U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Phil Weiser

(D) Joe Neguse

(D) Jena Griswold




Att. General See Full Big Line

(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Brian Mason




Sec. of State See Full Big Line
(D) A. Gonzalez

(D) George Stern

(R) Sheri Davis




State Treasurer See Full Big Line

(D) Brianna Titone

(R) Kevin Grantham

(D) Jerry DiTullio




CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Manny Rutinel

(D) Yadira Caraveo




State Senate Majority See Full Big Line





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January 13, 2010 04:42 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.”

–Theodore Hesburgh


105 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. I went to a house meeting for Senator Bennet to ask him how, specifically, he would fight for the strongest health insurance reform bill when he goes back to Washington. He  replied (paraphrasing), “I am concerned about skyrocketing health care costs and affordability for working people in this country. I am fighting hard to get the best of the Senate bill combined with the best of the House bill. Neither bill is enough — we should have had a public option. We can still get many things we want in these final days and I am going to do everything I can to get them.”

    1. 1. This is not Ritter-Bennet’s seat, its not the Democrats seat, it’s the peoples seat.

      2. He may be concered about costs, access, etc… but he’s voted for a turd and everyone knows it.

          1. I can’t tell when you are being funny in a crazy deadpan way, or just crazy.

            I live in a very R neighborhood, and move in mostly R circles.

            Mostly, I pass.

            None of them like her and only the delusional* think she;s going to carry Arapahoe County.

              1. or are you engaged in analysis?

                Economists and the market have almost uniformly indicated the market is improving.  Are economists always right (rarely) and is the market always omniscient (certainly not, but better than economists)?  I for one am always on the look out for the head fake, I’ve seen one too many dead cat bounces (just because you throw a dead cat against the floor and it bounces up doesn’t mean the cat is alive), but this smells like a real recovery, at least in Colorado.

                Now will it be fast enough for the reality of the recovery to sink in while the GOP is yammering about us being in bad shape–I don’t know, advertising has convinced alot of people that the Jonas brothers are a good band.  But the GOP running down the economy eventually will ring hollow, its just a race to see if they can get enough people to believe them before the reality of the recovery sinks in.  

                1. By their own numbers, the stimulus has been an abject failure.  Nobody is buying the “saved or created” BS anymore, and we’re a trillion dollars farther into debt than we ever were under Bush with zero to show for it.

                  “We didn’t know how bad Bush left things for us” is also a BS line of reasoning.  That just means they (the current admin.) didn’t know how to fix anything or how to properly read the economy, and have the wrong concepts of recovery in the first place, and now we’re left with an entitlement charge on our credit card that’s building interest every day.  Brilliant.

                  Who in their right mind would start a business (to make money, right?) under these folks?  Talking about pitchforks and creating an environment where people are afraid to make money while raising taxes and saddling people with mandates on pricy health insurance spending ain’t exactly the way to build business morale.

                  It’s like getting your ass kicked in blackjack 20 hands in a row.  Eventually the people with money are going to get up from the table and wait for a dealer with better mojo.

                  And yes, I kind of hope it gets worse so people realize that stinging feeling results from electing liberal Dems that like to spend our money that they don’t have.

                  The fact that freaking Ted Kennedy’s seat is actually in play should hopefully terrorize sitting Dems up for election in 2010.  Get ready to see spines turn to jelly.

                  1. Voters gave Republicans 6 years of unmitigated power to screw everything up as badly as it got in the last 9 or so years, and now after one year of a Dem supermajority, they’re going to punish Democrats for not being able to fix all the problems in 1/6 of the time it took to screw everything up?

                    Meanwhile, after the economy totally craters later this year, Republicans are going to get Congress back, and then do what exactly? Re-enact many of the same policies that got us to this point in the first place?

                    The GOP is going to win seats, they may very well win the Senate, but I don’t see how their being in power again is going to fix anything.

                    1. they’re going to punish Democrats for not being able to fix all the problems in 1/6 of the time it took to screw everything up?

                      Yes.  And they deserve it.  Giving Pelosi and Reid the authority to write an “emergency stimulus” bill that has little to do with jobs and a lot to do with payback for their friends and then shoving it up our asses with a Friday night vote puts all the blame on them.

