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July 10, 2019 08:51 AM UTC

Gardner Pours Cold Water on Polis Recall

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Sen. Cory Gardner, former state Sen. Tim Neville.

Cory Gardner thinks Colorado Republicans should focus on winning the next election, not recalling Democratic Gov. Jared Polis from office.

Asked about the Polis recall, Gardner recently told El Paso Republicans, as first reported by The Denver Post:

GARDNER: “You know what, we gotta focus all we can on winning in 2020; getting our congressional seats back, getting our state legislature back … . “That’s where I’m at. You may agree or disagree, but boy I think we gotta get our nuts and bolts together so that we can win.”

Gardner’s comment aligns with the views of establishment figures within the Colorado Republican Party, who’ve said repeatedly that recall organizers will never collect enough signatures to get the recall measure on the ballot–and the effort itself makes the Republican Party look petty, whiny, and chaotic in the eyes of swing voters. 

But the organizers of the Polis recall have the loud backing of conservative talk radio hosts and many party activists, who are livid at the governor for signing laws this year addressing gun-safety, the presidential popular vote, and comprehensive sex-ed, among other alleged transgressions.

Recall backers also say their organizing efforts will help them win next year’s election, bolstering their voter lists and identifying more volunteers and activists.

Gardner’s decision to publicly throw water on the Polis recall came as a surprise to some political analysts, who’ve noted that Gardner has already angered Republican activists to the point where they have given him a chilly reception at the state’s largest gathering of conservatives, the Centennial Institute’s Western Conservative Summit.

KNUS radio host Randy Corporon has speculated that Gardner was considering skipping this year’s Summit, in part, because he didn’t get a fully “warm reception” there last year. Gardner has decided to attend the gathering this weekend.

On the other hand, Gardner has pleased Republican activists by, among other things, endorsing Trump and approving Trump’s declaration of a national emergency for the purpose of funding a border wall.


14 thoughts on “Gardner Pours Cold Water on Polis Recall

    1. I'm here every day, fuck nut. I personally think we need to focus on recalling Brittany Pettersen Pete Lee and Leroy Garcia now and flip the Senate before 2020. The Polis recall is justified but probably a lost cause.

      Was that the answer you wanted shithead?

      1. Fuck off sore loser.  Just looking to recall because you're butthurt over losing last year.  You lost because your candidates sucked.  Your party sucks, your furher sucks.

      1. There is something bordering adorable about him, his predictability, his poddy mouth. He’s a good little (white) soldier for #ProsperityJesus. 

  1. re: Gardner wanting to "gotta get our nuts and bolts together so that we can win.”

    Some might say the nuts are already gathered in the various Neville organizations.  I'm not certain who would count as a bolt — though a few like Cole Wist speaking out may qualify as "bolts" from the Republican/Trumpian/Neville party.  Chance of getting them together ?? seems fairly unlikely to me.

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