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April 17, 2019 09:19 AM UTC

Hundreds of Schools Closed as Manhunt Continues

  • by: Colorado Pols



A total of 20 or 30 armed officers including a SWAT team and a Clear Creek County snowcat were near the Echo Lake Campground in the Arapaho National Forest and in the midst of an extensive search operation Wednesday morning. The search was centered at the base of Mount Evans. Late Wednesday morning authorities said Pais is dead. It’s not clear how she died.

A woman who was hiking in the area in the morning told CBS4 she was told to leave the area because “a naked woman matching the description with a gun was spotted in the area running through the woods.”


As the Denver Post reports:

Districts across the Denver metro area ordered their schools closed Wednesday as the FBI and local police continue a “massive manhunt” for an 18-year-old Florida woman they say is “infatuated with Columbine” and who purchased a shotgun shortly after arriving in Colorado this week.

Most major Denver-area school districts — and others across the Front Range — have canceled classes Wednesday, including Denver Public Schools, Douglas County School District, Aurora Public Schools and Jeffco Public Schools, home to Columbine High School, which was on lockout on Tuesday along with more than 20 other schools in that district over “credible threats.”

Superintendents from school districts across the Denver-metro area gathered for a call Tuesday night and collectively determined that the safest course of action would be to close schools on Wednesday.

Even school districts as far away from Columbine as those in Weld and Larimer counties have been closed Wednesday as a precaution.

Law enforcement officials are looking for 18-year-old Sol Pais, who was last seen in the foothills of Jefferson County on Monday evening. Call ‘911’ immediately if you spot the woman in the photos above.


14 thoughts on “Hundreds of Schools Closed as Manhunt Continues

  1. So we've come to this.  A single crazy 18 year old person comes to Colorado, legally buys a gun and ammunition, makes threats to our schools and is able to take virtually the entire state hostage.  (Why haven't Aspen schools or Grand Junction schools or Kansas schools closed?)  What happens tomorrow or next week or May if she's not found?  Maybe she's left the state?  This over-reaction begs for crazy copy cats to do similar things when they see what they can accomplish.

    I believe we should have put more armed police around the schools.   There.  Problem solved to the best of our ability in a country where guns and crazy people are allowed to coexist. 

    1. Hey, hey, hey . . . 

      . . . Negev has the right to sell his property to anyone he wants!  . . . Because, constitution, and takings, and frreeeeeedduummmm, and stuff.

  2. Paging Negev, paging Negev…..please pick up the white courtesy phone…..

    Doesn't this woman have First and Second Amendment rights which are being trampled?

  3. Apprehended! Congratulations, LEO! Now, let's quit with the 'infatuated' descriptor. This young woman is delusional and desperately needs inpatient treatment. Probably for several months or longer

    1. Congrats to law enforcement.

      I'd bet there will be a copycat in the near future because the schools' response was so over the top.  I would hope the response next time would be to assign more police outside schools until the threat expires. 

  4. Let's pause for a moment to salute the brave men and women of our law enforcement agencies.  Every time I watch my son-in-law strap on that bullet -resistant vest, I think about the time a crazed gunman fired at him.  He missed, my son-in-law did not.  But he still bears the burden of having had to kill a man, no matter how justified.

    Some times, including this time, the good folks win.  But not always.

    Think of that the next time you see them racing toward danger while the rest of us are running away.

    1. Not only brave … but prepared to deal with ALL sorts of crazy to intentional behavior.

      It makes me thankful.  The officer I know best gratefully is retired and not troubled by second thoughts or regrets about her career.  But some of the tales she is willing to share ….

    1. Some districts never closed, just were on "heightened awareness". That meant that already – fragile kids broke down emotionally today. For many, school is the safest and most stable place in their lives. The thought that it might also be dangerous freaked them out.

      It also meant that some important activities – field trips to universities, sports and music and business club competitions – had to be postponed or canceled because the hosting schools or campuses were closed.

      So who lost? Students and teachers all over the state. Who won?

      Well, I'm sure Negev's business is booming.

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