                      We might have had problems, but maybe unemployment wouldn’t have been so bad and we’d still have a trillion dollars in our pocket.  

                    2. You’re saying the stimulus increased unemployment? I’d love to see those facts.

                      Voters may well decide to punish Democrats–or, they might decide to punish incumbents, no matter their party. Right now, the Republicans are the third most popular party behind the Dems and the Tea Party Party, so I wouldn’t count on everything to turn out exactly as you think it will.

                      But seriously, you really hope things get worse so you can advance your political agenda? How is that in any way different from crazy lefties in 2005-2007 who were hoping for things in Iraq to get worse?

                    3. Let’s see, Republicans took full control of Congress in ’95, but Clinton was in the White House and it stayed that way until ’01 when Bush entered the White House and the Democrats took control of the Senate.  Republicans took back the Senate in ’03 and lost control of both Houses of Congress in ’07.

                      I count only four years of total control of the Federal government by Republicans.  Of course I’m not using the same math Democrats are using to try to make a crappy economy look like shining gold.  

                  2. The stimulus added at least 2% to GDP which is not a failure.  It is success.

                    Measuring the discreet jobs added is a failure and I always thought it was a waste of time, but at least it provided jobs to the people counting jobs (hey more jobs created).

                    Truth is when the economy hits the skids stimulus is the best way to get the economy going.  Truthfully it doesn’t even matter if the government is digging holes here and filling them in over there, it amounts to money being dumped in to the economy.

                    The GOP’s preferred form of stimulus is tax cuts for the rich which also stimulates the economy since someone has to build all those golf courses. Of course when the economy turns around and you need to start paying down the debt the GOP has shown an unwillingness to have the wealthy pay their share.

                    Better to have short term spending going to our long neglected infrastructure.  

                    You say failure. The numbers say success.

                  3. You’ve convinced me, you are totally 100% correct.

                    It’s now clear the R’s will win the swing Senate seats (CO, MO, OH, PA,) and just about win back the house.

                    Rocking chairs for everyone – nothing to see here. R’s are in come back mode, and it’s 94 all over again.

                2. This makes things volitile and drives high risk.  

                  I could detail all the problems created by Pelosi, Bank Cmtes (Bennet & Bumbling Barney Frank), Tax Cheat Geithner (the one in DC) but you already understand the positions held by CATO, National Review, Community Banks, National Banks, WSJ, GOP, etc…

                  Danny I know you know about the markets needing to clear … and that dead cat bounce is the Democratic Stimuli.  Try to keep your head up and back to the wind.

                    1. A lot of people have personas here that you know there’s no way they are like that in real life.

                      Like you.  You’re really nice here but only a few of us know what a TOTAL DICK you are in person.


              2. When john McCain said “the economy is fundamentally sound”— The Very Day it tanked.

                Then watching republicans cheer terrorist attacks and hope/predict the economy is still on the skids by election time…

                The only conclusion is the Democrats are doing things correctly and republicans are hoping for the demise of America so they can achieve political power again.  

      1. Senator Bennet also said he doesn’t see himself as the incumbent in this race for the Colorado seat for Senate.

        So, that part at least you and he agree.

            1. When I challenged you turds last month that the GDP revision would be below 3.0, then 2.9 no one would take me up on the bet.

              Its truely sad that more Americans will be shuttled to the unemployment line by the Obama Express.  Just look at Don Mares UI issue.

              He needs to borrow $70mill this month, $80mill in February, then escalates it to $110mill for March.  If that is not showing your hand on forecasting I don’t know what is.

              1. ‘tad,  NO ONE will ever take up a challenge on ANY subject. You have no credibility on any issue, or any track record of honesty on any thread or subject.

                You’re done. Please stop harping about it.

        1. Wonder how relevant this observation about MA is to CO: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.c… (Essence: Coakley is an uninspiring candidate, people in MA are looking for someone/something to shake up the status quo. That’s how the Republican candidate comes across…so it says.)

          No, CO ain’t MA, of course, but is this the year to be, or be viewed as, the incumbent?

