaires a tax cut?
So you (PP) are saying that you support dismantling Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid? That government should have no role in health care? You applaud the rise in income inequality and support Republican gerrymandering and policies designed to suppress voting?
Or are you some kind of RINO?
At least he's not your state legislator.
Georgia lawmaker Jason Spencer is under fire after dropping pants, yelling 'n-word' on 'Who Is America?
And here's the really scary part: he lost the GOP primary for re-election in May. Perhaps the party went with someone who was more strident in his positions.
Minor site issue, Pols.
If I click on a "Log in to Reply" link or the "You must be logged in to post a comment." link near the page bottom, I get a 403 forbidden message. I can login via the sidebar. Tried on Firefox and Chrome, latest.
Edit: Well, just in Tiny Tim Leonard’s diary. Maybe
a URL issuepermissions?