Politico reports and if you’re paying attention to the 2020 Democratic presidential race you’d better take note:
Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign is off to an impressive start: The Vermont senator crushed other Democratic candidates in his first day of online fundraising, and boasted social media stats that easily outstripped his competition, too.
The Vermont senator brought in more than $5.9 million from more than 220,000 donors in the 24 hours since he announced his presidential candidacy, according to his campaign. He easily eclipsed other announced 2020 candidates’ first-day fundraising figures — as well as his own in 2015, when he he raked in more than $1.5 million online in the first 24 hours.
To be clear, we don’t have an opinion yet on the viability of another run by Sen. Bernie Sanders for President in 2020. With a literal baseball team roster of candidates in the running or considering, there’s no way to predict as of now who will emerge as the favorite–and after the experience of 2016 it would be folly to try.
But that is a large pile of money, demonstrating how Bernie retains much love among the Democratic grassroots and left generally. There is a broad consensus among honest Democrats in hindsight that Sanders would have outperformed Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup against Trump in 2016, quite possibly decisively. Whether Bernie’s moment has passed, fairly or not, is a subject we expect to see the subject of lively debate.
In the meantime, Bernie’s not going to hurt for money to campaign with.
Every other 2020 contender, including our local favorites, should be on notice.
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The money's rolling in, and the BernieBroBot spam is falling like rain on social media.
Punchbowl, meet piss. Piss, punchbowl.
The last thing Democrats need to take on Trump is McGovern II, without the foreign policy chops and good humor. Go away, Bernie.
No, this time – we are told – it will be different. People in the US now have embraced socialism. Put me down as skeptical.
I am not impressed by the money haul. Bernie Sanders is now famous and popular with a very dedicated group of people. In this he is not totally different than Ron Paul repeatedly running for President on the Republican side.
Many of Sanders' ideas are more popular in the Democratic electorate than Paul's were with Republicans, but he is not the only candidate running on them or the only person facing off against a divisive front runner for 2020. I think he is probably not even the most likely nominee from the more liberal side of Democratic candidates.
Damn, Bernie=Ron Paul is a sick burn.
I hope that it does not come off as an insult. The goals and ideas of Bernie Sanders and his supporters are better than that of a Ron Paul type.
This is more of a commentary on the fact that celebrity is what is driving the fundraising haul for Sanders. By being the alternate to a nominee who lost he is the forever unsullied hero. People can project all their hopes onto him and he is already known. If it were January 2020 and Sanders were still hauling in the money while others were trailing this would really mean he is on track to win.
My guess is that eventually more liberal Democrats will warm up to at least one of the other new faces and one of them is more likely to win the nomination.
Bernie will be a kingmaker, and he will keep the other "progressive" candidates honest. They will have to put flesh on the bones of their nice-sounding ideas about Medicare for All, or affordable college, or day care. Because he absolutely is good at doing just that. You might disagree with how he plans to pay for these ambitious goals, but the math is there.
His "Our Revolution" organization has already spawned and boosted dozens of candidates, many of whom won their primaries or general elections, and all of whom pushed the conversation to deal with "kitchen table" economic issues.
I was skeptical of the claims in his launch ad, so I personally fact-checked it:
Claim: Amazon raised its wage to $15 following pressure from Sanders: TRUE
Claim: The Green New Deal was originally a Sanders proposal: Partly TRUE; The GND had been around as a concept since 2008. Sanders 2016 campaign proposed it.
Claim: Disney raised its wages after Sanders supporters rallied and raised awareness. TRUE
So….I'm still supporting Elizabeth Warren, as the candidate who has most clearly articulated a policy agenda I support. But it's phenomenal that as soon as Bernie announced, within hours, social media was full of anti-Bernie bogus posts, not fact-checked, demonizing him for every vote or position he took since the early 60s. I mean, they were ready to roll .So I'd be cautious about trashing Bernie.
I think that the best thing to do is to honor what he has in fact accomplished in a lifetime of public service, including nurturing a new generation of badass candidates. Don't spread the drek on social media; not about him, not about other Democratic candidates.
Before you post, think: Do I know that this is true? and, What was the political agenda of the person who put this together?
Try to keep a holistic picture in mind, the good with the bad, the failures with the successes so that we can come out of this election with a win.
The Left's devouring of its own will increase rapidly from this point forward. (Just look at the comments above, "Go Away, Bernie!") Sadly, many of the supposed divisions within the Left will be wedges that originated from Republican propaganda.
Bernie Sanders is the wedge that no Republican had to create.
In fact, he could be considered a self-created Democratic Party wedge, by virtue of his not ever having joined the party. He’s won’t be on any primary ballots as running for the Leftist Party nomination.
