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August 03, 2019 12:12 AM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Be careful not to compromise what you want most for what you want now.”

–Zig Ziglar


55 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Mother Earth trying to get our attention:

    Largest ice melt this summer (11 billion tons) drops off the coast of Greenland

    and who drowns out the voices:

    Liz Cheney complains that protecting Grizzlies in Yellowstone will “destroy our western way of life”.

    The judge ruled in favor of the tribes and the grizzlies. Colorado’s Rep. Neguse helped the tribes to make their case.

    No word yet from “MamaGrizz” Sarah Palin on where she stands on protecting the bears.

    Image from Pixabay – free for commercial use, no attribution required

    1. Not too many more creatures on this earth more selfish, hateful and cruel than Liz Cheney. Her daddy must be so proud.

      As our world changes around us we can expect the Cheneys and their ilk…disaster capitalists all…to profit anyway they can. Everything they do is in the context of money. All other considerations are secondary.

      As the Orange Destruction continues to spew his ignorant, racist and xenophobic verbal sewage, I often return to the POV of the average native person, as best I can. I invariably want to tell T***p and his immigrant wife to go back to where you came from. 

      I am very conflicted though, mama, breed that I am. One of my ancestors was John Clarke, 1st mate on the Mayflower.

      Uncle Massasoit should never have let them off the boat..😋

      1. Uncle needn't be blamed.
        It was always going to happen. The expansive, conquering resource and gold hungry royalty of the middle ages were never going to just settle and get along.



    2. And nor will we hear from Mama Grizzly since her head is stuck so far up her ass that her rectum muffles the sound of her voice at this point.

      Thanks for the posting. On the climate/environment issue, you are on the same page.

    3. Scientists say that about every 26 million years, Mother Earth gets tired and says to every living creature, "I'm gonna take a nap and y'all gonna have to get out of my bedroom. Good night." Thus begins the next great extinction. Aren't we about due for one?

      1. The difference in this mass  extinction is that it is preventable. As the dominant sentient species on the planet, we have the power to prevent catastrophic climate change and another mass extinction. Now, we can just try to salvage what we can.

        Mother Earth will be just fine. Life as we know it – probably not.

  2. El Paso shooting in Walmart at Cielo Vista mall with families doing back to school shopping. Live feed of police response from NBC.

    Another MAGA nut took Trump’s grievance to the border.

    Update: Mass murderer was 21 year old racist white male Trump supporter. Not posting his name here, you’ll see it soon enough. Multiple fatalities.

    Scumbag saw himself as a soldier fighting against immigrant “invaders”. Trump owns these deaths.

    1. I am sure that my thoughts and prayers are not what any one in El Paso wants to hear.


      I was reading about Giuseppe "Joe" Zangara.

      Shooter. Injured several, killed at least one.


      Is this one of the Walmart s with a tunnel?

      1. MJ you are one pathetic individual devoid of human compassion. You trumpet political motives, cheering on your team of group thinkers to blame Trump for the mental illness that grips our county. A great shame on you and those of you who want to use murder as a political cudgel.

        1. So that’s a “No” on the Pols Ms/Mr Congeniality award. Oh well. 😐

          How exactly does your post show compassion for the victims? I’m refusing to trot out the old “thoughts and prayers” platitudes that don’t do squat except set us up like bowling pins for the next angry, well-armed white man with a grudge. 

          Your President constantly portrays  migrants as gangs of violent criminals instead of desperate people fleeing violent criminals, and fleeing climate change, which threatened their survival.

          Trump tweets and speaks those lies for political motives – because his gullible base- people like you- need to justify the cruelty and lack of compassion in the detention camps.  That sets up the mentally ill angry white men to use a crowd of back to school shoppers as target practice. The murderer’s manifesto makes it pretty clear that he was inspired by Trump’s speeches. 

          And yes, it is shameful. You should be ashamed for cheering hate. The blood of those little kids clutching boxes of crayons and backpacks is on your conscience, too.

          1. MJ, you will never win the MX Pols contest until you drop "Love songs for the tuba" as your talent number.

            No one, okay, no one but Poddy, likes the tuba.


            I’m telling you this as a friend.

        2. You are responsible for this shooting , you sorry asshole. Donald Trump is your doing. You unleashed this hatefulness on the world.

          Have you cancelled your NRA membership?

          You disgust me. You should be ashamed, yet as is typical with cowards, you try to blame others. But you and the other haters put him in office…own him.


          1. Sorry 'bout that, Pear. Trump is no conservative. And his supporters also aren't true conservatives. 

            But, you can try to convince me that Trump is just as "conservative" as were Goldwater, Reagan, Buckley, and G.H.W. Bush. Or, here in Colorado, you can try to tell me that Trump, Kristi Burton Brown, Ken Buck are “true conservatives” while the real ones like Bob Rankin and Kevin Priola aren’t.

