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May 26, 2010 02:07 AM UTC

Slow News Day?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Being loyal patrons of the Denver Post as we are, we’re a little confused by the top story up now on their politics homepage:

Thank goodness the kitty is okay! A poll, however, does follow.

A story about rescuing a cat is the Denver Post's top political story today because:

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26 thoughts on “Slow News Day?

    1. Is it because I once said something vaguely complementary about Andrew Romanoff???  Is this part of the BennetPols conspiracy?  Luckily I saved a screen shot!  I demand reparation…

  1. With Democrats going down in flames, the Post is having trouble finding scoops that pass the lamestream media PC test. Kitteh (worst president ever)!

    1. Too bad that’s exactly what Peter Boyles will say tomorrow.

      Actually, have Peter Boyles and PUDwarrior been seen in the same place?

    2. “New GOP Initiative Stumbles Early, Poster Calls For Repealing Civil Rights Act”

      My favorite item: “GOP leadership essentially admitted that no matter the popular sentiment, the major issues of the day are off-limits.” That’s your party stifling open debate of current issues on their own website.

      I guess it’s message control, GOP-style.

  2. (you know, cats like to chew on grass).  The cat was in charge of spinning the results of Saturday’s Dem Assembly, but hid on top of the pole when he/she ran out of creative spin ideas.  With the cat rescued, I’m sure the campaign will now be able to come up with some better reasons why it’s good for an incumbent to lose by 20 points at the State Assembly . . .

    1. Romanoff beat a sitting Senator who spent two million dollars because it was a vote held in Romanoff’s backyard…you know — Colorado.

      1. The straw vote we 3,600 delegates took on Saturday counts 50x the rest of Colorado because we are an exact statistical sample of all likely Dem primary voters.

        Gotcha 😉

    2. It’s not good.

      I am sure everyone on the Bennet team would prefer if Bennet had won (by 50.1).

      But it’s not the story. I’m too tired of this discussion to look it up, but you can. Stryker and oldbenknobi won’t – but last fall when Andrew announced, more than one posted predicted that he would “win” caucus and assembly. The more experienced predicted pretty much exactly what happened.  It’s a win. A good thing for AR.

      But…. he is not the nominee.  He gets to be listed first on the ballot.

  3. Sometimes they get stuck.

    Sometimes they come down on their own–I have never seen a cat starve to death in a tree.

    But sometimes they get scared and do nothing.

    This cat wasn’t in a tree.  It was on a power pole.  Xcel probably decided that rescuing the cat was less expensive than restoring power to a neighborhood if the cat fell and tripped a recloser.

    Whatever.  Some people like cats.  Some people hate cats.  Either group is likely to be interested in this story.

    Since you want to print stuff that people read, this story was a winner, no matter how unimportant it might have seemed.

    1. This article is the:

      2nd most-clicked article of the hour

      5th most-clicked article of the day

      3rd most-clicked article among Colorado readers of the day

      2nd most-clicked article among Colorado readers of the hour

      7th most-clicked article among readers outside Colorado of the day

      3rd most-clicked article among readers outside Colorado of the hour

      2nd most-clicked article among Denver readers

      2nd most-clicked article among news articles today

      I guess people prefer stories about pets getting plucked from precarious perches.

      1. I mean it’s a cute story, but that’s really a sad state of affairs.  Meanwhile, stories about what our elected officials are doing, wars we are fighting, and other “trivial” issues are probably buried.

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