(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
(D) J. Hickenlooper*
(R) Somebody
(D) M. Dougherty
(D) Jena Griswold
(D) Brian Mason
(D) Brianna Titone
(R) Kevin Grantham
(D) Jerry DiTullio
(D) Diana DeGette*
(R) Somebody
(D) Joe Neguse*
(R) Somebody
(R) Jeff Hurd*
(D) Somebody
(R) Lauren Boebert*
(D) Somebody
(R) Jeff Crank*
(D) Somebody
(D) Jason Crow*
(R) Somebody
(D) B. Pettersen*
(R) Somebody
(R) Gabe Evans*
(D) Manny Rutinel
(D) Yadira Caraveo
Grand Junction Sentinel, from yesterday’s GOP gubernatorial debate in Grand Junction:
The two Republican candidates for Colorado governor gave virtually the same answers on such things as protecting the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, balancing the state’s budget and appointing conservative judges to the bench, but they differed on the details for each.
McInnis said if a similar bill to Arizona’s controversial new law requiring police to check the legal status of immigrants landed on the governor’s desk, he would sign it.
Maes said he wouldn’t wait. He would require police in Colorado to enforce laws already on the books, such as verifying the legal status of anyone getting a job or asking for state aid, and make sure police turn illegal immigrants arrested for other crimes over to the federal government…
[McInnis] took the opportunity to attack his GOP opponent as once favoring amnesty for illegal immigrants, something Maes denied, prompting an attack of his own.
“Did you hear an answer? Did you hear a strategy?” Maes said of McInnis’ response to the Arizona law. “If an Arizona law came across his desk, if it came across his desk, he would sign it. I’m not saying, ‘If someone were to put something in front of me,’ I’m saying if I were your governor, I’d be doing that right now.”
Unfortunately for Dan Maes, there is this Denver Post story from last month titled “GOP gubernatorial candidate Maes’ immigration stance ‘evolving.'” Maes claims in that story it was a conversation with Tom Tancredo that started to ‘change his mind,’ but it’s pretty hard to go from there to denying you ever supported “amnesty;” he clearly did support what Tancredo calls “amnesty” at one point.
We continue to believe that Republicans’ glomming all over Arizona’s new law is a demographic land mine they could sorely regret stepping on by November, but in this GOP primary–as you can see–it’s a race to out-embrace it.
The other piece of this story that we find particularly interesting is the fact that McInnis is openly attacking Maes. Obviously McInnis is more than a little concerned about losing votes and supporters to Maes — you don’t go on the attack against your Primary opponent if you aren’t overly worried about him.
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Not surprising
Maes wants police to enforce laws that require verification of “legal status” before anyone is hired for a job? For any job? All employers? How many million police officers would that require?
PS: does such a law really exist?
Its only 12 million men, women and children. Once we put all of those people in federal prison, presto!, our immigration system is fixed.
This is all very simple — how could it be that nobody has thought of it before? Just REQUIRE police to do all of this. They don’t have anything else to do, anyway. And we have all of these completely empty prisons just sitting there.
For cops to do their jobs? Look, we just allocated millions of dollars for a new penitentiary while cutting education spending across the board. So why not use it?!
Once our penitentiaries are full, we could have camps or something for everyone else. It will be like Avatar, when the General uses gas to humanely disperse the Naavi from Hometree.
Pols, I couldn’t agree more. I hope your influence will help as much as it did in pay day lending. Maybe we can get a draconian law passed here.
is their objective blue.
Twelve million people (12,000,000) will be rounded up from every hamlet and burg in the nation and forcibly deported. This is all going to be done without raising taxes to pay for the army of state police required to carry out this task to find every illegal immigrant in the country. Everyone will be required to carry their birth certificates to proof they deserve to live in this police state. It just gives me chills thinking how grandiose this plan is. It kind of reminds me of the emotional conviction they had that if we all just went along then they would certainly find those WMD once they invaded. If you ask me this is a fools quest for the Holy Grail of White Supremacy. There is no fucking way that twelve million (12,000,000) people are going to be deported for free without any repercussions. Maes and McInnis live in La-La Land if they think they are going to successfully identify and deport twelve million(12,000,000) people. This folks for so loony they shouldn’t be considered for high elective office. What morons. We need to go to Plan B and not waste anymore time on this fascist solution.
Is that while Arizona passed this BS, we just got a search consent bill passed in Colorado. Now you will be informed of your constitutional right to refuse a search if it isn’t based on probable cause. It is a step away from racial profiling instead of two towards it.
What would happen to our economy if somehow all 12 million left. Then they’ld demand a government program to bring back all that cheap labor.
coming in with a guest worker program and make it much easier for citizenship unless you’re flagged or on some possible threat list or something. It can take two years or more now to become a citizen. The illegals are hard working people mostly, it’s why people pay them. I think we should let them in as long as they don’t have a criminal background or some terrorist (which is why this is important). My problem with such mass migrations of immigrants from Mexico (illegally) is that a few bad guys (and not just drug lords) have come over the border.
with an easily accessible guest worker program and path to citizenship as it once was, we can bring in those doing the jobs no Americans and focus on keeping out the ones that are set against our nation instead of spending time rounding up 12 million people which would cost a fortune in police.
The more labor, the lower its value.
Americans did do all those jobs that they “won’t do.”
In my family community of fifty years, it was blacks and teenagers (me) doing the yard care. Now it’s all immigrants. No jobs for the blacks or the teenagers.