          Are people plenty pissed, a little frightened, and looking for action of some different sort than they’ve seen so far?

          Can’t say any of the likely CO Senate names are altogether arousing in the shake ’em up department, less so by the day. Hard to say what that implies for the outcome.

          1. Coakley has been very lackluster as a campaigner; she hasn’t gotten her message out and MA voters are (from my understanding) looking at her as though she assumes it’s her “right” to take the seat.

            Brown has been very good at camouflaging his right-wing tendencies and the Dems haven’t challenged him on them.  Now they’re starting, and I’m guessing Mass. voters aren’t really into someone promising to be the 41st Senator against Health Care Reform.

            People want action; they’re hurting and the government hasn’t magically solved their problems overnight.  The magnitude of the corruption, lax oversight, and lack of really strong (read: punishing) follow-up has been disheartening – and it’s going to come out of the hides of those perceived to be “in charge”.

            But it’s only been a year since we had Bush 43.  The people haven’t forgotten the GOP and what it did.  The result is that moderates and liberals are disheartened and not as likely to come to the polls.  Right-wing types, however, are motivated; they’ve been told they’re taking over this coming election season and they believe it – they have to, because otherwise “America is lost”.

            This fight isn’t about candidates so much as it is about re-energizing the moderate and liberal voters who are now contemplating sitting at home.  Replacing Bennet with Romanoff won’t change muchg on this front.

            1. Sad to say, hard to argue that, especially after the maneuvering of the past few days! Hard to imagine how the challenger could have hurt his image more (though I confess to a limited imagination…”He appointed who to succeed Salazar?”).

              To RSB’s point, (real or faux incumbent, make up your mind JO), well, kinda depends on the broader perception. Not a real, genuine, certified incumbent, no, but he (or his handlers) seems to be going about calling him Senator–nothing wrong what that–while himself claiming (I read somewhere) that he isn’t really the incumbent. (Hey, I said it first, Michael, I’m sure I did!)

              Hey, here’s an idea: let’s put these guys in charge! Or better: me! Now boys, there are plenty of chairs to go around. Let’s not fight. Michael, you sit over here. Loopy, you here. Andy, you can take Loopy’s place when it’s time. Meantime, let’s have milk and cookies.

  2. Gawker has an interesting analysis on the Lurching Beast that is Faux News…

    “The Murdoch brand of conservatism has always been more a convenient editorial pose than a matter of principle, which explains why he supported Tony Blair in England, Hillary Clinton in her Senate bid, and was on the verge of instructing the New York Post to endorse Barack Obama for president before Ailes convinced him not to, according to the Times piece. Any newfound dissatisfaction with Ailes could stem from the fact that Murdoch suddenly finds himself the owner of a fractured and racist populist movement and zero leverage with the people who occupy the White House.

    “So if Murdoch is about to bounce Ailes, it would be after coming to terms with an excruciating Hobson’s choice. What does he love more: Power, himself, or money?”


    1. Roger and I are the same age, more or less.  He was draft eligible during the Vietnam War.  There was absolutely no mention of what he did about his selective service obligation. Another example of those Republicans who support wars but had more important things to do than military service?

    2. …what either Tea Parties or the Republicans would be without Faux and its junior yapdogs. Would anyone come (to the tea party, I mean).

      But “journalistic standards”? Rupert? Now, there’s a news story! I can see the NYPost headline now: Ancient Aussie Gets Religion. Still, the Ego part sounds right. Wall Street Journal, exhibit A. (Or was The Times in London Exhibit A?) Amusing to think that “power of the press” includes the power to fire executives you don’t like–all of a sudden. Once a newspaperman, always a newspaperman. Fuggedabout all this TV and Internet and shit…

  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34

    Say what, Obama is now working his magic over at FASB??

    No not yet, but Obama’s new Soviet-style accounting will make it impossible to track jobs rumored to be saved or created by The Stimuli.


    WASHINGTON – The White House has abandoned its controversial method of counting jobs under President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus, making it impossible to track the number of jobs saved or created with the $787 billion in recovery money.