I don’t think that many Democrats’ reluctance to embrace Sanders is all that terribly difficult to understand?
The Left is so good at eating its own. How does it taste? If you can't figure out why attacking people on the Left side of the spectrum at this point in history is not a smart strategy, then I don't know what to tell you…
I guess I could be wrong about that understanding thing.
I'm sorry but I don't know you. Answer me this question before I even consider further engaging with you (because you kinda sound like a troll). Where do you consider yourself on the political spectrum? Right, center, left?
Who you choose “engaging with” here, and for what reasons, is absolutely none of my concern . . .
Thanks for confirming you're not interested in having an honest conversation.
Dio might not be interested in answering your questions, hic. We all have opinions around here. Agree, disagree, whatever you want.
My bitch with Bernie is a) he's too damn old, b) he's not a Democrat, c) he comes across as a mean son of a bitch and d) his time has come and gone.
As to your objection of criticizing candidates, I ask whether you prefer the Republicans and their 11th commandment and unswerving dogma to back their fearless leader no matter what he says or does.
In regards to A through D: I could care less about your opinions of his personal character. Maybe try focusing more on arguing about what policies and positions of Sanders you agree or disagree with.
Excuse please….it is "couldn't care less"…leaving out the "n't" changes the meaning. Please try to clean up your grammar a bit, if you don't mind. Oh…only a troll would call Dio a troll.
Sorry newcomer, but character matters. Look at what's in the White House now because just enough people were willing to overlook his. For the next two years, we're stuck with a guy with the morals of an alleycat and the ethics of a junkyard dog.
I think that what’s been confirmed here is that you’re incapable of having any honest conversation strictly on the merits of the arguments . . .
. . . I’ve been here regularly (far too regularly, most days) for almost ten years. I’m not feeling any need to have to provide you with any prequalifications or bona fides.
Sorry, but your argument doesn't really have much merit – considering so many Democrats did embrace Sanders – considering Republicans did actually use the Sanders/Clinton feud to further drive a wedge into and divide the Left.
Further, saying Bernie Sanders is the wedge is just nonsense – unless of course you love to argue about the person, and not the positions. Now maybe the platform and positions he brought to the table (Medicare-for-all, etc.) were wedge issues. But who's fault is that? Sanders for bringing forth popular positions that voters on the left spectrum supported and wanted to hear from elected leaders? Or a Democratic Party that lost its FDR roots and drifted to the right over the past decades?
The sad fact is, policies and positions don’t get elected, people do. If it were otherwise, we wouldn’t have President Douchepickle in office now, would we?
Hell, I love policies and positions. But, I also have a strong fondness for, and deep admiration of, the pragmatism which acknowledges that it really doesn’t matter how good your ideas or intentions are if you don’t get your ass elected. Even FDR had to win each of the elections, first.
So yeah, Bernie’s a goddamn genius, just ask him or yourself. Doesn’t matter.
When America starts awarding the presidency to that one candidate who scores the highest on The Presidential Apptitude & Vision Thingy Test, instead of to the candidate that wins the majority of electoral college votes, then Bernie may be the one . . .
. . . except that it’s unlikely that he, or you, or I, will ever live long enough to see that day.
. . . And, like it or not, Bernie is still a person.
Hic skivvy, you seem like a newbie, which is fine. But geezers like dio and me have been driving each other crazy for years and hardly need to justify ourselves to you.
If he did that, I'm sure all the Democrats would be super gracious about him running as a third party candidate like they were about Jill Stein in 2016 and Ralph Nader in 2000. I'm not exactly a fan of Bernie's, but you can't get upset about him running in the Democratic Party primary instead of running for a leftist party unless you're totally ok with people voting for third parties further to the left of the Democrats.
You’re kinda’ proving my point about many Democrats’ reluctance to wanting to become Bernie’s party of convienience (once again).
I’m not upset. I don’t give a flying fork about what Bernie chooses to do (so long as he isn’t abetting another four years sentence with The Orange Enima). But, there are consequences to choices, and Bernie being a self-made wedge is one of those obvious consequences.
That’s my observation and opinion.
I'm not a fan of Sanders, but the gibe of "not a Democrat" is bogus.
He's been a part of the Democratic caucus as long as he's been in office in the House and Senate. After the 2016 election, he became the Democrats' chair of “outreach” for Senate Democrats.
He's listed on the Vermont Democratic Party's website (https://www.vtdemocrats.org/federal-officials). Politico outlined the relationship: Sanders "who briefly joined the Democratic Party to run in the 2016 New Hampshire presidential primary only to un-enroll later, officially announced Monday that he would seek a third term in the Senate this fall. He also said that he’ll pull the same maneuver that he did in his 2006 and 2012 Senate races: Running as a Democrat, declining the nomination when he wins and then running as an independent."