Meatpacking used to be tough but well paying. Now it’s just tough and wages are about half of what they were a generation ago. Why? Collapse of the unions as the companies couldn’t resist that cheap labor.
You can’t have 12 million (or whatever number) people working for less than what Americans struggled for a hundred years for and not have a cheapening of labor.
The question at hand has nothing to do with ethics or racism or their simple desires. It has to do with cheapening labor.
unless we have them on a fair guest worker program requiring employers to pay them at minimum wage and the same as others.
once we can kill the wage gap, then whoever has the harder work ethic will get the job.
Until then, the 12 million will always get that job first, correct, because nobody is making them be paid at the same rates as Americans.
is a fairly standard affair in the world of unregulated capitalism.
If you pay people the same rate then it evens the playing field.
Thanks for your thoughtful response A-bob. You have probably earned the undying hatred of the conservatives who frequent this forum by suggesting that deportation is not the answer. Good for you. They live in La-La Land and have no idea how to deal with real life issues. Their favorite fantasies are all they can see.
to understand the concept of any issue without somehow experiencing it. Unfortunately issues like illegal immigration cannot be so black and white.
What I find funny is that Republicans are the ones (on the issue of immigration) that try to turn us into something like North Korea, locking all the borders.
We are a nation of immigrants, that’s what being American is about. I think we should welcome as many as we can to our nation that only seek the same things we do, a better and free America.
Once upon a time. Not now. We can’t be. There were 156 million residents in the US when I was a kid, we are now at almost double that. We are now running out of resources like water.
What was good once does not mean it is good forever.
The strong middle class of the 1940’s-1970’s came to be because of the limited restrictions of the immigration laws of 1925 and 1926. Without the cheap labor of immigration, employers had to pay more.
We are not about immigration. No mas.
So I guess he also plans have us all hand over most of our income in taxes to support the mega police hordes it would require to have the police investigate every single job applicant.
What does Joe G. think?
Well, gee, everyone is overlooking the simplicity of the situation.
There is significant pressure to expel twelve million people. It will be fairly simple to get this accomplished if we’re just not too picky about WHICH twelve million we deport.
We could deport the first twelve million who happen to get caught in rush hour gridlock. The cops can just inform them they’re selected, and direct them away from the traffic jam and toward the nearest border. Voila! No more rush hour congestion.
Or we could deport the first twelve million politicians who dare to run as incumbents. Shazam, no more need for term limits.
Who do you nominate? Anyone know if the number of lawyers, plus the quantity of corporate lobbyists adds up to twelve million? (Maybe we could throw in CEOs to round out the number?)
Weed out out the dumbest and most gullible in our society so we can improve the gene pool.
The Republicans are fond of trumpeting Ronald Reagan as being only slightly less praiseworthy than Christ Himself. Yet on the immigration issue they continue to violate the 11th commandment of Ronald Reagan. Never speak ill of a fellow Republican. Speaking as a Democrat I am just happy to observe the infighting. It brings joy to my heart.
Two compassionate and reasonable people we have for governor on the Republican ticket……….. Makes hick’s job easy for him.
Fools. Aztlan won’t win you any American votes!
You forgot to add the maniacal laughter.
If the Aztlandians were the original Americans then who is he actually referring to?
if that’s what they’re calling it these days
Some of the people you disparage have been here lots longer than your own family.
“American” is pretty well defined by the 14th Amendment.
Are you saying you don’t support our Constitution?
your swell plan for deporting 12 million people forcibly. Throwing taunts about how victorious your political party is going to be in the next election is all fun and giggles but how about a little conservative insight into how you plan to go from having the police state engage in illegal search and seizures based on racial profiles to forcibly deporting 12 million people. I’d also like to see the price tag on that puppy. Is a trillion dollars too low if you add in the economic disruption of tracking down these economic refugees.
Come on GOPWARRIOR tell us how the Republican Party plans to deport 12 million people forcibly without raising taxes or turning our country into a police state which as we all know means government intrusion into the daily affairs of all Americans. Tell us oh mighty warrior how it is going to happen. I bet you can’t.
what would Republicans be able to run on in the elections? They like having it as a perpetual problem to gin up fear and anger.
It’s the same reason no Republican President has ever seriously tried to overturn Roe v. Wade or catch Osama bin Laden.
GOPCoward and
to his/her/its nicknames.
The gutless fraud makes big statements about how awesome Republicans are at leading but can’t provide any specifics about how they plan to forcibly deport 12 million people. And these brain dead cowards think they have what it takes to lead this country into a new era of peace and prosperity.
I asked for just one coherent thought regarding how embracing the police state and gutting the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution would lead to a better society and the little coward can’t reply with even one sentence.
The reality is that GOPussy and his ilk think if they are just mean enough then these foreign workers will get discouraged and go back home on their own. This fantasy belief is confronted by the fact that there are no jobs or prospects in the small towns of Mexico and Central America so being mean isn’t going to accomplish anything. It is a worthless strategy and solves nothing.
We all know where this is going end up.’
After a sufficient period of hysteria and demonization the first shots are going to be fired and a lot of people are going to get killed and we aren’t talking about drug dealers or traffickers in humans.
The objective is to classify illegals as terrorists and then start killing them so the rest will be so afraid of the racists and their guns that they will go back to where they came from. It won’t work of course but you have to hand it to the coward that he doesn’t even bother to try and defend this despicable strategy.
Scott McInnis seems to be taking more than just his primary opponent too seriously. On May 1 he was seen and photographed in Tucson Arizona rallying with supporters of the bill. Considering there were less than 30 of them, not sure if the trip was worth it.