“People wait until they have a need for some history and then they customize it to suit their purposes.”
–Neal Stephenson
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IN: Wednesday Open Thread
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: harrydoby
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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Oh, to be young again…
Lol. I love how terrible conservatives are at anti-socialist messaging.
If the right is going to ask the scary question
"What will 'Medicare for All' cost?"
then they should answer the question
"What will the 2018 Tax Plan cost?".
Who knew? Reading the articles on Rep. John Dingell, I found his birth in Colorado Springs, CO to be an unexpected connection.
The People's Fair is not coming back this year. I am about 90% sure I never went to one because they have been expensive and crowded as long as I have been aware of it (I used to live in rural Colorado, I have only been in Denver since about 1999). So for me this is just a sign of times changing rather than a personal loss.
Sigh. It began as the Capitol Hill People's Fair at Morey Middle School. As a Capitol Hill resident I loved it. Outgrowing Morey, it moved to East High and I still loved it. Still have many art pieces I bought in those early years.
But nothing fails like success. After it moved to Civic Center it became just another excuse to sell overpriced turkey legs. It no longer reflects the joy of our community and I haven't attended in years.
Nothing fails like success.
I hope it'll return. If it's too big to handle, they should shrink it and move it back to East High. It hasn't been the same since it moved to Civic Center.
Who "they"?
We is "they"… "they" is us.
Always. Before, I used to live in a different city. Some neighbors and friends wanted to have a party in the street. One maybe two blocks- liquor, music, some booths that would be of interest and fun for us. Open- but what we wanted. It became very popular. It moved to more wide open space. Then to even further more wide open space.
There is no "they"
Since I live in West Wash Park rather than Capitol Hill, "they" would be CHUN. I wish CHUN would take it back and downsize it back to manageability. Better?
Yes….community festivals should be community-sized. Human scale, where you can see from one end to the other, not a megafest with banks of porta-potties and three stages and a beer garden, where you have to wall off downtown for a day and throw all of the homeless out for two.
It says that the People's Fair will be back in 2020. That's good news. Not many people know that the Capitol Hill People's Fair originally started as an idea from the Rocky Mountain Women in the Arts, which wanted to make an art and cultural fair showcasing female artists.
The usual folks said, "Why ya gotta be all sexist like that – what is this "Women's" shit?" and so it got opened up and organized for the entire arts community. The Women Artists group did have a couple of shows, one at "Soup's On" restaurant – (remember them?) at which I had a couple of pieces.
Elizabeth Warren did her campaign kickoff today….
Anyone else worried about the Democrats' Massachusetts Curse should she end up as the nominee?
Not really. (and if she gets real traction, lots of haters will point out she's not from MA.)
Elizbeth Warren had a strong campaign launch today. Her honesty,competence, and commitment shine through. Check out the trolls' comments on the CBS news video, though…they're all promoting the exact same talking points. I guess originality costs more per post.
Presidential politics is hard and can be really harsh.
But as soon as we pass that law that says only the high information, well informed voters may vote and then they vote by policy positions and not gender, race, orientation, height, religion or alma mater we'll be good.
Until then – please remember Presidential politics is electoral math.
Which states can she win that HRC lost?
I would guess Michigan would be in play.
But she would need at least two of PA, OH, WI, FL
Nothing else from the Trump states would seem to be in play.
Sure the comments are misogynist, low information, sport. Nothing new there.
I love that she's right about almost everything.
Can she win?
It's too early to really horse race all the D possibles. But the math is no different for any of them. It's not personal – it's electoral.
BTW – Starbucks guy maybe puts a T state or two in play. But the math is still the math – and in a 3-way, Trump wins
Warren can win WI in addition to MI but she will have difficulty in OH. Her protege, Richard Cordray, lost the governorship last November.
Our champion Amy Khobuchar due to enter the lists today. Sadly, her momentum has been stalled by claims she is cruel to her staff.
Funny how we don't see mean-to-the-staff takedowns about male politicians, unless it's sexual sins.
Fair point – but we will
She wasn't "mean to her staff". She threw heavy binders at them, yelled at them, and was overall abusive towards her staff. There was a telling story about a terrified aid being forced to tell another aid that Klobuchar was running late because she had messed up. That goes well beyond being mean.
She also has a higher turnover rate for staff than most of the senate. Between 2001 and 2016 she's had the highest turnover rate of staff in the senate. Since then, Chris Van Hollen and John Kennedy have surpassed her, but she remains at the third highest in the senate, and neither of them are running for president. Of course, on its own, a high turnover rate means nothing, but it serves to back up the allegations made by her staff about her since that's exactly what we'd expect from an abusive boss.
