Last night, 9NEWS’ Kyle Clark aired comments by GOP Sen. Vicki Marble of Broomfield–first reported by our friends at the Colorado Times Recorder–calling for some portion of the state to secede and form a new state to uphold conservative principles in the wake of 2018’s sweeping Democratic victory:
Republican Senator Vicki Marble of Fort Collins is suggesting conservative parts of Colorado secede to form the 51st state in response to Democrats’ proposed oil and gas regulations…
“My recourse is SECEDE,” Marble posted. “Boulder and Denver metro are so removed from the working man’s reality.”
Of course, as anyone who has lived in the state for more than a few years knows the secession impulse among Colorado Republicans is a very predictable response anytime they realize that they are not in majority power. A 2013 ballot measure in support of secession appeared on the ballot in 11 mostly rural counties in the northeast part of the state. It failed miserably, and even if it had passed the actual process of carving out a new state, requiring the approval of the existing state legislature and Congress, it was onerous enough to be a complete waste of every rational person’s time.
But if you thought that would stop Vicki Marble, who competes with pistol-packing Rep. Lori Saine each year for the honor of biggest setback to the Colorado Republican brand, you don’t know Vicki Marble!
Unfortunately, however, a little ventilation of steam from the fringe of the Senate Republican minority is not where this story ends. Sometime after 9NEWS’ report on Marble’s comments yesterday, the Senator from Broomfield responded via social media:
Marble then responded to a report on her secession comments on Next with Kyle Clark in a Facebook post Friday night.
“Let the ‘Ambush begin….you know what I mean…. Kyle,” Marble posted. “I’m coming after you.” [Pols emphasis]
[Senate GOP spox Sage] Naumann was not immediately available for comment on Marble’s threat.
We know there’s going to be some argument over how bad this is. What we’ll say is that Sen. Marble makes no attempt to clarify the nature of her threatened “ambush” on 9NEWS’ Kyle Clark, and following that up with “I’m coming after you” is nothing short of chilling. It’s very difficult to not take these comments as unambiguous threats of violence, and we are additionally obliged to point out that Marble is a strident gun-rights activist with an extremely well-armed base of support. And if that wasn’t enough, Colorado lawmakers routinely carry concealed weapons in the Capitol despite the presence of State Patrol security and the fact that all other CCW holders must disarm before entering.
In short, no one should take Sen. Marble’s silly threat of secession seriously. But as shocking as it may be to be having this conversation about a sitting Colorado lawmaker, there are far more plausible–and personal–threats from Sen. Marble to worry about. This incident raises fundamental questions about the kind of people Colorado Republicans are elevating to public office. Marble’s many previous lowlights from ChickenGate to berating a Cub Scout were clues even for the clueless that she has no business serving in the Colorado Senate.
It may be time to escalate this from an idle discussion to a matter of public safety.
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I wonder if, when Kyle first asked Sage if the senator had a comment for the story, he misheard what Sage said. Kyle wrote that Sage said she was "unavailable for comment." I wonder if Sage actually said, "She's too unstable to comment."
Wait…we're talking about Kyle, "enemy of the people" Clark. Amirite?
You mean our local Sycophant to the Right? Hard to believe Conservative Lover Kyle would be on their naughty list.
That surprises me. I always thought he was a liberal. But I only watch him occasionally on the 9 p.m. news where he's pretty much neutral, I guess.
I guess I was projecting.
When Clark first came on my radar he presented as a fairly clearly conservative-leaning fellow. But he's been pretty goid at calling out extreme looniness on the right side, so he's not rabid.
I'm somewhat embarrassed to share a name with her (tho, tbf, I do spell it differently).
*cough* Criminally and mentally insane. *cough*
Good God, she has become completely untethered!
This is a calculated move on Marble's part. She wants Kyle to file charges of menacing, so she can test the provisions of the "Red Flag" bill. That's my take on it.
Marble's aim is to garner attention, raise funds for her next move (she's term-limited, thank Goddess)…and to become a martyr for the gunhead base.
So I think that Kyle Clark should file charges…..give her what she wants. Test the law. Stand up to her attempted intimidation. See if it's possible to get her CCW permit revoked.
Wouldn't that be glorious?
You give Marble too much credit for formulating a plan but as CT it's kind of cute.
When was she ever tethered?
