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April 09, 2019 06:46 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that’s no reason not to give it.”

–Agatha Christie


38 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

      1. I don't mind seeing that information at all. It is the kind of thinking that is promoted by conservatives who keep trying to keep the party from moving left. 

        You are the ones who got us here. You are the ones who allow yourselves to believe you can negotiate with fascists. The data in that poll shows you that traditional Democrats still have not wised up.


        1. We need only look to the hot spots of the world – mid-East, North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc  to see that tribalism is a good thing.

          By the way – they are not hidden

          American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

          1. Any analysis which claims there is a common culture or a "nation" made up of Western North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska; Northern Arizona;  all of Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Nevada, and Idaho; eastern Washington, Oregon, and California; and nearly all of Colorado is making a sizeable leap of faith, in my opinion. The summary:

            The Far West: The Great Plains and the Mountain West were built by industry, made necessary by harsh, sometimes inhospitable climates. Far Westerners are intensely libertarian and deeply distrustful of big institutions, whether they are railroads and monopolies or the federal government.

            Take a look at Sabato's Electoral College Trend graphs and see if you can support the idea of a common "nation" among the Far West states.

            1. I have problems with his packaging too. I can see how you can lump CO, NM, NV and maybe AZ together, but UT will still stick out as a sore thumb.

      2. Anyone who’s surprised to learn that Twitter Democrats are a different group than just Democrats, would probably also be surprised to find out that Twitter Republicans are a different group than just Republicans?? . . .

        . . . as someone once said, “It’s the Twitter, stupid!”

    1. Reality is one thing.
      Leadership is another.

      "…the majority of ordinary Democrats in Virginia said Mr. Northam should remain in office, according to a Washington Post/Schar School poll a week later. And black Democrats were likelier than white ones to say Mr. Northam should remain"

      "See what outsiders don't unnerstand about here – is we got your good racists and your bad racists and we ain't talkin' abou the Klan. They're all racist – and Northam seems ok. Leave him alone."

      What's even more ridiculous – Big Government is bad. Until we start talking about farm subsidies. That's not welfare – farms feed Americans.


      1. Dammit, Madco, how many times do I have to tell you?

        It ain't welfare if the money goes to rich white guys!

        Now, pay attention this time.  This stuff is going to be on the test.

  1. Hidden among the news these days is that the Trump administration is violating some of its hard core rules in dealing with the economic migrants at the southern border. Facilities along the border are overflowing. The administration has been busing migrants to cities farther away, like Phoenix, Albuquerque, and San Antonio.

    In those towns, they're released and told to "come back later" for a hearing. Of course, the likelihood of many doing that is probably low. Why would they? They achieved their goal and can now blend in with existing populations. It means that Crooked Donald now has a new name attached: "Open Borders Donald." He already has earned that title anyway by saying little, and doing nothing, about people who overstay visas.

    Wondering what Moderatus/PodestaEmails, Andrew Carnegie, Powerful Pear have to say about this?

    1. Oh please.  How many of those detained and given court dates identify as "economic migrants" ?

      Of those given court dates for determination of status, over 90% show up for immigration hearings. With a few reminders, it is closer to 97%. They may not have attorneys, they don't stand much of a chance of being granted asylum, but they STILL show up.

      1. Of course, they don't identify themselves as "economic migrants." I don't fault people for wanting a better life, but they should try it first in their home countries. Just how does one prove conclusively that one is fleeing gangs in Central America or spousal abuse, the more common excuses. There also is gang violence and spousal abuse in USA.

        Bottom line: as long as there is 50% plus unemployment on Native American reservations and homeless vets with PTSD, we need to take care of our own first.


        1. Try telling that to this cretin . . . 

          Bottom line: as long as there is 50% plus unemployment on Native American reservations and homeless vets with PTSD, we need to take care of our own first.


          No economic migrants?  Tell that to Mangoman!

          No economic migrants? Isn’t that exactly what we tell the native American community? — “No jobs? Well, then, just move off the res (onto some land we stole after we lied to, and slaughtered, your grandparents), there’s job aplenty tending golf courses and swabbing toilets in Florida . . .”

          . . . Love that conservative logic:  “Sorry folks, I can’t help you with any of your problems — there’s veterans with PTSD that I’m not helping, first.”

          My guess is, unless you’ve got relatives still on the Res, that your antecedents came to America as economic migrants, no???  But I guess that maybe was a time when native Americans had full employment, and all the other problems of life had been fully solved for everyone else, too??

