(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Congressman Ken Buck gave a fiery campaign speech at the Colorado Republicans Central Committee meeting Saturday. Cheered on by U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, Buck hit all the usual red meat issues: guns, abortion, oil and gas, before delivering the coup de grace: a call for recalls.
Buck dared Democrats to “come and take” his guns, invoking Charlton Heston by saying they’d only get them from his “cold dead hands.” He claimed Democrats also want to “kill babies now after birth, while we want to stand up for life at every stage of life.”
Then he mentioned the failed anti-fracking ballot initiative Proposition 112, which Republicans have been claiming shows opposition to an oil and gas safety regulation bill moving through the state legislature.
“They want to shut down the oil & gas industry. We need to remind them [Democrats] that we won Proposition 112 and we need to teach them how to spell “RECALL.”
As he belted out his punchline, “we need to teach them how to spell “R-E-C-A-L-L,” the applause came not only from the audience, but from the three other Republicans who had just endorsed him for party chair: Regent Heidi Ganahl, District Attorney George Brauchler, and U.S. Senator Cory Gardner.
Buck’s speech did its job; the Colorado GOP Central Committee members elected him Chairman. Buck narrowly defeated State Representative Susan Beckman, who had broad support from her colleagues in the legislature, including House Minority Leader Patrick Neville who introduced her.
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Seems to me if Democrats have to learn to spell R-E-C-A-L-L, then perhaps we should broaden the lesson and help Republicans learn it, too.
I'm loathe to simply copy the Republicans and say that ANY policy difference is worth recalling someone for. So, any Republican Senate or House member left from the harassment brou-ha-ha in the last session? Anyone excessively involved with the Recall movement and thus missing votes in their job? Suppose it would be worthwhile to see if the constituents truly want to back a Senator who wants to dissolve the [Colorado] Union in order to “SECEDE”, State Senator Vicki Marble (R-Fort Collins), the third ranking member of her party’s leadership team?
True. Go after, Vicki Marble, Lori Saine, Perry Buck, Jerry Sonnenberg, Ray Scott, Jack Tate, Kevin Priola, Chris Holbert, Patrick Neville, Susan Beckman, among others. At least plan to, if they don't drop their sore loser crap right now.
Doesn’t Priola represent a swing district? He might make a nice target.
Handsy Tate would too but he’s already stepping down next year.
Again, RMGO went after Morse 1 year before he was termed out. Didn't stop them, why should it stop Dems. Beckman is a nice target. She barely got by last fall.
Why go after Priola unless you're really looking for "political purity." He's pretty common sense on a lot of issues.
Revenge, if they go after Jeff Bridges.
"they'd only get them from his "cold dead hands.""
Reminds me of a scene from the original Red Dawn movie in the mid-1980s that focuses in on a bumper sticker on a pickup that says exactly that. The scene then shifts to the ground where the Communist soldier pries a pistol from the "cold dead hands" of the redneck.
Even if supposedly set in Colorado, Red Dawn was rather unrealistic. But I still treasure that scene.
Be interesting to see how things go in 2020 when Buck and his friends double down on backing Trump.
Vicki Marble is term-limited in 2020. Back to the bail bonds and booze business for her! Love those family values, no?
Lori Saine is also term-limited in the House.
So it would hardly be worth it to try to recall either of those two. Ray Scott, Jerry Sonnenburg, Chris Holbert – those guys are in the Senate until 2022. Jerry Sonnenburg finally replied back to me on the red flag bill – the man is seriously ignorant of basic tenets of the Constitution.
Wasn't Holbert the genius who decided to read a 2000 page bill out loud just to slow the legislature down?
Jack Tate was accused of being too “hands on” with interns. John Cooke wants Weld County to “join Wyoming”. Ray Scott, is, of course plain corrupt and stupid to boot. In the House, Boy Neville is helping Pa run the recall on his colleagues. All of those charmers are up in 2022.
Well… elected officials who break the law, or refuse to follow it should be recalled, or charged.
Steve Reams is pretty popular – but he told CNN that he'd rather go to jail than enforce the law. Recall.
Nah. Just send him to jail. Bunk him with Chelsea Manning.
John Morse was term-limited when they recalled him. So, Saine and Marble are fair game.
Saine was caught trying to smuggle a gun on board an airplane. That's sufficient grounds for recall right there. But again, I question whether it's worth the effort.
Plus, the rule is that you can’t “attempt a recall” against someone whose term expires within 6 months. I think that gets kind of dicey with a 2019 special recall election and a term of office that expires in May 2020.
For example: Lori Saine, in district 63 in Weld County -you'd need signatures (plus over to be certain) of 25% of the people who voted in her last election. She got 25, 816 votes in 2018. So you'd need at least ~6500 valid signatures from her district to initiate a recall election. To get those signatures, you'd pretty much have to drive door to door through the rural parts of Weld County, and most of them think that Lori Saine is the best thing since sliced bread. (They elected her with 59% of the vote)
Now I could see filing a recall petition as a revenge move if RMGO aka Pa and Boy Neville, get enough signatures to recall Rochelle Galindo, also in Weld County, also with ~ 6,000 signatures needed.
It seems insane and petty, though, and bad strategery. If Dems did a recall, it should mean something – take someone out who has promoted bad policy, and is in a position to continue to do so. John Cooke from Greeley might be easier – since at least his district is in the populated parts of Greeley, Evans, Platteville.
