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August 04, 2010 06:48 PM UTC

McInnis: I Only Plagiarize With THIS Hand

  • by: Colorado Pols

We commented previously on the unfortunate theme of plagiarism-tainted GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis’ newest TV spot, where McInnis proudly holds up a pen and declares it to be the one he’ll use to veto stuff with. Predictably, the jokes about whether or not that’s the pen he used to defraud a Colorado Supreme Court justice were not far behind.

Well apparently, McInnis isn’t even honest about the hand he uses to write with? What gives?

The image on the left is from a forum last fall filmed by the People’s Press Collective. On the right, McInnis is holding the pen he says he’ll use to veto legislation in his latest ad. In the left image, McInnis is writing with his right hand, but in his TV spot he’s holding the pen with his left hand.

At the risk of offending any southpaws in the community, a poll follows.

Why would McInnis hold his pen with his left hand in his latest TV spot?

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40 thoughts on “McInnis: I Only Plagiarize With THIS Hand

    1. Really – you D’s are trying so damn hard to get rid of Scott in the primary you must be terribly afraid he’ll give you a run for your money against the Hick from Denver.  

      1. More like ColPols just can’t resist a gotcha. A little (OK a lot) sophomoric?  Yes.  A sign of Dem desperation in this particular race?  You wish.

    2. Come on.  Any excuse to try and sink the only Republican that can beat your beloved Hickenlooper in the General.  This is just in poor taste.  If you had something new or intelligent to contribute then it would be different but this is just poor.

    3. Not everything in politics has to be so damned s-e-r-i-o-u-s.  

      And I agree with Jack B. above: nice to get everyone’s minds off the Senate thread, if only momentarily – and back to the comical trainwreck that is Scott McInnis!  🙂

      1. It would be funnier if he was, you know, writing with his left hand in that ad. Just holding it? This is a case of it breaking rather than bending.

        1. after the Primary, the gravitas (and invective) will probably flow just as melodramatically for several days – at least on the Dem side, which seems to be the majority of your enflamed readership.

          As the losers rant, while the winners are unable to be stop crowing and be gracious about it.

          Hope I’m wrong about that but guess we’ll know in a week eh?

    4. with the Republican party today.  They can’t take a joke.  Are you kidding me?  Another in a long list of reasons why I left the party.  To them everything is a “federal case” and nothing is funny.  They have no fun.  This post is hilarious, get over it Republicans.

  1. Apparently Michael Bennet isn’t honest about time because he can clearly be seen here wearing a watch. This is very important because it reads 4:35 and blah blah blah honesty and something something time.


    1. Since it actually says 4:32 it’s VERY FUNNY HA-HA!  If it had really said 4:35 it would have been VERY SERIOUS!


      anyone else think this thread is about done?

      1. Left handed and usually write with my left hand (can write with the right, but not in cursive) but the right hand feels more natural for most things in the sporting/athletic category. I usually ride in a snaffle bit with two hands, but I rein with the right if I’m using a curb. I throw with my right hand but bat left-handed, and I can play ping-pong either way.

        There are a lot of lefties in my family and I’ve noticed most of us are at least somewhat ambidextrous, as are some of the right-handers. I think many older people who are naturally left-handed can also write with the right hand, thanks to being force to write that way in primary school.

  2. Sorry, I was just getting this conversation back on track. I actually thought this was funny until I read the comments and saw everybody buzzkilling it. Lighten the fuck up, k?

  3. The picture on the left is from before the “image consultant” got a hold of him. With the mustache, and the old hair, Scooter was a righty. Post-makeover, he’s a southpaw.

    Done and done.

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