As the Colorado Independent’s Robin Bravender reports, vulnerable 2020 Republicans including Colorado’s own Sen. Cory Gardner are banding together in a new “pro-environment” coalition they’re calling Roosevelt Conservation Caucus–named of course after Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, not Teddy’s socialist cousin:
The kickoff of the Roosevelt Conservation Caucus comes after President Trump gave a speech this week touting his administration’s environmental record and as Republican lawmakers appear increasingly eager to herald their green credentials.
Gardner joined other Republicans from the Senate and House on Wednesday to formally announce the launch of the group, which its leaders said will “embrace and promote constructive efforts to resolve conservation and environmental problems that align with market-based approaches and promote American ingenuity.”
Gardner said Wednesday that he hopes the platform will “shine a light on the strong [environmental] leadership” of the Republican caucus.
Unfortunately for Sen. Gardner, nobody’s seems to be very clear on what this record of “strong environmental leadership” from Republicans, you know…consists of:
But environmentalists say Gardner — who’s considered the most vulnerable Republican senator in 2020 — is trying to greenwash his record.
The Roosevelt Conservation Caucus is “all hat and no cattle,” said Jessica Goad, deputy director of Conservation Colorado. “The bottom line is this: Senator Gardner has cast anti-environment votes 85 percent of the time, so the formation of the Roosevelt Conservation caucus could be a good thing, but it has to be action-oriented.” [Pols emphasis]
The story cites a report from Conservation Colorado last month that takes a further look at Gardner’s long record on the environment, which as we’ve discussed at length in this space is heavy on rhetoric and vanishingly light on votes to back up said rhetoric:
[A]ccording to the data experts at the media organization FiveThirtyEight, and based on President Donald Trump’s 2016 election vote margins in Colorado, Senator Gardner would be expected to support the President’s positions about 45 percent of time in the U.S. Senate. And yet, Senator Gardner votes in line with President Trump’s position about 91 percent of the time. This makes him the second-most misaligned Senator with his or her constituents.1
In no policy area is this phenomenon more on display than with conservation and the environment. Since he first became Colorado’s junior U.S. senator, Senator Gardner has voted against policies to protect clean air and water, supported the interests of fossil fuel companies above Colorado’s taxpayers, fought against common-sense laws to limit carbon and air pollution, and helped swing open the doors to America’s public lands for mining and drilling operations. In fact, our analysis shows that during the four years he has been in the Senate, he has voted against the environment four out of every five times. [Pols emphasis]
In broad political terms, it’s extremely difficult for Republicans at any level to credibly run on a platform of support for environmental protection. A modern-day Republican invoking Theodore Roosevelt to suggest Republicans care about the environment is equivalent to pretending the GOP’s racist re-alignment to court votes in the South never happened. On both the environment and race relations, Republicans have transformed into the effective opposite of the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.
If Cory Gardner wants to “lead on the environment,” there’s a compelling argument he should start by revisiting his endorsement of a Republican President who thinks windmills cause cancer. As long as Gardner is playing second fiddle to a sitting President seemingly determined to make a fool of Republicans who claim their party has a “record of leadership” on the environment, this kind of revisionist “greenwashing” is not just laughable but in fact politically self-harmful.
It leaves an impression that Gardner thinks voters are stupid. Voters don’t like that.
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Fuck Cory Gardner.
Yep…I heard him say that.
It is important to remember that Cory has NEVER TAKEN THIS SERIOUSLY. Cory studied with statesmen like Josh Penry and Frank McNulty with a scholarship from COGA and the CPA. He has been laughing all the way to the bank ever since the day he realized he could bullshit his way to fame and fortune, simply by lying his ass off through that everpresent smile.
Corys' allies know his MO. They don't care all that much what he says…they know what he will do when they need him.
Maybe he can drink some fracking fluid to show how environmentally friendly fracking is?
Just a reminder, greenwashing isn't supposed to work on Pols or with Conservation Colorado, but if some voters see it in a Post endorsement or on the teevee, they won't exactly rush to check the source material!
“Greenwashing” apparently is what just happens when someone spills blue paint onto Colorado’s Senator from Yuma . . .
Nah…just peel the red outer coating away! He's blue on the inside – he comes from a long line of Yuma County Democrats!
It's not often that I quote Sebastian Gorka. Well, scratch that, this is actually a first for quoting him. In his words, the junior senator (and we just as well throw in the rest of the Teddy Roosevelt caucus) is a watermelon: green on the outside and deep, deep red on the inside.
Gorky was using it to describe Communists. The irony (it's dead).
Speaking of
Satan’s typewriterSebastian…(you'd think that Drumpf's penchant for Playboy bunnies would have tempered him with Brain Karem)Trump’s social media summit was a circus. Its aftermath was even worse.
Does our junior senator think we've all forgotten about that little pledge he signed? (the link for this on the American's for Prosperity website has been removed). That little promise he made to CPAC? His fetish with "all-things-ALEC"?
Maybe the Roosevelt coalition will join with Shell, BP, Exxon and others and oppose the Trump methane rollbacks?
Or join with the major automotive firms who do not want the Trump rollback of the CAFE / fuel efficiency standards?
Just spit balling, but joining with private industry seems like a strong traditional Republican thing to do — so perhaps we'll find out if Cory is a traditional Republican or a Trump-ite.