       Despite mounting a vigorous defense of its earlier count of more than 640,000 jobs credited to the stimulus, even after numerous errors were identified, the Obama administration now is making it easier to give the stimulus credit for hiring. It’s no longer about counting a job as saved or created; now it’s a matter of counting jobs funded by the stimulus.

    1. Further down in the cited article:

      “The new rules are intended to streamline the process, said Tom Gavin, spokesman for the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. They came in response to grant recipients who complained the reporting was too complicated, from lawmakers who complained the job counts were inconsistent and from watchdog groups who complained the information was unreliable, Gavin said.

      “We’re trying to make this as consistent and as uniform as we possibly can,” he said.

      The new stimulus job reports will continue to offer details about jobs and projects. But they were never expected to be the public accounting of Obama’s goal to save or create 3.5 million jobs, Gavin said.

      The quarterly job reports posted on the Web site for the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board reflect only a fraction of the jobs created under the program and can’t account for job creation stemming from other stimulus programs such as tax rebates and other federal aid, the spokesman said.”

      So, if he had stuck to the old system, you’d hoot and screech in your normal irritating manner. And now that they’re modifying the same system, you’re hooting and screeching about the results.

      1. in response to grant recipients who complained the reporting was too complicated

        If this doesn’t scream government bureaucracy and non-accountability I don’t know what does.

      2. it was just Liberturd and not worth reading any farther.  And on a completely different note, to be fair, it appears that McInnis hair isn’t as dark as it appeared on that recent post. Maybe it was the lighting. Or maybe they read Pols and did an emergency fix.  

    2. Thanks, Dan.

      Dan is right about the ‘editorial hack job’ but I also object to the inappropriate and, again,  ignorant words used.

      “Soviet-style”?  Let’s look at the actual facts:


      Now, maybe we should look at what ethics watchdogs have to say about previous administrations?  

  4. How much money did Speaker Romanoff raise last quarter?  How much cash on hand does he have after some expensive hires?

    What is Governor Ritter going to do with his leftover campaign funds?  

    1. Actblue had about 260k…….he had about 300k last quarter……

      lots of house parties and after hours at the Mercury.

      High figure 700k raised, with about 475k on hand is my guess.

  5. My new Brother-in-law has yet to hear from his family, and apparently the devastation is just mind-boggling.  Another friend of mine has her adopted child there waiting for paperwork to come through.  He’s alive, but he’s so little and things are bound to get worse in the coming weeks.

    Those poor people in that country had so much to fight through before this.

    I’m really appreciative of President Obama’s talk and effort this morning.

    1. The damage is horrific. They haven’t seen this level of earthquake in two hundred years. That poor country cannot catch a break–just when you think it can’t possibly get any worse for those folks, it does.  

      1. We interrupt your scheduled programming for this:

        Who needs hospital ships, doctors, food, supplies and shelter ?  You just need some good old fashioned Jesus talk and platitudes:


        Pat Robertson is a dumb old asshole. I wish they’d send him down to haiti so he could preach to them and then we could watch the Haitans form a circle and beat him until hes’ unconscious.  It could be a pay per view event.

        1. “They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III, or whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you’ll get us free from the French. True story. And so, the devil said, okay it’s a deal.”

          Why do people still give this man money? That has got to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.

        2. And yes, I vote we send Pat down to Haiti so he can bring the love and gospel of Jesus to them in person. They’ll really enjoy his company right now, I have no doubt.

          1. There is nothing that sickens more than snake oil salesmen preying on the vulnerable, ignorant and desperate to support his fat cat life.  If Robinson went to Haiti, you can be sure he’d be picking the pockets of the dead and injured.

            1. you know who I meant.  Took me three tries just to sign in to CPols today.  And I seem to be having more than my usual share of misspellings, grammatical errors, misplaced apostrophes, hyphens, commas and quote marks.   Something must be on my mind.  If I could just figure out what that is.

              1. No worries.

                I’m still amazed that Robertson is still drawing in the numbers he does and I’m horrified to admit that my mom watches him daily. He’s where she gets her news. Isn’t that just too frightening for words?

                I think that Robertson throws out this trash to justify his supporters sitting on their hands and doing nothing while our neighbors are in dire need. Then again, it may just be flat out racism because he has certainly made some eyebrow raising comments about people of color in the past.