First of all, secession doesn’t sound any less loony coming from Coloradans than it does from Texans or Californians. It smacks of "I'm going to take my ball and go home. Secondly, does anyone have a Facebook link to the post? I'm unable to locate it.
I think you mean Safe Spaces , you moron.
You're not even smart enough to make a proper insult.
You smell troll, Curmie?
That, and he leaves a trail like a goddamned slug.
No, Stan Weekes is that rare bird, a GOP true believer willing to post under his own name. He was the past director, and still is the “Research Director”, of CAIRCO (Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform), which posts anti-Muslim screeds and conspiracy theories using a name similar to the Muslim civil rights organization, CAIR.
SPLC considers CAIRCO to be a hate group, and CAIRCO's blog posts confirm that reputation. . But apparently the GOP Senate doesn't mind hiring bigots.
Colorado Politics featured Weekes’ opinion on an article about sanctuary cities.
Weekes is apparently working for the Colorado GOP Senate media arm in some capacity – When one googles his name, it goes straight to the GOP Senate home page. Mr. Weekes appears to be a straightforward anti-Muslim, anti-Latino bigot. He's been posting for a decade about the dangers of immigration. Legal, illegal, all immigration. He's a nativist. His unflagging defense of Senator Marble can be seen in that light.
Weekes was the one who asked for the Sergeant at Arms to remove the DACA kids (who were showing up to support an in-state tuition bill) from the Capitol hearing room, since, according to Mr. Weekes, “the public” doesn’t consist of people who look like they could be immigrants.
So since you're posting under your own name, Mr. Weekes, tell me if I'm correct: Is "your good friend" Vicki Marble trying to get a criminal complaint on record for threatening Kyle Clark in order to test the limits of the red flag bill, or is she just a loose cannon, as others have suggested?
You claim to want civility and yet you praise a woman who threatened a reporter.
Are you still with us? And here I thought you were a one-hit troll.
Bye Felicia! Er, I mean Stanley Snowflake!!!
Oh, sure you “hoped for discussion”. That was why your opening post accused us all of being snowflakes looking for “safe spots”.
No, what you hoped to do was classic trolling; you wanted to distract from Lost Her Marbles menacing a journalist, and possibly incidentally do some “research” for your Batshit Bigots blog.
I doubt that you were ever a real Democrat; you’re too much a racist for that. Was it electing a black man with a Muslim father to the Presidency that was the last straw for you?
Stanley Snowflake took his ball and went home.
Stan, haven’t seen you in years. Still disagree with you on immigration but otherwise hope you are personally well.
Thanks Elliot.
Since mama has convinced me you are not a bot, Mr. Weekes, I have a piece of advice for you.
If what you say is true, and you have not visited here in 14 years, then you don't know the turf upon which you tread. After all these years you may have forgotten why you have been away so long. This collection of humans does not suffer bullshit…at all.
If you bring a reasonable, informed set of facts to this forum for discussion, you will get a very educated and literate response. If, on the other hand, you bring the kind of asinine insults like the ones you posted at 12:32PM, you will get the kind of treatment you have so far received.
When you go to work as a troll…check your fee fees at the door. Or, if you just can't stand to be dissed, remember…we didn't miss you.
Weird. A lot of 'Ol Stan's posts have evaporated.
T***pians are, almost without exception, crybabies. Perhaps he decided the pittance he was receiving for trolling us wasn't worth the disrespect…
Go figure…
You noticed that, too? His remarks at 7:18, 7:37 & 7:45 are blank. What did I miss? 7:21 pm isn’t there, either.
He deleted or edited his posts. Probably figured he wasn't doing his “good friend” Ms. Marble much good on here.
If you like Stan's schtick, you can catch him here and here.
Stan, you originally wrote that you came here "hop[ing] for discussion," which was a whopping and ham-fisted lie given your first post in this thread. I see you've now deleted the lie, along with a bunch of your other shitposts.
Why the deletions? Are you ashamed of being a liar? It's fine if you are, of course. Ability to feel shame is a sine qua non for a person such as you to move toward moral betterment.
However, please don't think the deletions are actually fooling anyone.
2008 Colorado Democrat Party State Assembly was not in Broomfield.
You could look it up.What else are you wrong about?
I think the 2010 Democratic assembly was in broomfield.
Yes, it was in Broomfield that year.
Snowflake? Like right wingers who get butt hurt when they lose?