          PS. Here’s a clue, there’s nothing preventing us from solving the two problems you mentioned except for political will and prejudice — what is keeping other economic migrants out of the country going to do to change either of those?

          PPS. Of course, I could be completely wrong about all if this, and (now, just guessing here), we could see the majority of billionaires and large corporations wake to tomorrow, and collectively press Mitch and the boyz to act, “You know, we are really kind of tired of all this winning. And, it’s not really like we need a seventh Lear jet, so whats say we just cancel that unnecessary $2-trillion tax cut, and let’s hire us some indians and get them good jobs, and also provide treatment for all those vets?? It really would be the right thing to do, and there’s no better time than now that America is great again! And, then we can take whatever’s left fund education, healthcare, improve our broadband and electrical grid, and transition away from fossil fuels, and still have enough left over hold a yuge parade for the Donald, every month! . . .

          . . . and gawdammit, Mitch, if you won’t help us do all this, then we’re just gonna’ take our campaign contributions, all of them, and start giving them, all of them, to politicians who will!”

          I can see this possibly happening tomorrow, I spose’. Can’t you, CHB?

          1. It's really all about the distraction and deflection from the issues at hand.

            Random gun violence a problem? What we really need (but will never fund) is mental health care.

            Desperate families at the border? What we really need to do (but will never do) is provide jobs on the Rez.

            Colorado schools 44th in funding in the country? What we really need to do is post the 10 commandments and stop all sex education.

            And on it goes.

        2. I always flinch at the formula:  "until we have achieved total perfection in this country, we can't do dip-squat about anything else."

           that's a formula for doing nothing at home or abroad.  I'm damn glad the French didn't take that attitude in the American Revolution.

    2. Got a link for this story, CHB? Because I can't find it in the mainstream press anywhere.

      The one that I did find in azcentral news, states that parents in migrant families are usually fitted with ankle bracelets for monitoring.

      This, btw, is the exact same policy they used to have before $rump's inhumane family separation policy started. It makes less money for the private prison industry, but is less heartbreakingly traumatic for the children.

      But please, feel free to call him "Open Borders Donald", as you go to all of those Republican meetings to try to inform and reform your own party. Let us know how it goes.

      1. PJ Media, Yahoo, etc…….I hit a variety of sources on any given day. But, you can do your own research.

        Of course, for some of Pols posters, you won’t “waste” time reading on any link I provide because you already “know” you won’t find your “desired truth” there. Enjoy the day.

        1. PJ Media, Yahoo, etc…….I hit a variety of sources on any given day. But, you can do your own research.

          Translation:   I don't want to show you the links. 


    1. They probably believe it will look better on their resume, you know those future careers that they have ruined by working for #TrumpsterFire in the first place.

          1. Faux Noise does pay better.  But at least at Burger King, they can look their kids in the eye and say they do honest work.

            Plus, you get free fries!

            Just filch one from every order. They’ll never catch you.

    2. Whadaya’ think this is, Dave, . . . 

      . . . some kind of goofy, lameass “reality” television show, or the serious business of the administration of the stable genius President of the United States of Anerica?????!!!

  2. Hey Alva,

    . . . how much per hour is Zuckerberg paying you to not block, and leave up, these incessant $92/hour scam posts??? . . . 

    (. . . And, yeah, I do get that they’re way more credible than that Poddy crap you let stay up.)

        1. Sadly, if you add up his total health insurance costs, his taxpayer-funded pension and his non-productive time on his government computer blasting the F-word on this page, all of us here are saddled with him at this pay scale.  

          Why is it all-too-often the case that the boys who hate gummit just can't extract themselves from Lady Liberty's teat? 

  3. Our good "patriotic" Republicans make fun of the Senate President for being a Marine.  On their FB page, the Jefferson County Republican Party wrote the following:  "With the weather tomorrow let's place bets on whether the Colorado State Senate is open or not.   Since the Senate President is a former Marine and sees everyone as dispensable since he doesn't have much common sense as a democrat!"

    They took the post down, and a fb friend posted a screen grab from it, along with a reply.  Since I don't know how to post a file pic and I want to protect this friend's privacy, I just quoted it.  Unless someone knows how I can post a file, since I crossed out his response, his name and picture on the download.  

    1. Military service is "sacred" to Republicans, until they find out you don't agree with them.  Then, they'll question whether you actually served.  



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