U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



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September 13, 2018 06:49 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The whole world is run on bluff.”

–Marcus Garvey


35 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

    1. Excellent article — I didn't know outdoor recreation is nearly a $900 billion market nationally, and $28 billion just in Colorado (directly employing almost a quarter million workers — how about that O & G industry?).

      The GOP's "burn it all" anti-policy on global warming would seem to put at risk the bipartisan effort to land the 2030 Winter Olympics here in Colorado (however you may feel about that), since by then the ski industry could be at risk of inadequate natural snowfall.

      1. Oil and gas industry claims to employ 200,000 workers in Colorado. Makes me wonder what sort of economic multiplier(s) it used to arrive at that statistic. 

        I base my votes mostly on public lands and responsible outdoor recreation.To his credit, Cory Gardner is one of the smarter Republicans when it comes to the outdoors; at least when compared to some of the Republican leadership in the state legislature. He and Michael Bennet are lead sponsors of a Senate bill to permanently re-authorize the Land & Water Conservation Fund. Gardner joined with Gov. Hickenlooper and Senator Bennet in leading the effort to bring the outdoor retailer shows to Denver. Now, if he would just get active protecting the taxpayers' interests by urging retention of the Obama administration's methane rule………

        1. CHB, I quoted direct jobs — not indirect.  The O & G job claim includes grease monkeys changing the oil in your car.  The numbers I saw were 38,000 direct O & G jobs as of 2015 (not sure why later stats aren't found by Google).

  1. The Gazette's editorial board has long strongly supported Stapleton's candidacy. Not surprisingly, it today repeated the misleading claim that Jared Polis filed no taxes from 2001-05. It failed to mention the actual facts (i.e. net income losses) as reported by the Denver Post on Sep. 11. Colorado Pols summarized the Post’s findings on the same day.




    1. Perhaps Polis should have announced that due to a potential audit, he was unable to release his tax returns until after the potential audit had actually concluded. What the hell, it’s worked before.

  2. Dianne Feinstein Withholding Brett Kavanaugh Document From Fellow Judiciary Committee Democrats

    The specific content of the document, which is a letter from a California constituent, is unclear, but Feinstein’s refusal to share the letter has created tension on the committee, particularly after Feinstein largely took a back seat to her more junior colleagues last week, as they took over Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings with protests around access to documents.

    The letter took a circuitous route to Feinstein, the top-ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. It purportedly describes an incident that was relayed to someone affiliated with Stanford University, who authored the letter and sent it to Rep. Anna Eshoo, a Democrat who represents the area.

    Different sources provided different accounts of the contents of the letter, and some of the sources said they themselves had heard different versions, but the one consistent theme was that it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school.  Kept hidden, the letter is beginning to take on a life of its own.

    1. Gee, being one of 18 Senators in a Social Security caucus would be a coup.

      Bennet is in a number of caucuses:

      Michael is a member of the following caucuses: 

      • Assisting Caregivers Today Caucus, Co-Chair
      • Olympic and Paralympic Caucus, Co-Chair
      • Outdoor Recreation Caucus
      • Aerospace Caucus
      • Army Caucus
      • India Caucus
      • American Defense Communities Caucus
      • Broadband Caucus
      • Cybersecurity Caucus
      • Ocean Caucus
      • Sportsmen’s Caucus
      • Human Trafficking Caucus
      • Impact Aid Caucus
      • Military Families Caregivers Caucus
      • Foreign Service Caucus 
      • Hispanic Task Force

      Perhaps you could call and ask a staff person about his decision process about signing up for some groups over others.

    2. Why are you "cherry picking" your initiatives? I see just one. As a Republican, I'm quite satisfied with Bennet's outstanding performance on virtually all public lands issues.

      1. CHB, Michael Bennet came over to Zaappy's house one morning and peed on his Cheerios and Zappy's been sore about it ever since. That's as good an explanation as any other. He's never had the testicular fortitude to tell us what his real problem is with Bennet.


        1. I have a slightly different theory. Zappy was a teacher in Denver when Bennet was running the school district. Something happened and they had a falling out.

          It is not ideological – although Zappy tries to present it that way. Blue Cat used to call him out on it because Zappy has supported Democrats who were as conservative (or more so) than Bennet without complaints.

    3. It’s almost like he’d rather be talking about Senator Buck’s accomplishments?!?  Zapp – you’re my spirit animal on a lot of issues, but bashing MB isn’t one of them. He does a good job representing us. As we move ever-deeper into blue territory I would expect him to move along that continuum as well. Unlike our junior Senator who legislates as if we’re a red state and Trump carried the day in 2016, Michael came to the Senate on a narrow margin-of-victory and has legislated as a moderate.  I’m OK with that  


    1. Davie:

      Politico ends the article with [Hickenlooper] said, “I’ve still got a list of 16 people, I think, that I am eager to hear their sentiments and their advice.”

      Okay, time for a low-tech poll:  Which Colorado Pols user(s) is(are) on Hick's list of 16?  I confess … I don't give advice like that and am not on his list. Add your confession about being on the list or your speculation about another from this community of movers and shakers who IS on the list for the general edification or laughter of the readers here.

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