I hope your holiday season was was wonderful and you enjoyed some quality time with your friends and family. The week, the new progressive Colorado legislature gets to work with a huge backlog of important legislation to consider. Tomorrow, the state’s new Governor Jared Polis will be sworn in, and then the fight is on to start making life better for Coloradans in immediate, tangible ways.
There has perhaps never been a more exciting time to be a progressive in Colorado. In the coming weeks, we’ll be in touch with opportunities to get directly involved with passing priority legislation at the state level. Many of the laws that most directly impact our daily lives come from the state capitol in Denver, not from Washington, and time after time it has been the testimony and support of regular people that makes the difference. Stay tuned!
Help support a living wage for every Denver employee. Workers at Denver International Airport have been fighting for $15 an hour, and the traction their effort is getting has prompted Denver’s mayor to propose extending that wage to everyone who works for the city—including contractors and vendors. Studies have shown conclusively that better wages for working people help everyone prosper and boost the economy. Click here to sign a petition in support of $15 an hour for every Denver city employee.
Once that’s done, make sure you’ve downloaded the RiseUp activism app to your smartphone! We’ll continue to produce these weekly email alerts, but the best source for up-to-the-minute information about action alerts and events is via RiseUp’s real-time notification system.
Thanks as always for everything you do to fight back for our shared progressive values. Here are more great ways to fight back for the week of January 7:
Featured Event: The Resistance 5280: Need to Impeach Rally
With a majority of seats in the House of Representatives next year, Democrats can initiate impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. It’s important we continue to show up in large numbers to keep the pressure on Democrats not to back down. We don’t want to wait another 2 years to vote him out when he is systematically destroying our country!
Where: Colorado State Capitol, 200 E Colfax Ave, Ste 136, Denver
When: Sunday, January 13 at 3:00pm
Fracking Colorado: Aurora’s being Fracked! Speak Out at City Council meeting!
We are very concerned for Foxridge Farm mobile homes. They are already surrounded by existing fracking sites, and are hit by plumes from black smoke from the Wattenburg plant every few months. And now Aurora has administratively approved yet another large industrial facility just 1000 feet away from their homes.
Where: Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Aurora
When: Monday, January 7 at 7:00pm
Womxn’s March Denver Community Forum
Join us on January 8, 2019 from 5:30-7:30pm for a community forum dedicated to intersectionalty, allyship, and connection. This is an opportunity to meet with the organizers, ask questions and engage with Womxn’s March Denver’s new direction. See you there!
Where: Whittier Cafe, 1710 E 25th Ave, Denver
When: Tuesday, January 8 at 5:30pm
The Election’s Over – Now What?: Strategies for Bipartisanship
Building Bipartisan Bonds is back after a long slumber! Whether you liked the outcome of November’s election or not, join us on Tuesday, January 8 at Improper City at 6pm for our next round of conversation with Coloradans of different political persuasions. Our special guests will be Republican State Representative Hugh McKean, former Republican State Representative Polly Lawrence, and Democratic State Senator Jeff Bridges. They’ll share their thoughts on how we can move away from the political partisanship that characterized much of the recent election, as well as some of their experiences working across the aisle on bipartisan initiatives.
Where: Improper City, 3201 Walnut Street, Denver
When: Tuesday, January 8 at 6:00pm
Denver Streets Congress
The Streets Partnership hosts the Denver Streets Congress to build and engage dialogue with the public about how to support people-friendly streets in Denver.
Where: Parr-Widener Room (389) 1437 Bannock St, Denver
When: Wednesday, January 9 at 11:30am
Latin America’s Democratic Decline+Possibilities for Resistance
The Sié Center for International Security and Diplomacy and the Latin American Center at Korbel are pleased to present a lunchtime talk featuring around these main questions – Why is democracy in crisis in Latin America? Is Brazil likely to return to dictatorship under Bolsonaro? And what are the prospects for civil resistance in increasingly authoritarian regimes? This event is free and lunch is provided, please RSVP.
