U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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December 20, 2019 09:51 AM UTC

Ken Buck Says Impeachment Proves Existence of Deep State; Plans to Fight Back against Federal Workers

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Speaking on Greeley radio KFKA yesterday, U.S. Rep. Ken Buck of northern Colorado said the “really scary part” about the impeachment process is that “there really is a deep state,” and he pledged to fight back in part by taking a “very hard” look at pay raises and other benefits for federal employees and “job security” of “senior bureaucrats” in the executive branch.

“There is this group of bureaucrats that think they run the government and that Congress and the president, whether they’re elected or not, should answer to this group of bureaucrats,” Buck told KFKA host Gail Fallon. “And they — you know — fought against President Trump’s trying to reform government and trying to change the balance between the appointees in the in the executive branch and the career bureaucrats. And they won! That is the only winner of this. The Democrats didn’t win. They’ll learn that next November. The Republicans didn’t win. The president didn’t win. Congress didn’t win. The only winners in this are the bureaucrats.”

In attacking the so-called deep state, Buck is echoing a long-running theme of Trump, who’s long portrayed himself as a victim of deep state operatives.

Most recently, Trump even pointed to the existence of a deep state within the U.S. military.

Much has been written about the topic, including a New York Times bestseller.

And the deep state comes up repeatedly on conservative media outlets, like Fox News.


5 thoughts on “Ken Buck Says Impeachment Proves Existence of Deep State; Plans to Fight Back against Federal Workers

  1. Well, there is one Federal employee that wastes time in the bathroom while he posts on this blog instead of doing his job.  If he wants to look at going after Federal workers he could start there.

    He also wastes water by flushing 10 or 15 times when he's done posting.

  2. I don't recall — has Ken Buck ever indicated whether he thinks it is legal and appropriate for a President to pressure other countries and influence if and how they should investigate US citizens? 

    Has Buck commented on a President who openly says he will not cooperate with any requests for information from the House?

    A seat in the minority is a fine place for Rep. Buck.

      1. I would also wonder how Rep. Buck feels about Trump's continual violations of Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution (the Emoluments clause).

        As for the "deep state," it does exist although not in the form popularized by Buck and other Trump enablers. This book is a worthwhile read (I've read excerpts published elsewhere): "Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right," by Anne Nelson. 

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