(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
Left: “Old” Scott McInnis with a ‘stache. Right: The New Scott McInnis™ this weekend. Grecian 5® image courtesy
Settle the question, fashionistas: is gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis’ new look, with the not-very-subtle hair color and shockingly new gap between nose and upper lip, working for you? We’ve seen studies that show voters are less likely to trust politicians with facial hair. We tend to agree, but we make occasional exceptions–for example the Dos Equis guy. We would definitely vote for him. Either way, what we’re seeing here could be cause for celebration in the GOP–did McInnis finally start listening to/hire the image consultant we suggested?
A poll, without a doubt the most important poll you will participate in between now and (possibly including) Election Day, follows.
UPDATE: Leave it to the Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels to get the scoop: he lost a bet, or at least that’s McInnis’ story for the missing mustache. As for that wow-suddenly hair color,
At the luncheon, there was talk that McInnis’ hair also looks a different shade of red than it used to. Has he switched Clairol products?
“That’s above my pay grade,” spokesman Sean Duffy said with a laugh.
UPDATE #2: A trip down Lexis/Nexis memory lane reveals this isn’t the first time a McInnis Makeover™ has, if you will, raised hackles. Former Post columnist Mark Obmascik wrote in 1997:
Washington tongues wagged in 1995 when McInnis returned from a trip to Colorado with a noticeable change. His brown hair suddenly was blond. McInnis ‘ press secretary said the new hair color came because the congressman spent so much time meeting constituents in the sun. But the Associated Press’ Carl Hilliard, dean of all Colorado political reporters, wrote a column saying, “McInnis has tinkered with his hair color ever since he’s been in politics.” [Pols emphasis]
Blonds, of course, have more fun…
Another column a couple of months later:
[Ben Nighthorse] Campbell’s reluctance to shine stands in sharp contrast to his flashy rival, Rep. Scott McInnis. With hair color that changes as often as a mood ring, McInnis has bleached himself a reputation as Colorado’s leading political Breck Boy. [Pols emphasis]
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IN: Colorado Republicans Have Fully Ceded the “Pro Family” Moniker
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IN: Colorado Republicans Have Fully Ceded the “Pro Family” Moniker
IN: Colorado Republicans Have Fully Ceded the “Pro Family” Moniker
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IN: Colorado Republicans Have Fully Ceded the “Pro Family” Moniker
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IN: Colorado Republicans Have Fully Ceded the “Pro Family” Moniker
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kind of reminds me of Stephen Colbert. Dye and stache would be like the Latin TV host character he does sometimes.
New McInnis seems to be channeling his inner Stephen Colbert. I wonder if that’s on purpose.
What is clever little Daxon’s double or 0 bet ? Will Scotty have to go for a Brazilian if the Chargers win the Superbowl ?
Run, Stephen, Run! Can’t wait till Colbert has a piece on this…
But I think most people will like the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy version.
Also, it is amazing how much he looks like Romney.
Before, I always thought he looked the like assistant principal of my junior high school. Who looked remarkably like the principal on MTV’s “The State”.
Younger, too. Good for him on that one.
Jan 5th I said his porn stache was scaring the hell out of me. A couple of days later, he shaves it. I’m sure my check for political consulting is in the mail.
you should start pulling some double agent shit and plant some subtle, bad ideas. Sabotage and all that…:)
You mean shaving the mustache and wearing a bad wig doesn’t count?
And that’s a professional job, I guarantee you that, because his eyebrows match his hair. That’s no cheap Grecian formula job and I ought to know because I just spend $120 on highlights myself (sans eyebrows.)
He looks like a completely different person. Not exactly unheard of in politics, but it’s certainly a surprise.
Or is that just the lighting? Because usually when they dye to cover grey they go lighter orange, not darker. It might be hard to go for an authentic, western, good old boy vibe with this kind of obvious prettification. At least for a man.
…wherein people wonder which drapes match which other drapes, etc., etc.
Plus, I think the big problem is the suddenness and obviousness of the change, rather than the end result. It smacks of a mid-life crisis; did he go all-in and buy the Corvette, I wonder?
Hope he doesn’t take vacations with Mark Sanford.
And will he have to itemize the makeover as a campaign expense?
Well folks, you heard it here first on Pols, the recession is officially over.
