Democrat John Hickenlooper announced today that his campaign for U.S. Senate raised $2.1 million in just five weeks since first entering the race in late August, a ridiculous sum of money that cements his place as the Democratic frontrunner in 2020.
As the Colorado Sun reports:
The Hickenlooper campaign told The Colorado Sun that 95% of the contributions from his announcement Aug. 22 through the Sept. 30 deadline were $200 or less and spanned 59 of Colorado’s 64 counties. He ended the quarter with $1.7 million in the bank.
“Each and every person who chipped in recognizes that Colorado needs a new independent voice, a senator who reflects our values and will work to bring people together and get things done on issues that matter to Coloradans — like expanding access and controlling costs for health care, and tackling climate change head on,” Hickenlooper said in a campaign statement.
The Sun reports that Hickenlooper’s total “falls short” of the $2.45 million raised by incumbent Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) in Q3, but Gardner had seven more weeks in which to collect checks for his campaign. Hickenlooper’s hot start is a record haul for a non-incumbent Senate candidate in Colorado (see chart below).
Hickenlooper’s campaign has more cash on hand ($1.7 million) than the rest of the field of Democratic Senate candidates in Colorado combined. That total does not include any leftover funds from Hickenlooper’s campaign for President.
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This is where the math cuts through the bullshit. Go Hick.
Cue "Ride of the Valkyries." No positive news about Hick goes unassailed by our local kiwi fruit!
is that good?
Better than he was doing running for prez
The $$$ Gardner sucked up at the Trump retreat this past weekend won’t show until next quarter.
The Frackenlooper Fan Club always has a great time when Alva posts favorable inevitability stories about Hickenlooper,..the only kind they publish, actually.
I find the typical mendacity of Frackenlooprer in the way they try to cook their fundraising numbers to suggest he has statewide, grassroots support. How come they didn't mention the total number of contributions?
The way they describe their funding could be accomplished with very few small contributions…and a handful of very large ones.
You know there are campaign finance limits, right?
Well, that's true, although the numbers above could be done with anywhere from 6,400-ish donors. Also, the 59 of 64 counties stuff is meaningless (which I expect is intended, but we'll see) without knowing how many donations and from where. That could be 60 Coloradans and thousands of somewhere-elseians.
The good news is the numbers are due at the FEC relatively soon and we can crank out the math then 🙂
Also, that he hit hard in his first few weeks is great, but let’s not pretend that part of the deal for him running wasn’t that the DSCC would line up donations for him so that he could announce big numbers and try to clear the field more.
N i c e !
(. . . for Madco . . .)
Hark! Do I hear bagpipes playing "March of the Oily Boyz?"
Right after "Ride of the Valkyries."
You know if Hick had lousy fundraising numbers, we would hear complaints from Duke.
You know if Hick had good fundraising numbers, we would hear complaints from Duke.
You know if Hick had mediocre fundraising numbers, we would hear complaints from Duke.
You see a common thread there…..
Don’t know about that, but I do hear the repetitive cheeping of the Master Baiter and Junior Baiter Gator.
Didja notice the Frackenlovers never address his willingness to lie for corporate friends. It's OK to lie. It is OK to pretend you give a shit about climate change, and then betray the citizens he claims to represent.
For once it would be great to hear from some Frackenloving corporatist all the wonderful things about Hick that will make him such a great senator. Whatcha got boys? Tell me what makes him a great legislator.
So far, all I'm getting is that he will win because he has rich friends.
wah, wah, wah….
Wow, Schoolmarm is starting to sound like one of the name-calling brats on the playground.
Duke’s Song (March of the Oily Boyz)
Tune of Marching to Pretoria.
We are marching with the Oily Boyz
the Oily Boyz, the Oily Boyz.
We'll be drinking from the fracking fluid
In Weld County today.
We'll frack with you, you'll frack with me
And we will frack together
Through ruin and wrack together
We’ll pillage and sack together.
As we march along.
We are marching for the Oily Boyz,
The Oily Boyz, the Oily Boyz.
We are marching for the Oily Boyz
In Hickenlooperland today!
. . . u m m m m , . . . .
. . . l i k e H i c k ‘ p r e t t y m u c h s u c k s , m a y b e ? ? ? ?
Sounds like a case of "McGovern-itis" is underway. Far left would rather be right, even if it means Cory Gardner gets re-elected.
No, didn't you hear, CHB….
According to La Pomposa, there are multitudes of millenials out there who won't vote unless there a candidate who will exit them by promising to give them enough free stuff. McGovern was just a man who arrived on the scene before his time.
I know.
Some day Voyager’s unbroken streak of consecutive Pols Dick-of-the-Year awards will have to come to an end, . . .
. . . and you’re itchin’ to be the guy.
Far left? Hah!
I’m used to being disappointed by do-nothing politicians . . .
. . . I almost exclusively vote “moderate” Democratic.
PS. What I want. Who I vote for. Neither have any bearing on the fact that Hick’ was, is, and always will be a disappointing do-nothing suck . . .
Is Cory Gardner really that invincible in your mind? Or, is it that if you can’t have your preferred for-Realspublican, in name, you’ll swallow down the Hickenpublican you must?
PPS. And, McGovern or Humphrey, don’t try pretending here that you wouldn’t have still preferred and voted for Nixon . . .
Dio: I did vote for Nixon. He is the president who created the EPA, signed the Endangered Species Act, signed the National Environmental Policy Act, banned DDT, stopped the cross-Florida barge canal, signed the Clean Air Act in 1970, and signed the Clean Water Act in 1972. Need I say more?
Of course he did. (Not that someone else wouldn’t have.)
He was working desperately to give the college students something to do besides protest his mishandling of Viet Nam. And eighteen year-olds got to vote in 1972. Tricky Dicky in everything he did; need I say more?
Actually, Dio, you need to say less.
Great God Almighty, you need to say less
The lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. I wasn’t old enough then to vote, but I’m old enough now to understand what he did to two generations of (predominantly) men of color via Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act:
What's Andrew going to have? That's the only other number that matters. If he doesn't come close he needs to reassess what he's doing.
Probably not $2.1 million. Even if he tried hitting up his friends who were founders of the Democratic Leadership Council back in the day.