(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
A conservative radio host asked a question I’ve been wanting to hear on the conservative air waves for years: Why do so many Republicans dislike U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) so much?
“So many of you have texted over the last year. So many of you have called in. So many of you emailed in. ‘How dare you even call [Gardner] your friend,'” KNUS radio host Steffan Tubbs told his audience last week.
“Why don’t you like him?,” asked Tubbs on air.
The responses flowed in from his listeners:
Gardner hasn’t been honest with people. ..If he were passionate about just one thing, I wouldn’t be such a frustrated conservative. …He’s missed so many opportunities to stand up for conservatives and Trump. …
Wishy washy Charlie Brown; at least have some principles. …Sick of his goofy smiling face. He needs to be more serious.
His responses are canned. …He is too reluctant to take stands on issues. …He’s a fake conservative — needs to stop running to the middle. …He did not show up to be with Trump at the Air Force Academy
Gardner hasn’t been honest with people. …Generic responses to constituent concerns. …He dodges on issues by saying that any given issue is a “local decision.” …The man leads on NOTHING!
When Gardner got to Washington, he was bought and paid for by big-money donors, not guys like me. …I’d prefer former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo — men of courage, honor and principles. …I’m disappointed in Cory because he supports the DREAM Act
Gardner needs to Cowboy up and quit being a city slicker. …Needs a backbone. …He’s trying to juggle four balloons. …He needs to start pounding the podium. …Empty suit. …I’m tired of holding my nose and voting for people.
On Friday, Tubbs told Gardner on air that many of his listeners are super upset with him, and he got a response from Gardner to a couple of the gripes.
Tubbs told Gardner that his listeners want him to express his opinions about Trump, even if he disagrees, instead of sitting in silence.
“Well, look, I’ve made it clear on things I disagree with the president about. I don’t think I’ve tried to hide those areas,” replied Gardner, citing his opposition to tariffs, which he’s actually hedged on.
“I am a far from perfect person”
“I am far from a perfect person,” said Gardner. “You can ask my wife about that. But I do work each and every day for the people of this state and that’s what I am going to continue to do.”
Tubbs asked Gardner to respond to the accusation that “there’s no passion there.”
“There’s a time for everything, I suppose,” replied Gardner on air. “…Coloradans deserve respect, and they deserve somebody who is going to try to provide that respect to the people of this state–and try to be civil and try to be somebody who is providing, I hope, to provide a calm voice in what is a pretty divisive time right now. That’s what I’m trying to do.”
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A calm voice…saying nothing.
I can't believe I'm putting myself in a position of defending Gardner, but here goes. Does no one else but me remember Gardner speaking out strongly in the beginning of the Trump administration, when Jeff Sessions mumbled about enforcing the Federal statutes against marijuana? I recall Gardner giving a very strong and pointed speech about how CO would defend its states' rights.
But hey, I'm not sad to hear these conservatives griping about Gardner. I heard Tubbs' show – I'll admit it was less boring that his usually are. I also heard Caplis, prior to that (and every single day, yawn) talking endlessly about how retaining the Senate is what CO GOP voters need to focus on.
I do remember, and I also know Gardner’s defense of the marijuana wasn’t winning him any friends in the anti-marijuana crowd (our little beauty-queen-in-a-soiled-blue-dress amongst them). There are still a lot of conservatives who think the Devil’s Lettuce is the demise of our once-great (Republican-controlled) state (states-rights-be-damned, at least for the things they don’t support).
I'm surprised no one among the respondents mentioned Gardner's vanishing act, not showing up regularly for "ordinary" constituents.
"Generic responses to constituent concerns." And even his generic responses are pretty noncommittal. If I haven't gotten a generic response, I've not gotten a response at all.
On the subject of Conman Cory, if you're wondering why the costs of prescription drugs aren't coming down, well, let's just say Congress is buttering its own bread. From STAT via the Washington Post: you have to read down into the story, but our greedy little weasel of a Senator gets a mention.
That's just what conservatives are calling him and they are his shrinking base. Too bad the host didn't solicit comments from independents and liberals. Could have gotten real ugly for the fraidy cat from Yuma.