Want to criticize him for not supporting other Democrats enough? Go ahead (if you have the details). Want to say he has ideas you don't like, aren't popular, or likely to be rejected? I'm listening.
But having a card doesn't mean much. Joe Lieberman had a card the day he stood up and helped nominate John McCain for President.
“Bogus,” or not, you’ve gotta’ admit, in fact you just confirmed, it’s out there?
Politics is perception. Sanders is gonna’ have to deal with that perception . . .
. . . and, gruff rantings about the injustice of it probably won’t be the prescription.
He will deal with it. Democratic rules change for 2020 require a declaration of running as a Democrat and if winning, continuing to be a Democrat. I saw that Sanders plans to deliver the declaration.
Being independent has allowed him to work with Republicans and to get shit done. The key to understanding Bernie is that he is a pragmatist that compromises strategically.
So community health centers? Thanks, Bernie.
Audit Federal reserve? Thanks, Bernie.
Veteran's choice for private care? Check.
Hundreds of progressive candidates bootstrapped? Thanks, Bernie.
The art is great Pols. Unfortunately, I'm on a low sodium diet for my blood pressure, and the salt in the comments is likely to kill me.
Welcome to the pool, Bernie. But, when you lose you better convince your primary voters to support whoever is the Dem nominee, unlike last time. And, no I don't want to hear how it was "rigged" against Sanders in 2016. I remember how the Obama people worked our butts off to beat Hillary in 2008 even though she was the "presumptive nominee" at the time.
Do your best. Work hard. But, if it's not enough, then accept the fates and help us get rid of Trump.
Another fact check – 90% of Bernie supporters voted for Hillary, and he did in fact urge them to vote for her.
And yes, there were dirty tricks, many of them. Some of them from the Clinton campaign, some from mainstream Republicans, some that we know now were created and propagated by Russian and foreign bad actors. You want links? I got links.
I haven't posted a diary on it because I really do think we all need to move on. I'd appreciate it if you would also refrain from the anti-Bernie snark from 2016. If he does something now, or you have a gripe with his contemporary votes or positions, that's fair game. But please don't try to run 2016 over again.
I won't forget how the bernistas, including you, mj, spent weeks after the convention whining and sneering at hillary. Eventually most, including you, came around but the support was often tepid. Msnbc just had a tally today of bernie voters in wisconsin, michigan and pa who went for Trump — and, yeah, it was about twice his margin.
That's politics– we picked up never trumpers for hillary. But demanding we forget all the skanky things bernistas pulled in 2016 is a bridge too far. Yeah, we'll move on. But I'll never give a dime to bernie skanks like ben jealous.
Never whined, never sneered. Did post facts about HRC's campaign donors, like Comcast and Goldman Sachs. Did post facts about just a few of the dirty tricks. Refrained from posting a long diary on it; still refraining. But, like you, I might forgive…..but I never forget.
And you've said yourself that your candidate lost to the worst candidate since Benedict Arnold, and that's why you're not wanting her to run again. I agree. I want Bernie to run and be a kingmaker and endorse the most progressive candidate who can win; my hunch is that's why he's in it, too. Those bajillions of contribution dollars will probably end up in the coffers of good local candidates, as they did with the Our Revolution candidate funds.
I have no intention of replaying 2016 – we really do have to move on. It's like life and death for our democracy now.
So if you could kindly refrain from your usual schtick of insults, slurs, and diatribes, it would be appreciated. Stick to the facts.
If I had pulled half the crap you pulled in 2016, I would want to forget it too. But I won't and thoroughly enjoy the spector of Bernistas groveling in the hope we real democrats (tee hee) will forget the crap they pulled in 2016. Sorry, this isn't 1984 and there is no memory hole. The bullshit bernie pulled two years ago is very much a part of his legacy. He can go huck fimself!
Name specific crap – with links – that you think mamajama55 pulled, or shut up. And, I should note – I don't see her flinging shit. I only see you flinging.
Go soak your head in a toilet bowl, stinky boy. You don't give me orders.
Also, a "true democrat" should be committed to supporting an open process for the primary, and to supporting the candidate who wins. As I did, and many other of the "bernistas" as you call them did.
You were upset about Goldman Sachs, MJ…..
Well, you were going to get Goldman Sachs with either Clinton or Trump. Where do you think Gary Cohen came from?
The problem is we got Kavanaugh and Gorsuch with Trump.
Msnbc just had a tally today of bernie voters in wisconsin, michigan and pa who went for Trump — and, yeah, it was about twice his margin.
So it wasn't even Jill Stein's fault! It was Bern-bots who crossed over and voted directly for Trump in those three states?
A lot of his Revolution was inflated by Clinton haters. And after Bernie was out of the running, they went back to Trump.