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BY: notaskinnycook
IN: A Few Words About Colorado’s Egg Prices
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: A Few Words About Colorado’s Egg Prices
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IN: A Few Words About Colorado’s Egg Prices
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IN: Legislature Convenes with New Idiocy from House Republicans
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Legislature Convenes with New Idiocy from House Republicans
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IN: It’s Long Past Time to Ban Body Armor
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IN: Legislature Convenes with New Idiocy from House Republicans
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IN: A Few Words About Colorado’s Egg Prices
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: A Few Words About Colorado’s Egg Prices
BY: harrydoby
IN: Legislature Convenes with New Idiocy from House Republicans
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Vote for the whoever is the D nominee.
Mayor Pete got great DSE – and he is not broke. However, he is not polling well in the next primaries- super Tuesday may be a stretch.
Precinct detail shows Biden is barely viable for any delegates in Iowa. And he’s broke.
Warren did great in Iowa, and may do well enough in the upcoming.
Amy got the same number of Iowa delegates as Bennet. Also Booker, Harris, Castro, Inslee, Bullock, Kerry and Clinton.
If Sanders is leading when we wake up March 4, will the Democratic party eat itself alive and just give it to Trump?
Or will people bite their thumb and say nice things abou Bernie – or nothing at all?
Bernie is leading- because young people like his consistency and policies. He’s not a politician who changes message according to his audience. On policies, anyone not willfully ignorant sees the need for systemic change. Young people know that their future is dim if the Trump trends continue. Older folks see the crumbling of all safety nets they have relied on.
As a reminder, FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Eisenhower, and Obama also proposed expensive social programs paid for by high taxes- and they were correct to do so, and are considered some of our greatest Presidents. They helped America recover from the “Welfare for the wealthy and for corporations” policies of their predecessors.
I’m still hoping for an unstoppable Sanders / Warren ticket. I don’t even care much whose name is on the top line. Either would be a great President. Either would be a great VP who could whip a recalcitrant Senate into line. Bernie is older, and has a wonky heart. It would be smart for him to have a successor lined up who would continue his policies.
Sounds like kwtree/mj has a bad case of McGovern-itis.
The far right wing, dark money, PACs would love to see a Sanders/Warren ticket.
The flightless bird is really rooting for Joe Hill and Big Bill Haywood.
Both those guys are dead. Long gone.
And irrelevant now.
McGovern was destroyed by the Democratic Party establishment, Southern Democrats and Conservative Labor leaders.
The Vietnam era was a watershed that made a large portion of people under 30 who went to college aware the the US establishment was corrupt. Outside that segment, the traditional, middle & working class and rural Whites were very much wedded to the 1950s postcard of small towns, prosperity and (small-c) conservatism.
The Democratic Party has been changing for reasons that are relatively obvious in retrospect.
Post McGovern we had decades of technocratic, business-oriented Democrats like the New Democrats and Third Way (hi Andrew) dominating the Party.
The progressive wing is now at least 50% of the Democratic Party. This is due to youth, education, immigration, urbanization, and the Dixiecrats going over to the Republican Party.
The oddest thing about US politics today is not the weakness of the Democratic Party establishment, but the total collapse of the moderate Republicans. I guess some of them have joined the Democratic Party.
McGovern was also labeled as many things by the GOP, most of which were either not true or extreme exaggerations.
In contrast, if Bernie is our nominee this year Trump could get by with simply telling the truth and scaring people. (Not that he would limit himself to telling the truth. He really can't help himself there.)
"moderate Republicans"
What is that?
is that like those postcards with pictures of rabbits with antlers?
@ParkHill: old saying, I think, from the late Paul Kantner from the Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship band.
“if you remember the 1960s, you weren’t there.”
@MADCO: “moderate Republicans What’s that?” Also known as common sense conservatives.
There is that smugness again.
You guys own common sense?…or can people of other political persuasions have it , too?
It cannot be a right/left, conservative/liberal thing. If it is -we all los fighting each other over and over and over..
It's got to be justice which is not partisan.
In my experience the so called common sense conservatives believed in libertarianism just until they get the subsidy. They believed in campaign finance limitations, just until they could write the check.
Their 401k and IRA became more important than investing int he our national future.
And now they love on Trump.
If there’s any message that can be drawn from the Iowa results, that ain’t it.
Bernie underperformed reasonable expectations and the majority of pre-caucus polling.
And, he dodged a bullet and a stinging narrative Tuesday night when the results weren’t available under the glare of the reporting media.
Hard to say what might have happened if the Bloomberg ATM had been open in Iowa.
But, it’s only one piece of evidence . . .
PS. One downside to “young people.” They very often lack the life experience to make informed judgements about the likelihoods in their futures, and future events. I talk to way too many young people who, amazingly, have convinced themselves that Ttump has moved America’s needle towards greatness again. I don’t, obviously, know where the majority lies, but I do know that there’s two sides to every coin.