Where: Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security & Diplomacy, 2201 South Gaylord Street, Denver
When: Wednesday, January 9 at 12:00pm
PPVC Legislative Kick-Off Happy Hour
Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado is excited to get to work during this 2019 legislative session. Come learn about our legislative priorities and mingle with activists, partners, and elected officials. We’re excited to kick off this session and hope you’ll join us as we work towards expanding access to reproductive health care across our state.
Where: Near Colorado State Capitol, Denver (location on RSVP)
When: Wednesday, January 9 at 5:00pm
Women Who Wine: The Notorious RBG
You may have heard of the Notorious RBG, but you’ve never seen her like this. Come and check out an exclusive screening of RBG, the renowned documentary detailing the life and work of SCOTUS legend Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We’ll taste and sip wines made by Wild Women Wine while we watch the film. After, we’ll take action for equal pay.
Where: Wild Women Wine, 1660 Champa St, Denver
When: Wednesday, January 9 at 6:30pm
The Purple Ball: from the Hate State to the Great State
Join One Colorado for an unforgettable evening honoring our state’s LGBTQ history with special guests Jared Polis, our first gay Governor, and Marlon Reis, our First Gentleman. The day after Jared Polis is sworn in as Colorado’s 43rd Governor, we invite you to celebrate this history-making moment: America’s first openly gay governor.
Where: EXDO Event Center, 1399 35th St, Denver
When: Wednesday, January 9 at 7:00pm
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative: Health Care Advocacy Training
Colorado’s legislative session will bring a lot of opportunities to advance health care policy. Join us to learn advocacy basics and different ways you can advocate for a better health care system. Come join us for this free training to learn how you can make your voice heard on the health care issues that are important to you. We’ll walk you through the who, what, where, when, why and how of health care advocacy, provide a quick overview of the health care landscape, answer your questions, and give you practical next steps to start your advocacy efforts.
Where: Benefits in Action, 8725 W 14th Ave, Suite 102, Lakewood
When: Thursday, January 10 at 3:00pm
Colorado Common Cause: 2019 Legislative Preview
Colorado Common Cause works to win concrete, pro-democracy reforms that break down barriers to participation, ensure each of us has an equal voice and vote, and rebuilds trust in our government. And we do that right here in Colorado. Join us in January to learn how we can ALL strengthen our democracy in Colorado. Learn how bills are introduced, debated and passed – as well as how Colorado Common Cause participates in this process.
Where: Irish Snug, 1201 E Colfax Ave, Denver
When: Thursday, January 10 at 5:00pm
Craftivism and Craft Beers
Join NARAL at Wood’s Boss with other choice activists as we make feminist themed crafts while drinking delicious beer! Feel free to bring your own craft supplies from the list provided. We will have some on hand and are asking a $5 donation if you use ours. Looking forward to crafting and craft beer-ing!
Where: Woods Boss Brewing, 2210 California St, Denver
When: Thursday, January 10 at 6:00pm
Denver Women’s Commission January Meeting
The Denver Women’s Commission meets once a month to discuss policy suggestions for Denver Mayor, Michael B. Hancock, concerning the well being of Denver’s women and girls. All are welcome to join!
Where: Rose Andom Center, 1330 Fox Street, Denver
When: Thursday, January 10 at 6:00pm
One Colorado’s Welcome to Volunteering Night
Join us to learn more about One Colorado’s mission and ways you can support LGBTQ Coloradans and their families.
Where: One Colorado, 1490 Lafayette St, Ste 304, Denver
When: Friday, January 11 at 5:00pm
We’ll see you next week with more ways to take action.
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
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IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Thorntonite
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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And call your Senators to ask them to join Senator Chris Van Hollen's proposal to refuse to consider any bills until McConnell allows a vote on re-opening the government.
Senator Cory Gardner: 202-224-5941
Senator Michael Bennet: 202-224-5852