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June 03, 2019 04:42 PM UTC

Recall Polis Campaign Literally Grifting Welfare Checks

  • by: Colorado Pols

The campaign to recall Gov. Jared Polis’ fundraising appears to have stalled out over the past few weeks. Almost a month ago on May 6, the Independence Institute’s “Freedomfy” fundraising page for the Polis recall showed $23,740 raised toward the effort. As of this writing on June 3, the page shows only $24,046 raised–less than $500 in a month, seemingly a dramatic slowdown from their early trajectory. But that might not be the whole story–if you visit the “Official Recall Polis” website, they’re now directing to a non-Freedomfy fundraising page. We’re not sure exactly when that change was made, but the new page does not publicly show donations or a cumulative total raised.

Regardless as we’ve discussed in detail, the campaign to recall Gov. Polis has such a meager chance of success that its true goal cannot be to actually get a recall question on the ballot. Unlike recalls against state lawmakers, a successful petition to force a recall election of the sitting governor would require over 600,000 valid Colorado voter signatures–many times the amount required for any statewide ballot question, and far in excess of what has ever been collected for any purpose in this state. The logistical requirements to conduct a petition drive on that scale are infeasible and at a cost that’s frankly difficult to accurately estimate.

To anyone who understands the extreme difficulty of making good on the Recall Polis campaign’s eponymous promise, it’s clear that the real purpose of the operation is the funds being raised to support it. The Independence Institute’s Freedomfy “fundraising platform” skimmed a large percentage off the top of every online donation for the $24,000 raised through that site, more than double what GoFundMe charges–and the largest recipient of the funds raised so far has been to former Secretary of State Scott Gessler for legal fees. If they can’t raise the untold millions they would need to actually recall Gov. Polis, and it definitely looks at this point like they can’t, the consolation prize is the cash reaped by conservative organizations and lawyers.

That’s a comment late last week from the Official Recall Polis Facebook group, administrator Karen Murray fleecing the faithful for more donations. The comment in response promises a donation to the campaign when “my SSI arrives.” This is a reference to Supplemental Security Income, federal benefits paid to people with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or over 65. SSI is not Social Security, but a direct cash benefit paid from general tax revenues to elderly and disabled people who are still too poor to make ends meet.

Would you take this woman’s SSI money for a futile Recall Polis campaign?

Would you sleep well if you did?

One thing’s for sure. We can’t call this a “victimless crime” anymore.


8 thoughts on “Recall Polis Campaign Literally Grifting Welfare Checks

  1. I don't know what's worse.  Someone who would take someone else's SSI for something this stupid, or that someone would donate their SSI to it willingly.  Especially when by the SSI recipient's definition, she's on the Government dole.

    1. Indeed. On one hand,

      A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.

      ~ Gordon Gekko

      On the other hand, fleecing poor, simple-minded stump jumpers such as "Nancy M Brady" is egregious misconduct. 

  2. They're gearing up with a volunteer effort: one of the Gilpin FB groups had a post asking for petition gatherers. He didn't get a very positive response, but I'm guessing he picked up a couple of hardcore believers for the effort. Not feeling like a 600,000 signature effort, though.

    1. Grammarly.com has your answer

      Style guides vary in their recommendations of what to do when you have a singular proper noun that ends in s. Some recommend adding only an apostrophe:

      Charles Dickens’ novels Kansas’ main airport

      Others say to add apostrophe+s:

      Charles Dickens’s novels Kansas’s main airport

      Short version … consult your very own style guide.  Don't have one?  try to be consistent.

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