                1. just a little further west and they get two channels – NBC5 and whatever channel Robertson is one there.  My uncles all go to the local bars to watch sports and the local diners to get the farm reports.

          2. Back in the old days I used to take a half a “blue pill” of Tylenol PM when I had trouble sleeping and it was nighty night.  Now I slam two and just can’t sleep when the young lady is rustling about.

            I just lay there and go through all the crap that has to get done in my head all night.  Yeah, fun times !  

            I shouldn’t complain though.  It is totally worth the loss of sleep.

            And as they say, this too will pass.  Thanks for asking though Middle.  

    2. Good to see that we can all be on the same side of an issue of importance. Of all the people who didn’t need this it’s the Haitians!

      Does someone on this site have insight into the greatest need asap, and how we can get off our Net-lounging butts and do something this very morning?

      1. Most international aid organizations have infrastructure in Haiti.  Ask your favorite international development and relief charity, Save the Children, Doctors without Borders, World Vision etc., if they have a separate Haiti fund, they already have infrastructure in place to begin delivering aid.

        The biggest problem right now is that the port and air facilities are crushed and only the US military has the capability to deliver supplies.

        1. And you are right about the agencies already on the ground–a CARE rep was just on CNN and said they have been there since the 1950s and have a strong system in place that they are already using.

        2. ….I’m never giving money to any agency that hands it over to a corrupt, ineffective government. “Us Liburuls” can shriek about faith-based aid societies, but from what I saw in the aftermath of the floods in the Philippines, they get sh*t done.

          Same same for the US Military. After having some advisors fragged by MILF terrorists, the Navy Seabees had no problem moving north and helping out the next day after the storm passed. They probably did more for the US image in the Pacific Rim in one day that two weeks of photo ops by Hillaryasaurus.

          The base at Rosy Roads in PR is not that far away. The Navy and the Air Force will build their own logistics point near the city, and they’ll get aid into the country quick.

            1. Bitch and moan, bitch and moan about the defense budget, ’til suddenly it’s “Send in the Navy! Marines! Army!”

              If only the civilian leaders were of the same par! (Okay, okay, we’re working on it.)

      2. Would be for the US Navy to send a hospital ship ASAP.  All the hospitals in Port au Price have been destroyed.

        If you want to donate, in a catastrophe like this, I always put my money on the Salvation Army to be there first with the least overhead.

        Salvation Army activated its amateur radio emergency net very quickly after the quake.  

        Things must be pretty bad down there. Reports in the ham radio community say that no amateur stations have been heard operating from Haiti. That’s a concern.

        At the risk of a lengthy Libby cut and paste, here’s a report from Arnie Coro, Cuban radio amateur CO2KK:

        A few minutes after the earthquake was felt in eastern Cuba’s cities, the Cuban Federation of Radio Amateurs Emergency Net was activated, with net control stations CO8WM and CO8RP located in the city of Santiago de Cuba, and in permanent contact with the National Seismology Center of Cuba located in that city.

        Stations in the city of Baracoa, in Guantanamo province, were also activated immediately as the earth movements were felt even stronger there, due to its proximity to Haiti. CO8AZ and CO8AW went on the air immediately , with CM8WAL following. At the early phase of the emergency, the population of the city of Baracoa was evacuated far away from the coast, as there was a primary alert of a possible tsunami event or of a heavy wave trains sequence impacting the coast line at the city’s sea wall …

        Baracoa could not contact Santiago de Cuba stations on 40 meters due to long skip after 5 PM local time, so several stations in western Cuba and one in the US State of Florida provided relays. CO2KK, as IARU Region II Area C Emergency Coordinator, helped to organize the nets , on 7045 kHz and also on 3720 kHz, while local nets in Santiago de Cuba and Baracoa operated on 2 meters.

        As late as 9,45 PM local time 0245 UTC we have not been able to contact any amateur or emergency services stations in Haiti. (emphasis mine)

        Amateurs from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela were monitoring the 40 meter band frequency, that I notified to the IARU Region II executive Ramon Santoyo XE1KK as in use for the emergency, requesting that 7045 kHz be kept as clear as possible …

        We are still keeping watch on 7045 kHz hoping that someone in Haiti may have access to a transceiver and at least a car battery to run it.

