According to the newly reanimated conservative news site Face the State, former New York Gov. George Pataki was in town last week, among other things promoting the Independence Institute’s ballot initiative seeking to nullify federal health reform legislation that passed this year:
Pataki was in Denver Wednesday as a part of a nationwide push to collect 1 million signatures in support of repealing the federal healthcare bill passed this spring. The effort, dubbed, is backed in Colorado by the libertarian Independence Institute which is promoting a ballot initiative to exempt Colorado from the new federal law…
Face the State’s report neatly glosses over the fact that Jon Caldara’s initiative is well short of the number of signatures needed to make the ballot. According to the Denver Daily News Thursday, Caldara had only collected about 10,000 signatures, kind of laughably short of the 76,000+ needed–Caldara has an explanation for that too, of course, and he’s suing to overturn state petition gathering laws that restrict for-profit collection of signatures.
We’d love to hear Caldara explain how those anti-petition fraud laws didn’t stop other initiatives from making the ballot this year. As for Pataki, the word is this “Revere America” stuff is actually Pataki putting out feelers for a 2012 presidential bid–a bid that even his fellow New Yorkers oppose by over 70%. None of which serves to make it much of a news story, which is why you didn’t see much about this Pataki/Caldara “rally” except at venues like Face the State.
But as always, we thank Brad Jones for blowing smoke up our kazoo.
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If the voters didn’t approve it, Caldera would say they were tricked by the wicked liberal political machine.
He’s not pulling a Doug Bruce and ignoring the laws governing signature payment.
That he’s not obviously breaking the law?
..the term “Obamacare” has caught on with the mainstream media. I notice that Denver Post reporter Bartels likes to use it. It’s such a politically loaded, non-neutral description of the law.
Sorry my comment is off topic but your headline reminded me.
Even Democrats refer to it like that. Somewhere along the way the Republicans won the messaging on that. Big surprise.
For that which they reject and oppose.
Besides it sounds great after the word “repeal”.
We’ll just take Congress in November and fix it then. I can live with that.
Collected his public option steaks yet?
We take at least one house of Congress in Nov. Any bettors? Name your ante!
Let’s experiment: please try to state 3 facts about the new federal health care law that you don’t like. I bet the only response I get will be “duhhh, we’re gonna win you liberal losers!”
– death panels
– closing Offut AFB
– gov’t take over of healthcare
Probably way before your time, the mighty Ruthie, Moonraker, Dr. Dobson has God like Qualities, Gecko, all practiced your particular nonsubstantial participation here. Lots of “We gonna kick yo ass” talk.
Time and elections proved them all wrong.
Go find your aforementioned buds and have oh, a Bud with them, warrior.
After America starts experiencing the benefits of “Obamacare”, it might come to mean something good.
They’ll change the name to RepublicanCare
Medical dossiers on everyone,
Unconstitutional mandates to purchase
Death panels,
Death of freedom of choice,
Government control of what I can buy, from whom and when,
Decreased competition, increased cost,
More stinkin’ taxes,
Government (motivated?) physicians,
1099’s to everyone a business pays $600 – the landlord, the phone company, Office Depot …
Go troll somewhere else.
…that health care decisions should be grounded in the freedom of choice.
1. Do you mean nationwide medical records? Like the VA has had for years (instituted under Clinton.) Any vet in the system can go to any VA facility and the records are there. Oh, wow, Big Bro, I guess.
2. NO mandate to purchase, “only” punishment if one doesn’t. Carrot, not stick. Perfectly constitutional, nothing new, long history.
3. You’re kidding, right? Even your lying sack of shit peers have dropped this one.
4. People on Medicare have far MORE freedom of choice of doctors and treatment. Not
less. Do facts matter to you idiots?
5. And private insurers don’t already control this? Again, much more choice under Medicare than under private insurers.
6. How do you derive this? (Or any other absurd postulation you come up with?) “Obamacare” is a handout to private insurers. The industry was so fearful of HRC that their stocks went up when HRC passed. (That’s sarcasm in case it was too subtle for you.)
7. Part 1: Health care has always been rationed. You have the money or you don’t. I don’t. I’m 64 and have to go to the indigent care clinic for care. I’m a victim of rationing. Part 2: Where in HRC is rationing implied. Oh, it’s not, it’s in the assholes of Beck, Limbaugh, and marilou.
8. “Taxes are the price of civility. I like paying taxes.” None less than Oliver Wendell Holmes. The problem with you right wing idiots is that you do not understand that a)taxes are the lowest in almost sixty years, but most importantly b) the corporatists have escaped their moral tax burden and convinced those with Republican nose rings that they, the middle class, are paying too much. Yes, they are, but only because the plutocrats aren’t. You are doing their bidding, fool.
9. Whatever THAT means. But I’ll add that the physicians in the VA are government employees and that the VA is the second highest rated delivery system. First is Tri-Care, third is Medicare. Do you see a pattern here???? Hmmmmmm….. Oh, gee, ALL ARE THE GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS!
10. Already law and I haven’t a fucking clue what this has to do with “Obamacare.” But that’s you Righties, always a barrel full of non sequiturs.
That was fun. And futile.
He was entertaining for a while, but he’s kind of like a white Michael Steele. After a while all the idiocy and grandstanding becomes tiresome.
Laws are not retroactive…goes hand-in-hand with that rule of law thing.
-Jahfre Fire Eater