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February 14, 2019 11:57 AM UTC

Poll: Colorado Republicans Are Completely Fucked

  • by: Colorado Pols
Rinse, repeat

The conservative polling outfit Magellan Strategies, which is based in Colorado, recently queried Colorado Republicans in an effort to “learn how Republican voters want to move forward.” What Magellan found is that Colorado Republicans are totally and completely hosed for at least the next couple of years.

As Ernest Luning writes for the publication formerly known as the Colorado Statesman, it’s not hyperbole to call these numbers disastrous for the GOP:

President Donald Trump remains wildly popular among Colorado Republican voters, and they overwhelmingly believe immigration is the most important issue facing them, a new survey conducted by a GOP polling firm finds.

And by a wide margin, Republicans in Colorado prefer uncompromising conservative candidates to moderates who are willing to work with Democrats to get thing done, according to the survey made available in advance to Colorado Politics…

…“It’s all Trump. They love Trump,” said pollster Ryan Winger, director of data analysis for the Louisville-based firm. “Call it partisan, call it tribal — they support the president.”

You can read the full polling memo from Magellan Strategies, but this is the problem in a nutshell for the GOP: Colorado Republicans love President Trump and a majority are only interested in supporting hard-right Republican candidates at every level of government. Unfortunately for Republicans, this is not at all what the vast majority of Coloradans would prefer. As Magellan pollster Ryan Winger tells Colorado Politics:

“Dislike of President Trump was a big reason why Republicans got swept out of the statewide offices in November. When Republicans say the problem is our guys weren’t enough like Trump, there’s a complete disconnect there between what they’re thinking and what other voters in Colorado are thinking.” [Pols emphasis]

Let’s take a deeper look at some of the more noteworthy numbers from Magellan’s latest poll:

Colorado Republicans give President Trump an astounding 90% approval rating — with 72% of respondents saying that they “strongly approve” of the President’s performance. It would be an understatement to say that these numbers are not supported by the rest of Colorado voters. Among all Coloradans, Trump’s approval rating is at about 39% (and as you may recall, Trump did not carry Colorado in 2016).

A different survey conducted by Magellan Strategies shortly after the 2018 election found that Colorado Unaffiliated voters were THREE TIMES more likely to vote against Republican candidates because of their dislike of Trump. As Magellan’s David Flaherty said at the time, those results “can only be described as extraordinary … because in the past 20 years, never has one political party been so overwhelmingly rejected at every level of representative government by the electorate.”

Among Colorado Republicans, immigration is far and away the single most important issue. Magellan found that 48% of Republican Primary voters and 40% of non-Primary voters prioritize immigration reform policies above any other subject. A full 88% of Republican respondents support the idea of a big ‘ol border wall. “Government spending” (11%) and “Transportation” (10%) were the next most popular issues. The rest of Colorado is much less interested in this topic; in 2018, Unaffiliated voters in Colorado listed “Healthcare” and “Education” as the foremost issues that drove them to the polls.

Colorado Republicans have no interest in candidates looking to find a middle ground, with 61% of respondents saying they prefer “uncompromising, conservative candidates” to “moderate candidates.” This suggests that Republicans are stuck in the same endless loop of nominating the most right-wing candidate for a General Election drubbing, in part because they are sticking with conspiracy theories to explain their 2018 losses. This section of Luning’s Colorado Politics story should make every Republican cringe:

While the Republicans who responded to the poll had plenty of theories to explain their losses in November, the most common reason appeared to be widespread voting by new residents — from California and other bastions of liberalism — as well as a suspicion that immigrants in the country illegally and voting fraudulently are responsible for Democratic wins in Colorado.

“Every available set of information and facts out there tells you it doesn’t happen, and voter fraud is basically nonexistent,” Winger said. “The system of elections in Colorado is consistently ranked the best in the country. I don’t know how you dislodge that in people’s minds.”

He added that the notion that illegal immigrants are behind Republican losses at the ballot box dovetails with another assumption the pollsters heard from the Republican voters, that the media are somehow suppressing the real story.

“It’s this idea that because they love Trump, the only reason [he] and his agenda wouldn’t be popular is if a bunch of illegal people are voting, and the people aren’t hearing the truth about Trump and his policies. When they see a survey that says Trump is not popular, they just don’t believe it.”

Welp, there you have it. If ignorance is bliss, as the saying goes, then Colorado Republicans are happy, happy, happy.

For different reasons, Colorado Democrats should be equally thrilled.


14 thoughts on “Poll: Colorado Republicans Are Completely Fucked

  1. It's very sad.  Democracy requires a two-party system.  With Republicans embracing fascism, Democrats can win simply as the not-hitler party.  It looks like we're in for a long run of lesser of two evils government.

    1. My only concern is that the Dems take this as some kind of license to take a walk on the wild side and go all democratic socialist on us.

      I always hated TABOR but I'm actually starting to warm up to it.

      Last November, I split my tax increase ticket by supporting the sales tax increase for road repairs and the Jeffco tax increase for school but voted against the boondoggle income tax increase.

      If the governor and the legislature put together a spending plan that is reasonable, I can vote for it. 

      1. I like the idea of limited government revenue, but I dislike the locking in effect of TABOR. If our elected representatives wanted to change the mix of taxes and fees without changing the amount of revenue TABOR makes it much harder than it should be. It also encourages putting a fee on everything as a replacement for lost tax revenue due to the already mentioned ratchet effect.

        In my perfect universe the constitution would have instead have limited total state government revenue from all sources expressed as a percentage of the total of all state incomes or the state version of GDP. That way the legislature could do something like increasing the gas tax in order to reduce vehicle fees since it would be revenue neutral.

  2. The air in the constricting media bubble must lack serious oxygen by now.

    “It’s this idea that because they love Trump, the only reason [he] and his agenda wouldn’t be popular is if a bunch of illegal people are voting, and the people aren’t hearing the truth about Trump and his policies. When they see a survey that says Trump is not popular, they just don’t believe it.”

    Strategist Horatio Nelson reminds us:

    Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.

    So let us keep quiet and not disturb the increasing intellectual hypoxia developing from the true believers' focus on Trump.

  3. In other news. Lyndon LaRouche died.

    I think the high tribal numbers are an indication that non-Trump Republicans are no longer identifying as Republican. That may be different from un-registering from Republican. 

    It's like global warming, slow, steady loss of glaciers, and then a sudden whoosh as the antarctic shelf caves off and floods 1/4 of Florida.

    1. Interesting that LaRouche was an extreme left-wing Marxist until the '70's, then took a 359 degree turn to become an extreme right-wing kook.  His followers didn't experience any dissonance with the shift, and came along with him.  The common thread being paranoia and a propensity for self-delusion.

      That would explain to me why the shrunken Republican base could go from G.W. Bush to Donald Trump in a mere 8 years.

      1. Well, if they believe that loopy stuff, they'd better get used to losing, because I see a long line of elections wherein they get their collective clock cleaned.

        1. Yep

          For Republicans, party identification took a sharp drop at the end of George W. Bush’s second term and never really recovered. The trend seems to have taken another drop after Trump’s election.

          How can we explain what looks to be a long-term decline for the Republican brand? Age, for one thing. From the beginning of the Trump administration the oldest Americans, those aged 50 and over, have consistently given Trump his highest approval ratings while young people aged 18–29 have consistently given him his lowest approval ratings. 

          A political party that can’t attract young people, especially in a generation that is as big as the Millennial generation—America’s largest demographic group—is not a party with a very bright future. 

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