            And speaking of the Bush family, tell me when G.W. Bush told white nationalists that they were "fine people," as Trump did regarding Charlottesville.

            1. Reagan talks about barefoot monkeys in the UN.  HW Bush runs the Willie Horton ad.  Buckley not a racist?  You must have ignored "Why the South Must Prevail," in which Buckley, among other things, pontificates thusly:

              The central question that emerges-and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal-is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes-the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race. It is not easy,and it is unpleasant, to adduce statistics evidencing the median cultural superiority of White over Negro:but it is a fact that obtrudes, one that cannot be hidden by ever-so-busy egalitarians and anthropologists.

              Trump is the culmination of the conservative movement.

                  1. That's how it was back then, Pseudo. Would you rather have Trump now, or one of the old time conservatives? Or maybe I should have mentioned Dwight D. Eisenhower. But I'm sure you'll find a way to lump him in too with Trump.

                    1. "back then"

                      When did back then end?
                      Cause it still feels like that was the norm in some circumstances for a long time after that date

                    2. Goddamn, those goalposts moved fast.

                      But sure, you could look at Operation Wetback, which Trump himself praised during his run for the presidential nomination, where

                      During Operation Wetback, tens of thousands of immigrants were shoved into buses, boats and planes and sent to often-unfamiliar parts of Mexico, where they struggled to rebuild their lives. In Chicago, three planes a week were filled with immigrants and flown to Mexico. In Texas, 25 percent of all of the immigrants deported were crammed onto boats later compared to slave ships, while others died of sunstroke, disease and other causes while in custody.

                      Of course, Ike swept up and deported American citizens, like Trump, and, also like Trump, just under 100 people are known to have died as a result.

                      Or, you could just look to Ike's enlightened views on race, with him telling Earl Warren, while the decision in Brown v Board was still under consideration, that white southerners…

                      …are not bad people.  All they are concerned about is to see that their sweet little girls are not required to sit in school alongside some big black bucks.

                      As for who I’d rather have? None of them.

                    3. It's too bad this planet is so unworthy of your greatness, Sudafed.  Have you considered Jupiter?

          2. I remember when Daddy Bush cancelled his NRA membership after one of its leaders called the FBI a bunch of jack-booted Nazis. That was one of the last Republicans with any integrity.

        3. Roger, you moronic wing nut……..

          Between giving free reign to all the gun nuts in this country combined with stirring the shit pot of racism and xenophobia, what the hell do you expect to come of that?

          Sadly, this stuff will continue as long as your leader keeps egging them on while you and your ilk keep enabling him.

        4. Powerful Pear …

          I'll be waiting to see how you react to the current *resident's use of the murder rate in Baltimore (and formerly in Chicago) "as a political cudgel.

          Waiting ….

        5. A fish rots from the head. Osama bin Laden didn’t fly the planes into the WTC. He worked his followers into a frenzy and they did it for him. 

  3. So out of morbid curiosity, I check out Fox News to see how they spin this story. One of their stories had the Texas lieutenant governor telling Antifa to stay out of El Paso. WTF

        1. So that justifies Trump's appeal to white nationalism, hatred and calls for his supporters to commit violence against his enemies, thus making them Trump Democrats?

          Other than selling more military-grade weapons to mentally unhinged young white men, what exactly is your point?

          1. "Other than selling more military-grade weapons to mentally unhinged young white men, what exactly is your point?"

            For Negev and his kind, isn't that enough in itself….

        2. Only Republicans call it the “Democrat Party.” I call BS. 

          Mylife also has a different format for their reports. It doesn’t look like the screen shots you posted. The rightee press is also claiming that “leftists” somehow changed hater’s info on Mylife. That would be hilarious if the whole thing weren’t so fucking tragic. 

          Someone will use an internet archive like the way back machine and check it out.

          At any rate, the scumbag was pretty articulate- he put out his manifesto, listing exactly the weapons he would use, and whom he would target (“immigrants” or brown skinned dark haired Spanish speaking people, since he didn’t trouble to check their documents before shooting – and “race mixers”. )

          The manifesto, which was published on reddit forums the killer frequented, is being taken seriously while the murders are investigated as a hate crime. His real or faked voter registration should have absolutely no impact on that.

          It is interesting how quickly y’all gun nuts are rushing to portray these young white male racists as antifa, Democrats, leftists, etc. one might think you were not proud of their “accomplishments “. 


          1. "The rightee press is also claiming that “leftists” somehow changed hater’s info on Mylife."

            How long before Alex Jones and the rest of his freaks run around and say that both shootings were hoaxes?