Seriously, I do which is why I only have this done once in a blue moon.
O&G lobbyist with facial hair or politician without?
Seriously though isn’t dying your hair starting your relationship with the voters on a lie?
Dang. Maybe I just got Libertad in gear….
Because the poll used the word “trust.”
I’ve never trusted McInnis as far as I could throw him.
his wife’s mascara to match his ‘stache to his hair.
have a little spray tan action going there too?
yep, looks like it. I liked the porn star McInnis look better. He looks like Harold from “The Red Green Show” now.
Spray on tan, dyed hair… Somehow, I don’t think this is going to go over very well with the tea party crowd.
Which this is but then it’s CoPols. I’ve watched the video and seen stills of the event Saturday, Scott looks great and if Republicans are “fretting” (as in your other entry today) it sure isn’t Scott McInnis.
Oh my. Since when has there been a serious poll on Pols?
Are you always this much fun at parties?
And the fun part is I socialize with some great Dems and we have a hell of a time!
…on the aesthetic level. His policies (or lack thereof) are a whole ‘nother story.
As a young voter, the “before” pic made him look distinguished to me. And I dig people who hold on to the little personal touches: if he’s had his mustache for so long, that implies some kind of dedication to its upkeep over the years.
And so it’s a telling detail that belies just how scared McInnis must be about the potential of Hick jumping into this race. I mean, shaving the stache, going Grecian 5 and fak’n’bakin? What kind of dedication does that show?
It reminds me of the Wire episode where the Mayor Royce shaves his stache in an act of desperation. He still lost.
If this is the best his image consultant can come up with, so be it.
Strictly from an image point of view, however, it could be improved. Ask again mid-Nov.
Then why not go for contacts? Cat’s eye contacts.
But I am confused on the hair. Does anyone know what his natural color is? Is he graying, and previously coloring blond? This change is startling, and doesn’t seem to bear any resemblance to his natural color. Comes across as a bit too much attention to his hair (John Edwards anyone). Maybe he is trying to channel his personal hero, Ronald Reagan.
He’s been a politician for many years with his natural hair color – kinda sandy-colored as I recall. So what’s wrong with THAT color? If it’s about gray hair, men can either say “so what,” or they can cover the gray. Going to a whole new persona at this point in his political career seems a little odd to me.
That was the old Lawyer-Lobbyist, corrupt* CongressCritter.
McInnis_v2.0 is so much cleaner and Penry-esque.
*relax Ellie, I’m joking.
Penry’s hairline is receding faster than his retreat from politics.
This one doesn’t seem to look anything like him. But is that the point? Whatever happened to the Queer Eye guys? Emergency calls are in order!
Jambalaya has stumbled onto the truth. It’s not Scott McInnis in the video, it’s his Avatar.
…I feel nausea coming on.
he tries to stick his pony tail into someone’s fiber optics.
Unobtainium Black #5.
When do we get to start calling him that name like Rush did to John Edwards. Personally, this was a mistake. People can spot a phoney a mile away and this change just makes him look like a phoney. Of course the fact that he actually is a phoney doesn’t hurt either.
Edwards’ campaign was a flop, but I don’t think Limbaugh had much to do with that. He seemed to think it was funny, but it never caught on. Partly because it’s a reference that’s decades old.
But then, I’m a hundred. On the other hand, though, I’m 2 years younger than Rush.
You know, the time it was supposed to take for the Grecian Formula to gradually take effect, so that nobody would notice?
you know every day for sixteen days for that to work.
who uses hair dye….and I’m gay!
A different rug for every day of the week is both prudent and festive, which is the definition of “gay,” I believe.
there are plenty of unkempt gay guys who don’t give a wit about their appearance.
That said if Scott really cared about what the the guys from “conservative eye for the lobbyist guy” thought, I think he should have made a different choice for eyewear.
Meow! Kitty has claws…
I didn’t mean Arvadonian.
I just feel it is unfair to hold a guy to this high standard of grooming and fashion awareness because of his sexual orientation.
(although Republicans are going to start demanding you resign your post).
“…understanding the laws of hair color…”
Thank you crazy p. made my day! LOL!!!
Instead of going for “lift” he went for . . . for . . . the dark side??
try to avoid being ridiculed.