As a general rule, I'd rather promote officials that are doing the right thing, than imitate the whiners whose go-to move is to sabotage legislating.
Recalling Jeff fisher would also be a waste of money and time: In November, he won by 61% and is very popular in Englewood.
O.K., a major brain cramp.
Yes, Bridges.
Think Big Lebowski.
Is THAT what Marble's career was prior to politics? Jeez….
She still owns a liquor store (Donoho’s Beer and Spirits) and two bail bond agencies in Fort Collins. That’s per The Coloradoan and Wikipedia.
One of them, Advance Bonding, was dissolved in 2014, and now directs to Tami’s AA Bail Bonds.
There are pretty clear conflicts of interest in bills she’s voted on – an end to cash bail, selling full strength beer in grocery stores. But conflicts of interest have never fazed Ms. Marble much.
According to some Republican critics, she has consistently voted to require more bail for offenders, thus enriching her businesses.
She’s also a former barrel racing rodeo queen, which explains her strong sense of being entitled royalty.
Republicans have only the best people.
So here's what caught my eye – Cory seems to be wearing a Trump-goes-to-the-scene-of-a-disaster outfit – tan pants, black jacket with collar open, white shirt. Is this the new uniform for the sycophants?
It's the Republican uniform for implying – hey, I'm Eric Stratton, damm glad to meet you, but I gotta run, got places to go and things to do
Did he accessorize with rolls of paper towels?
It would be sort of funny if Ken's stance sparked a recall against Perry Buck.
Indeed, if she loses her legislative salary and perks along with her seat, she will be looking for a modification of spousal maintenance.
Greeley Tribune: Recalls a waste of time and money
At least, someone in Greeley has sense.
If Dems do a "revenge recall", it should be for the same reasons the GOP recalls:
\to punish for votes we don't like,
to sow confusion and distraction,
and to cost the taxpayers a bunch of money for special elections
So I say we go after the big Kahuna himself, Patrick Neville in DougCo's District 45. He's up for election in 2020, but not termed out until 2022. He won with 30,865 votes, so we'd only have to collect 7,716 signatures.
He's demonstrated "uncollegial" behavior by initiating recalls against his colleagues. That probably violates an oath he took when he swore in. He's voted for stuff we don't like. He's corrupt and has questionable money dealings. But mostly, he's an all-around dickhead.
Then, since the recall petition can only contain facts, we say all of that in the nicest, facty ways.
If we're going for revenge, let's go big.
In the formal language of a recall, you can't call him a "dickhead." Its " Richardhead. "
You Can't spell "Neville" without "evil" in the center.
He would be an appropriate target. After all, a fish rots from the head down.
I'd even hope for a non-nuts GOPer to run to replace him. Could help make a recall there successful, and get all Nevilles out of office.
I'm kinda sorta serious about recalling Pat Neville. I don't live in Douglas County, though. If there are any Dougco or thereabouts people wanting in on a recall N(evil)le effort, send an email to:
I'm willing to write the petition language, contribute some $$ to getting it filed. Possibly a go-fundme page. We'd have to have some solid volunteers and grantwriters to hit up donors to fund petition gatherers.
You haven’t seen anything, until you see the way the Nevilles’ and the former Castle Rock mayor’s, RMGO gunhead buddies go after petition gatherers here.
Last time I did anything like this, we dealt with constant small crowds of their screaming, threatening, taunting followers, including barking and nipping german shepherd dogs, etc., etc., etc., following us wherever we were gathering signatures. Then they had Shawn Mitchell file a ludicrous and laughable formal complaint (after we had turned in the petitions) with the CR town council seeking to invalidate all of the petitions gathered, involving their (as anonymous plaintiffs) claims that we were threatening, bullying, and intimidating their peaceful 1st-Amendment attempts to point out our “lies and misrepresentations.”
Good fun, really! . . .
Really? I remember us carrying signs and following petition gatherers trying to recall Evie Hudak around to run them off, but we were told to keep a respectful distance and not engage with them. God, that family and the RMGO affiliates are really the scum of the Earth.
And, God, I hate Castle Rock, or as I call it, Casterly Rock.
Oh yeah, all true.
I’ve probably forgotten a bunch, but I do remember the couple with their german shepherd dogs who brought them right up as close as they could get, and then allowed the dogs bark nonstop at us. (I got warning-nipped once by one on my hamstring, while I was trying to talk with its owner.)
I also remember one particulary vile and ugly older gentlemen who, when he got winded after yelling and slathering, seemed to enjoy walking up until he was almost touching petition gatherers, and get directly into their face, and ask ominously — “How would you defend yourself right now if I had a gun and tried to shoot you?” Or, if the gatherer were a woman, ask “What would you do if I tried to attack and rape you, right now?”
And, just to be nonsexist, the women were almost usually worse, and more vicious, than the men . . .
Can we just cut Castle Rock off from the rest of the state? We'll stay out of there, except for using the I-25 corridor.
Funny thing is, hardly any of these folks lived in Castle Rock. I got to know several personally (after a time it sorta’ resembled that Looney Tunes sheepdog and wolf thing — punch in on the time clock, go to work, punch out, “Good night, Sam. Good night, Ralph”) and they were mostly coming down from Arvada, Westminster, Broomfield, and other parts north.
Another Republican with a big dog. It wasn't John Keyser by any chance, was it?