Snowflake as an insult fits the secessionists and recallers to a T. Melts down at the slightest friction.
By the power invested in me by Cookie the night she had a little too much to drink, I hereby dub thee Weakass Stan.
Snowflake stan.
Better than getting butt hurt because your party keeps losing elections in Colorado. Maybe instead of threatening people, cheering on people who threaten people, or whining about taking your ball and going home, you could actually take a long hard look at why you got throttled last year and make some substantial changes.
I know you won't. But Vicki (lost her) Marble(s) and your reactions to losing is the very definition of snowflake.
Oh no you don't, V. You're doing that under your own steam.
Hey, classier than threatening people because your pissed off over losing.
Wow! Real Civil.
Not very good at this, are you comrade? How long is your contract? You with us until November of 2020…or just til Marble is arrested?
You're going to need to up your game.
I do hope Kyle Clark requests a clarification from Senator Marble …. for the word salad offered what could be a threat, but could also be interpreted as an offer to car pool.
She'll backpedal and say she didn't mean it that way, just like all Republicans who say something stupid, or threatening, or racist. It thrills their half-witted base, but they don't have the guts to back up the tough talk when confronted.
Like she backpeddled on her lynching comments? Please. She'll double down on her comments. It's the Vicki Marble way.
Are sure that was Vicki, and not Lori ("My Last Name is Hilariously Ironic") Saine?
You know, I think I'm mixing them up.
It's an understandable mistake; they're both mean-spirited morons who rose to their positions on a wave of ignorance, racism and bigotry. They're like Thelma and Louise, if Thelma and Louise were mean and stupid.
Also, if Thelma and Louise were straight.
"an offer to car pool." LOL!
It doesn't even qualify as a word "salad", it's more like what happens in the disposal when all of the spoiled food and leftovers are dumped in.
Here’s Marble’s original facebook post:
Remember when Vicki "The coloreds would be a whole lot healthier if they'd lay off the goddamn fried chicken" Marble got completely owned by an 11-year-old? Good times.
lol Vicki Marble, a dipshit's dipshit.
Why assault the media? I mean Kyle didn't make anything up.
And secession is a dumb idea. So dumb a Republcan president actually went to war over it. He was an awesome President. You could look it up.
Did Trump go to war with California? I hadn't heard about that one.
Actually, he has GG…at least rhetorically and financially. He would bomb the place if he thought he could get away with it.
The photo. What is the kind of garment Marble wears?
Your guess is as good as mine. If it's an evening gown, the rifle is terribly out of place. If it's a racy nightgown one must wonder; is that thing her bedmate?
From Marble's' Facebook page photos, she wore the dress and won the firearm in a raffle at the Marine Corps ball in 2013. So it would be an "evening gown" of sorts.
It was not the photo that went out with the rambling threat to newsman Kyle Clark. The photo on that post was of Marble and her family playing Jenga.
Marble's point, if she had one, was that Clark wasn't sufficiently supportive of the oil and gas industry which allows families to play Jenga together in warm houses on cold nights. . Also that he shouldn't "ambush" her with a surprise interview, because she was going to ambush him first. She's coming after him, in fact.
Oh Kay. She really is kind of unhinged.
So warm nights in the house thanks to oil and gas industry, freeze in the dark crowd freezing in the dark outside, anti-frackers = commies….it all sounds vaguely familiar. Where have I heard those talking points before? Hmmmmm.
Run for your lives! She's cueing up "Ride of the Valkyries" again!
We could help the secessionists and think up a name for their new state. Save them the trouble. Maybe we could have a contest.
dumphukistan worked last time.
But in what delusional view would it be approved – adding two US Senators and a rep.
Could we carve CA into 3 and get 4 more Senators?
Or maybe DC and PR get statehood (+4 Senators)?
And American Samoa, the Mariana, and US VI.
Oh, Oh, – then we annex the border states just south of the border. We recognize all the landownership, and recognize all the Estados laws. 12 more senators and wthe knows how many reps.
Or Texas could break itself into five pieces and give us several more Cruzes (or Betos).
This is just sad. Honestly. I can’t help but wonder what has happened to those past legislative giants of the Republican party in Colorado; those exemplars of reason and decorum, who if they had any problem with a reporter they didn’t like, wouldn’t issue ugly threats of ambush, but would merely politely kick them out of the way??? . . .
these politicians today smh
Lol, dio