Hickenlooper in an otherwise Republican year will win by double digits. I bet Josh Penry is kicking himself for backing out of a race against this clown.
will he go with the Michael Jackson plan?
Broncos playoff miss costs McInnis his mustache
By Lynn Bartels
The Denver Post
Posted: 01/11/2010 04:28:32 PM MST
Read more:…
Governor Clairol, because he’s worth it.
Yeah, if shoe-polish black is a shade of red.
It’s good to know though (thanks Bartels!) that McInnis is willing to give up an integral part of himself after 25 years over a failed bet. That’s who we want for governor! A gambling man with no convictions!
WTF are you doing posting that!
just showing what can happen when you try to capture that with dye.
They were 6-0, and history showed that they only needed to win three of their last ten games to make the playoffs. Unfortunately, that looked like a sure thing, but wasn’t.
Also, it shows that he’s a man of his word. At least on that count. He’s probably at least as much of a weasel as the average politician. I’m just saying, you can’t take shots at him for this. If anything it improves my opinion of him. Not that there was really any other direction for it to go besides up…
or that the mustache’s removal was long over-due.
Danny: Dye job I think is an aesthetic improvement (again, only way to go was up), but makes him look like a used car salesman when it’s sleeked back like that.
RSB: I guess we know better now. You’d think a new coach and a new quarterback would’ve done the trick (the not losing 8 of your last ten games trick), but apparently that was wishful thinking. Good thing I’m first and foremost a Rockies fan. For now, go Vikings.
I don’t “trust” this reasoning.
creatively, crafted campaign fib. Let’s see, I’m shaving my mustache, so I’ll also schedule a trip to the beauty parlor, tanning booth, and then I’m off to get my new swanky glasses.
in a leather bomber jacket, we’ll know he’s getting some first-class image consultation.
to quote Nat X, “Yo’ mamma so fat, when she wears a Malcolm X jacket helicopters try to land on her!”
(apropos of nothing, if you’re wondering)
This one, I’ve since found out appears eleswhere, but when my best friend from grade school opened his bar in Wyoming, I went up for his grand opening and peed all over my boots from laughing so hard when I read this on the bathroom wall:
“Your mama gave me the best sex I ever had.”
and in different hand writing just below it….
“Go home Dad, you’re drunk!”
Has anyone verified McInnis’ mustache is actually gone? Maybe he just bleached it to the same amber glow as his new skin?
you will see its a body double
Saw him recently
his campaign can’t figure out what club is in what county. The Sunrise Republican Women’s meeting is actually in El Paso County, not Denver.
Check out their schedule that shows McInnis speaking to them in El Paso County.
Does anyone know who is actually running the campaign now?
knows for sure.
not much of a shakeup when his old campaign manager was the one who decided to leave. Guess some woman is running his campaign now.
I wonder if he squeezed in a pedicure and manicure after he scheduled his tanning and beauty parlor appointments.
Two-Faced McInnis…
This is interesting. Cosmo makeover was very popular with many people. But the new online version is very good too.
Maybe it should be a Mr Potato Head instead.

to that “You’re So Vain” video to Scooty?
Got Grecian?
All you John Kerry/John Edwards/Nancy Pelosi fans shouldn’t be throwing any stones at anyone from inside your giant glass houses.
Just sayin’.
shaved her ‘stache?! When did this happen?
Interesting that they haven’t changed any of the photos of him on his campaign website. So, you have the dark-haired, moustache-less version that’s walking around and then the older version all over the website. Which one is the real Scott McInnis? And can the new one produce a birth certificate to prove he really is Scott McInnis and not a near-double?
and in view of Hickenloopers’ announcement, I think the the Scooty-man should have left his hair brown…it is closer to the color of toast.
…please Stand up Please Stand up Please Stand Up.
Scott looks better than your people and you can’t take it so you attack him mindlessly. What does Ann Coulter say about the pretty girls? Enjoy your dogface feminazi wives, commies!
We hate him because he is beautiful.
You mean that horse faced dude that looks like C.C. DeVille circa 1986?
I’m not sure what she says, but her Adam’s apple sure does move around a lot when she says it.
“I am Colorado and So Can You!!!!”
As a political statement, I want to start running candidates against each other with famous moustaches now. The Lemmy Moustache vs. The Tony Iommi Moustache!!! Let’s rumble!!!!