        All information that has so far come from the Cuban seismologists tell us of a very intense earthquake, and also of the possibility of other events following.

        Following the advice of the geophysicists, we are keeping the 7045 and 3720 kiloHertz frequencies active until further notice.



        1. in the plaza at Port au Prince, just singing hymns and wandering aimlessly because they had nowhere else to do and the infrastructure that is still standing is so unstable now that it’s unsafe to be inside.

        2. Father John Henault, HH6JH, in Port-au-Prince, made contact late Wednesday morning with the Intercontinental Assistance and Traffic Net (IATN) on 14.300 MHz, the IARU Global Centre of Activity frequency for emergency communications. Based on relays monitored at W2VU, Father John reported that

          he and those with him were safe, but had no power and no phone service. He was operating on battery power and hoping to get a generator running later in the day. He asked the station copying him, William Sturridge, KI4MMZ, in Flagler Beach, Florida, to telephone relatives with information that he was OK.

    3. Right now the quickest thing we can do is contribute money to the American Red Cross. or other group that works in disasters. There is no physical way to get there and do anything on our own, but the RC is already there working.  I am waiting to hear if the Mile High Chapter is going to send people there (we frequently supply disaster services people to these types of disasters).  

      1. I am now on standby. I probably will be bringing the call center up and online later this afternoon.  We will be handling all sorts of calls related to the Haitian disaster.  

        Again, money is what is needed – contribute to the organizations who directly work on disasters.

  6. Since the Ritter retirement announcement story broke, Colorado Pols’ daily active users has skyrocketed.

    It used to be that on a weekday afternoon there would be, at most, 30 people logged in in the prior fifteen minutes at any given time.

    Since the flurry of activity when the Ritter story was developing, that number has increased to being consistently above 40.

    Looks like some lurkers/new users decided to stick around after getting their feet wet.

    To them, I say welcome to Pols!

  7. So, the bloom is off the rose?

    Sad to say, hard to argue that, especially after the maneuvering of the past few days! Hard to imagine how the challenger could have hurt his image more

    If even you abandon Romanoff now, I might feel so bad for him that I will join his fight (whatever fight).  

        1. Hello,

          I’m sorry I’m not here right now to take your message. But please hang up and try again later.  Also, my phone number has been changed.  Please make a note of it.

          Thank you and have a super day!


    1. The State Department has set up a text donation system as well.  To donate $10 for Haiti relief, text “HAITI” to 90999.  Your donation will be funneled through the American Red Cross.

      One that I like: over at Daily Kos, they’re raising donations to send ShelterBoxes…  $1000 buys a box containing a 10-person tent, some essential supplies and a few things for the kids.  (Use the link toward the top of the Daily Kos diary to donate if you’re in the U.S. – it appears the main U.S. org site is down; the link I’ve provided is international…)

  8. I just finished a shift at Fox 31 staffing the phones for their call center.  We had 7 Americorps members helping too. You probably saw us if you were watching Fox 31 from 4 to 6pm. There was another team over at Channel 7 ABC helping at that call center at the same time.

    Tomorrow the American Red Cross Mile High Chapter volunteers will be on Channel 9 NBC starting at 5am. Then Channel 4 CBS at 3pm. I will be working the call centers so please call in because you might have the opportunity to actually talk to me and donate to help others survive.

    As I have said before – the most important item that can be given is money to the organizations that are directly working in Haiti.


      1. To this….


        McInnis endorsed motherhood, apple pie and the American flag in the strongest terms.

        I’d retort:

        As opposed to abortion, government regulating people’s diets, and aversion to wearing a flag lapel pin…

        But I’m not a smartass.


        Is anyone else as curious as I am to see how McInnis is going to reconcile the ‘Republicans for choice’ thing?

        1. The good people of Haiti weren’t punished for lack of faith, it’s because the refused to wear lapel pins.

          ANd I’m glad the FDA regulates food and drug.  The free market correction for fen-fen was just too gruesome.

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