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February 04, 2010 01:52 AM UTC

Williams Kills Silly Indian Mascot Bill

  • by: Colorado Pols

As The Denver Post reports:

Sen. Suzanne Williams just announced she is killing her own legislation on American Indian mascots.

She released a short statement:

“I introduced this bill because I feel very strongly that we need a conversation about the subtle discrimination between races and cultures, but as this discussion has developed I no longer feel that legislation is necessary to reach the goal of bringing this discussion into public awareness.

I want to continue the conversation over the summer working with the Colorado Indian Education Foundation to meet with school districts. I fervently believe we can build on our knowledge and expand our appreciation of our Native American ancestors.”

While it’s a good thing that Williams finally wised up (or was told to wisen up) and killed a bill that wasn’t important enough to take headlines away from more pressing issues, the damage has already been done for Senate Democrats. Still, it’s better to end the discussion now before it takes up any more ink making voters think Democrats aren’t focusing on the right issues. Now, if only Republicans could figure this out…


6 thoughts on “Williams Kills Silly Indian Mascot Bill

  1. Take the proposed bill in Indiana where some GOP representatives wanted to restrict hysterectomies in ways similar to abortions.

    It took them a few days, but they did finally get the message that their bill wasn’t going to get support and they were looking idiotic.

  2. Kudos to Senator Williams for recognizing that while this is an important issue, it was doing more harm than good as far as focusing on what is currently the number one issue in this state–the economy.

    She did the right thing and that counts for a lot. She’s right–this issue is important. She’s also correct that it doesn’t need legislation to correct it but rather, community involvement at the school board level.

  3. Seems like Sen. Williams got the message. However I wouldn’t characterize the legislation as silly, but rather the wrong approach to take on an issue better left to discussion with affected parties and to seek a non legislative solution.

    That being said, there’s little doubt Native Americans got screwed royally by the white culture, and disparaging and disrespectful characterizations are inappropriate. I think a high school sports mascot called the “Blackskins” with a cartoon characterization of an African American would be offensive, so a scrutiny of Native American mascots that demonstrate a similar  insensitivity to Native Americans is entirely appropriate.

    But let’s try to get it done without legislation and spend our resources on the budget crisis.  

  4. It’s clear cut issue. If mascots offend  then they should be changed.

    Coloradopols would object , and does, when the anonymity provided for hateful attacks reminds of the Klan and the sheet.

    Instead of John E, oh excuse me JO(and by proxy Aaron) , and Wade Norris referrring to ColoradoPols as Bennetpols, they advertize in the media that Coloradopols was known as the Coloradopols Grand dragon, and then publshed it in every onlime or paper magazine, then I think that coloradopols would take a different view of this issue.

    Tha analogy is legitimate, but since  this will get ignored, or anymously attacked, at least take a look at the this situation at Pine Ridge amd help if anyone can:

    Subject: State of Emergency – Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

    A State of Emergency has been declared on the Pine Ridge Lakota “Sioux”

    Indian Reservation. People have died. Many more people are at risk of

    freezing to death. Another cold front is coming in, yet where is the

    national media coverage?

    Does the ‘Lacreek Electric Company’ – a non-Indian utility often thought

    to be prejudiced, care that people are suffering, since they are pulling

    meters every day? (which is illegal throughout the rest of the u.s.

    during the winter months).

    What will Obama and the federal government do about this? While they dig

    out Haitians, indigenous people right here may freeze to death. What are we going to do about it?

    Help put this message out for help. The children and families of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation need our help now. It is urgent that all 40,000 residents of the Oglala Nation have electricity and propane.

    Call LaCreek toll free at 800-655-9324 or (605)685-6581 to see how you can

    help pay into a customer’s account, example $5 into ten customers would

    require a $50 donation by you. Tell LaCreek to make sure tanks are full

    for ALL area residents between the months of November to March – and to

    collect any delinquent payments between April and October.

    Also, check out this non-profit to see if it is appropriate for you:

    Arlene Catches The Enemy 605-867-5771 Ext 13.

    Tax Deductable, Non-Profit (501-c-3). She can take credit cards over the

    phone: Pine Ridge Emergency Fund, C/O Economic Development Administration

    PO Box 669, Pine Ridge, SD 57770-0669

    And call Lakota Plains Propane at 605-867-5199 and find out what homes have elderly or children and if they need money put down on their account to be

    able to have a warm home tonight.


    List to assist Elders at Pine RidgeShare

    Below are several Elders in the Kyle Community of Pine Ridge that are in immediate need of assistance. The contact information has been confirmed and permission has been granted to share their information with you.

    There are several ways I will mention where assistance is needed and I’ll share here before I begin the information for where you can assist in paying for Propane for those who need it or to contact a local grocery store to pay for food for families who need this. Other ways of assisting the individual families will be listed with their contact information below.

    To pay for propane for any individuals listed below use the information here and be sure to make your payment to the account of the individual(s) you choose to help. The propane company requires a minimum order of $120 of fuel before they will make a delivery to the individual. You can also pay for a persons propane and they will credit the individuals account so that when they do run out of any fuel they may have at the moment they can simply call and the company will deliver more.

    Lakota Plains Propane (will take credit card)

    Highway 407

    Pine Ridge, SD 57770


    Be sure to request a receipt and use the contact for the person you are helping to call and followup to be certain they received the help you paid for.

    Kyle Grocery (will take credit card)

    Owner: Liz May


    Again be sure to follow up with the person you make a donation for to be sure they received the appropriate credit for purchasing food.

    Elders in need are as follows:

    Adolph Bull Bear


    He remains in need of continued assistance for propane, his son who is disabled lives with him and he is in need of food assistance which you can contact Kyle grocery (above) to make a donation for food. He will also need help with his electric bill.

    Arlene Talks (age 72)


    She has a daughter and a granddaughter (age 7) who lives with her and is in need of propane and food assistance and you can contact the propane and grocery above to assist. You could also contact her for mailing address to send items for her granddaughter such as clothes, etc.

    Janice One Feather (age 61)


    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 44, Kyle SD 57752

    For Propane Delivery give House # 307

    She has two grandsons living with her. Asa Steele age 7 and Dillon Westover age 9. You can mail donations for the two boys to the mailing address above for her and if you mail by fedex, UPS, etc use the house #307 Kyle SD 57752. She is in desperate need of food assistance and propane and you can use the info for propane and grocery companies above to pay for those items.

    Donna Garnette



    She has two grandchildren (Boy and girl), you can contact her for an address to offer assistance in clothes, etc for the children. She is in need of Propane and food assistance and you can use the info above for both companies to assist them with that.

    Lilly Mae Red Eagle (age 88)


    Mailing address: P.O. Box 2, Kyle SD 57752

    For propane delivery give House #HC2

    She is in need of Propane and food assistance. You can use the info above for both companies to assist them with that. For deliveries by fedex, ups, etc use the house #HC2 Kyle SD 57752

    Perlene Yellow Wolf (age 65 approx)


    She is in need of propane and food assistance. She lives with her daughter Crystal and three children. You can use the info above for both companies to assist them with that. They have a lot of problems with pipes freezing so if anyone in the immediate area could help with this that would be greatly appreciated.

    May you be richly blessed for sharing your blessings with these elders and ensuring some relief to their suffering. Please help now as the need is immediate but please remember to help again in the future if you are able to as their needs are continual. Thank you in advance for sharing your love and helping these elders.

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