          2. Um, it was you who rushed to portray his political affiliation. In fact that image came from your link. 

            If the manifesto is being taken seriously, perhaps you should read it:

            "My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case."

            Oh and I went to your link about the mylife edits and it appears that the text changes in the editable content, however the political affiliation of Democrat never changes in the area at the bottom, which may answer your query….

            1. Whether he has a "R", "D", "L", "G," or "U" next to his name is irrelevant,

              He is just another white nationalist, gun nut who has been pumped up by your leader.

            2. The image of Trump’s name spelled out in guns and ammo cases supposedly came from the terrorist’s Social media page. . He “liked” the image on Twitter, according to Snopes fact-checkers.

              The criminal also took pains to try to clear “Trump or other politicians”of influencing his decision to kill immigrants, as you noted in your quote from his writing. However, the connections between the racist hatemongering and the massacre are obvious, as Dr. Daft posted..

              As R&R noted, it doesn’t matter what letter was by the terrorist’s name. Trump , Fox News pundits, every fricking white power alt right website, told him that there was an “invasion” and that the survival of the white race was at stake.

              He acted accordingly. He told the El Paso police that his goal was to “kill as many Mexicans as possible.” 

              Keep on trying to spin this, and to distract and deflect as usual, though….your desperation is the only funny thing today. And, as a bright spot for you, gun sales and concealed carry classes business will be booming. And shattering bones and organs all over America.

                1. Let me give you some new material for your deflection and distraction exercises.

                  Walmart in Texas is not a gun-free zone. Open and concealed carry almost everywhere is the general rule. 

                  So where were the “Good Guys with Guns” when those families buying school supplies needed them?

                  1. Mama, you do realize that changing the subject is deflection and distraction right? You were fine with this killer being a Republican so you can demonize the opposition but your tune changed when he had the same letters after his name as you. Now it doesn't matter and R&R is right while you wipe the shit from your chin.


                    1. So…..that’s a “ I don’t wanna talk about where the Gggs (good guys with guns) were during these last two mass shootings in open-carry zones”. Good to know. 

                      I guess there are things even you can’t spin.

                    2. Um, good guys showed up within 1 minute in Dayton and cut the deaths in half. If you were to glean anything from this process you would be on board for armed guards at your school. If you read the Texas shooter manifesto you would also note he targeted a soft zone:

                      Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfill your super soldier COD fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target.

                       I saw an interview with a guy saying he left the building in TX to go get his gun. It was on MSNBC. The mall is a gun free zone. Walmarts in TX require a firearm owner to produce valid gun license because they sell alcohol :

                      “We would just ask [the shopper] to remove their firearm from the building and put it in their vehicle and allow them to keep shopping,”

                      The next article continues:

                      Walmart doesn’t need to verify his permit in order to avoid jeopardizing their liquor license. That’s an extra precaution the store elected to take. But Darby is wrong about something more important: He has no right to walk through a Walmart with a gun if a store manager tells him to either produce a permit or leave the store until he’s no longer armed. Although police require probable cause to stop a person and demand to see a permit, a business owner is under no such restriction.

                      Walmart doesn’t post 30.07 signs by its doors that would make open carry in the store a crime. But even without those signs, a business owner can still tell a customer “you’re not welcome here if you have a gun,” and if the customer refuses to leave, that’s trespassing. Your rights are different when you’re on private property than they are when you’re walking down the street.

                      So I bet the ggg as you say were sitting ducks with an arsenal of firepower waiting for them in the parking lot. Or selected to not patronize a store with such a policy.  

                      Feel better? 



    1. Let’s see . . . 

      We’ve had the constant incitement; then, of course, the horrendous crime; now the “shocked, I’m shocked” of the crime —

      So, I guess later today we’ll see the disavowal of the criminal, his actions, and the denial of the source of his incitement; tomorrow will be the Twitter and press attacks blaming some Democratic El Paso officials — maybe the mentioning of a cockroach infestation . . . 

      By Tuesday or Wednesday we’ll be back to the usual disgusting vile racist verbal and tweeter attacks (perhaps even increased attacks) on Mexico, Mexicans, “illegals”, etc.. . . .

      . . . Oh and, I don’t want to forget — “that’s why we need that wall.  It’s for ‘their’ safety, too!”

      (excerpted and paraphrased from The Cowardly Orange Rascist’s Handbook)

      [FOX Announcer]: “Don’t forget kiddies, you never know for sure when it might happen.  That’s why we need more assault weapons on our streets in the hands of decent patriotic real Americans, just like you! Drink more Ovaltine Kool-Aid! . . . and pass the ammunition!”


      Next up, Dayton.  Stay tuned . . .


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