To characterize this sort of behavior as "meant-to-staff" is honestly really gross. She's abusive towards her employees, not simply "mean".
V., that is a two-edged sword. As a general principle, I don't think it is appropriate for a supervisor to throw loose-leaf binders at subordinates. OTOH, if she ends up going up against Two Scoops, the reports of her cruelty mean that she will not tolerate any of his crap.
I still like her. As of now, my preferences are Biden, Klobuchar and Booker in that order.
In order
Won't win west of PA or Florida.
Won't win east of Wisconsin
Wild card.
Biden, 76, is just too old. If elected and re-elected, he'd be president at 86. Only Bernie — 77 — is older.
The only way Biden pulls this off is by announcing that he will only be a one-term president.
I know, it makes him a lame duck from the get-go. But if he is the Dem with the best shot of taking back PA, MI, WI and maybe OH and FL, then that may be the price we end up having to pay.
It makes the VEEP-stakes much more important. I am guessing he would go with Amy Klobuchar or Kamala Harris for VP.
I don't think you understand Waukesha or Oconomowoc.
What a pleasant surprise to catch an in depth report on hemp production on the U.S. Farm Report this morning…featuring our good friend, Michael (Mr. Hemp) Bowman.
Well done, Michael! Your hard and diligent work seems to be paying off. 👍
Thanks for the heads up, Duke. I'll check it out. Congrats, Michael.
"Can't anybody here play this game?" That was Casey Stengel's lament as manager of the spectacularly inept 1963 NY Mets. And the answer was no, no they can't.
I thought of that quote when thinking about the bind that Dems have in VA today. They are on the brink of handing the governorship to a Republican because of two instances of wearing blackface in the past and a sexual assault allegation. But, I'm going to change the name of the game. The name of the game is politics. Liberals and Democrats do not know how to play that game. Do you really think we are winning today? Sure, we took back the House, but we lost three Senate seats and Trump is freaking president. Conservatives are getting everything their cold hearts have ever desired. Beyond the headlines like the Supreme Court appointments and tax cuts for the wealthy, God only knows what regulatory havoc they are wreaking in every single federal agency.
So what do liberals and Dems do? They throw out of office anyone who had a past transgression, even when it wouldn't have been illegal. (e.g., wearing blackface is not illegal even today.) They don't consider repentance or, most importantly, the policies these Dem leaders support today. Do you think the VA GOP speaker who might become governor will fight for the same progressive policies of the Dems he replaces?
We better learn how to play the game of politics because conservatives do. (Remember that Frank Luntz coined the term "death tax" paving the way for elimination of all inheritance taxes.) Conservatives and the GOP are more than happy to step in after we execute our own leaders and concede the playing field.
Yup…what you said.👍
– No one can make the Virginia gov or lt gov resign. I doubt they are both impeachable. So I agree – D's should stop whining and be tough. If neither the Governor nor the Lt Gov resign – impeach them both? doubtful
– politically it's… pointless? weak? to claim that your opponent is unfit because <_______> and then not enforce the same standard on your guy
– live by identity politics, die by identity politics (or cheating, lying, corruption)
It's not about a 'youthful indiscretion,' or a 'mistake'
It's about personal change and values that a candidate aspires to, and at some point adheres to.
So if Governor blackface stepped up and said something like – when I was younger I was dumber. I didn't understand why performing or posing in blackface was inappropriate. I have learned since why it is so hurtful and inappropriate. I apologize for that ignorance
I would say- ok. get back to work.
Instead it's I didn't do it, it was not me, there is no video, ..oh, there is video? if I did it wasn't intentional, it wasn't important…wait it was intentional? and it was important? Well – wahtabout that time this other guy did something … and it was 40 years ago
I don't demand perfection in candidates or the leadership. I do want to demand comprehension. I want aspiration to the values that matter.
In the end- I suck, because I will accept a lot of imperfection to get someone who can win.
I can't help but think about everything I read about Watergate and how Nixon decided to resign. And how and why LBJ in '68 decided not to run. (also that LBJ announced that in MArch of 68 – just a few months before the convention and how the whole world went to hell just after he announced.)
This view from a conservative Republican:
He's got it. Show me someone who never did anything regrettable and I'll show you someone who never did anything worthy either
Roberto Clemente.
Roger Staubach.
Michael Jordan.
Oh- you mean electable politicians.
Jimmy Carter.
Abraham Lincoln.
Harry Truman.
Everret Dirkson
I could go on – there's lots of them
But I get your point
Uh. I don't know if Truman is the best example for "someone who never did anything regrettable". At the very least, the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would object.
And if Japan had never bombed Pearl Harbor, there never would have been a Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
Uh, Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, which was obviously horrible, in no way justifies dropping two nukes on two civilian cities. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You are an idiot, dp. Japan murdered far more civilians at Nanking than were lost at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombings saved millions of Japanese lives by ending the war. I know to a true America hater like you, it's hard to believe. But it's true.
Read some history, dp. You missing a lot of things, facts and perspective among them.
Japan was already willing to surrender before any nuke was dropped and no action by the Japanese government justifies such action taken against the Japanese civilian population. Japan invaded Nanking and did horrible things. But it wasn't the people who invaded Nanking who died in the fires of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
War is a nasty business, and it was not a simple decision. While your contention may have merit, it is almost beside the point.
Truman was playing three dimensional chess. His real concern was the Russian threat:
That doesn't make the bombing better, Davie. Arguably, that makes the bombing worse. Killing hundreds of thousands of people, the vast majority of whom were civilians, in nuclear fire to make the USSR look bad? That's reprehensible.
No, it wasn't done to "make the Russians look bad"!
It was done to prevent WWIII with Russia, costing even more millions of lives.
That is comfortable armchair retrospective knowledge.
At least some of the people making the decision honestly believed that bombing two cities would result in fewer civilian deaths in Japan than a full scale invasion and that a full scale invasion would be needed to cause a surrender.
There were also others who just wanted to use the bombs somewhere to see what they would do and did not see Japanese lives as worth considering. They were not always open about this when trying to convince others in the US command structure that the use of the new weapon was justified.
And there were others in the US who argued for your position and for some other kind of demonstration of the bombs offshore to convince the Japanese to surrender.
This is always the problem with any decision. At the time we always have lots of information that points in different directions and which set is right only becomes clear long after the moment when a choice can be made. It has been called the "Fog of War", but it can apply to anything including the candidate to choose for the best chance of moving ideas forward.
But of course, you do not have that problem. You are always right and have never made a mistake, right?
Or we could've not gone to war with Russia. Nothing was forcing war with Russia. Russia wasn't forcing war with Russia. We could've finished WW2 and cooperated with Russia going forward without dropping a single nuke.
Japan. Had. Already. Offered. Surrender.
Your claim that Japan had already offered to surrender is a lie. Read any of the standard books on the subject, especially "Downfall." . Then, pull your head out of your ass.
It's literal, historical fact. This talks about it, for example. This does, too. It says:
The alternative to the bombs, dp, was a landing and invasion on Japanese soil. The death and destruction would have been even more extreme and it would have included countless thousands of Allied troops.
A tough call…don't you think
PS. I never heard that Japan was ready to surrender.
Where did you get that idea?
The alternative to the bombs was accepting the Japanese surrender.
They weren’t even prepared to surrender after the first bomb was dropped. In fact, the military was still stalling after Nagasaki. When the government started considering a surrender, they attempted a coup. It was only after MacArthur agreed to let the emperor keep his throne that they talked surrender.
They were prepared to surrender well before Hiroshima. We just weren't prepared to accept it.
You seem to have deliberately misunderstood my post. Of course, Truman did things that were regrettable. He also did a lot of good. He just doesn't fit your socialist ideal. Boring.
The response to "Show me someone who never did anything regrettable" of "Truman" seems to indicate that Madco thinks Truman didn't do anything regrettable.
nice hijack- but no bonus points.
Truman ended the war in the pacific with unconditional surrender.
It's nice to think that Japan was ready to surrender and then we blame Truman and the US for the unnecessary horrors of the war.
Those in the room know it wasn't true. Truman's action – grotesque and terrifying as it was – saved lives.
But my point stands – there are loads of others who understand and aspire to the values that matter.
WOTD from Vox: "What's in AOC's Green New Deal."
I mostly seen superficial commentary rather than specific discussion of the content of Alexandria Ocaso-Cortez's Green New Deal. Vox, as usual, has a great summary.
In case you don't get to the bottom of that article:
WaPo notices another Colorado option:
Colorado Sen. Bennet hints about joining crowded Democratic race for president
I'm sure that's a compelling reason to run — "it won't hurt." /s
True that, Thurston! I mean, look what a great fucking bargain America got out of the last field of thirteen(?) Republicans . . .
. . . what could it hurt?!?
Let the dilettantes begin!!!!
Oh, goody.
I love watching paint dry.
It is an old white male thing, you wouldn’t understand.
What is Thurston? About 50? Is that too old Dave?
(Granted, he may be chronologically only 50 but he comes across as 80.)
. . . sorta’ something to pass the time between having to pee every hour??????