I agree that, eventually, the future belongs to the young, but demographically that may be a little bit less true than before?
Not good in the best of times- just unfair during cold and flu season.
Biden is not viable in Iowa
Biden projected IA delegates is now even to Klobuchar.
And Bennet, Booker, Castro, Inslee, Bloomberg, etc
It's a "tie"
For last place, not viable but still – a tie.
Much more than Sanders, Biden really got lucky when the results were delayed. Coming in 4th in Iowa would have stuck a fork in his candidacy had the results come out that night.
Of the top five I would rank Mayor Pete at the bottom in terms of candidate quality* and my agreement with their views. If we had a ranked choice ballot I would pick:
1. Warren
2. Klobuchar
3. Sanders
4. Biden
5. Brokered Convention/Can We Have Other Options?
6. Pete (I guess, if I have to.)
If Klobuchar really is done after Iowa and Warren does not start to break through I suppose I'll end up voting Sanders. I caucused for him because I thought nominating Clinton a bad idea. I will vote for him over Biden for the same reason. He's too old, but he at least seems more likely to do something rather than mark time for four years while being hopeful that everything will just go back to normal.
*How inspiring I find them, how trustworthy they seem, how well they seem to run organizations, etc.
Vote D.
Well, yes. Trump is not even on the list. If he were the only candidate in the fall I would spoil my ballot.
How about Sanders/Klobuchar, or Sanders/Buttigieg? Someone young and healthy wound be reassuring to people worried about Sanders finishing the term. It would also give either of them a leg up for when he leaves office.
If Sanders wins, he'd REALLY better get a VP and other advisors who have some color, and probably a female.
Standard speculation: Warren, Nina Turner, Gabbard. Out of the box suggestions — Sen. Duckworth.
too soon
How about Bloomberg/Yang?
Whoever a person at the top of the ticket might run with does not change my view of their candidacy. It also does not matter much to actually winning. It gives about an extra 2% to the ticket in the home state of the VP according to 538.
Young people like Bernie because they do not pay taxes. And Bernie promises to pay their bills. What is there not to like…..
Fortunately their elders are more consistent voters when it comes to turnout.
Saying young people don't pay taxes is like saying everyone on welfare is living like a queen.
I could just as "accurately" say that old people like Biden because he promises that he'll keep government's hands off their Medicare. And that what old people really want is for working people to keep paying their Social Security while they work to bankrupt it for anyone younger than 55.
you win
Personal story time. My father, the Republican, wants to vote for Warren in the fall. He hates trump, but because he lives in a county that is something like the most Republican in Colorado with a population over 3,500 he is still a member of the party. He tries to make them more true to what he sees as conservatism. (He’s against abortion, thinks divorce should be harder, and is pro-gun, but would otherwise fit in the Democratic party somewhere to the left of party center right now).
He wants someone who’ll do all they can to fix things and un-rig the system so that middle age people like me or younger people like my nibblings can actually get Social Security in our old age, have good paying jobs, and the like. On a fair number of social issues he’s rather conservative, but in the general election economic ones are more important to him. He sees his children struggling in the modern economy and he actually recognizes that we’re not lazy or screw ups. We’re working just as hard as he did, but he had a great union and lived in a different situation.
Personally, I am lucky enough to be “okay”. I own a really small house in a formerly blue collar neighborhood. Things could be much worse for me, but I could also be so much farther ahead in life if things like medical bills had not held me back over the decades.
There is a lot of variation in how people see the world. I think supporters of Biden are decent, honest people who disagree with my candidate choices. Characterizing all of them as old or rich would be wrong and counterproductive. Just as throwing shade the other way on Sanders or Warren is wrongheaded.
by a landslide. Young people want to get an education without going permanently into debt while old people want to be able to see the doctor of their choice with low deductibles for medications. Both want good services and no new taxes. Meanwhile the deficit is set to blow past $20 trillion. Something (looking at you rich people) has got to give for both groups to not be unduly burdened.
'debt' not deficit.
Once, when I was someone else someplace else argle bargle, decided I know (you don't) Then, when you got older I thought I got smarter and people listend for my wisdom, but really hooey kablooey they don't you're notYou have no clue.
You are thinking about older Republicans.
The young progressive crowd I hear from are happy to pay their share. They get frustrated by blowhard clueless boomers telling them how it was and needs to be. thankfully we don't have any of those
Vote D.
Sanders’ plans cost at least $50 Trillion. Warren’s cost $25 Trillion. How much will taxes need to be raised on the middle and lower class to pay for this. Show your work. (Hint: their wealth tax proposals only raise $4 Trillion.)
We’re talking about voters voting. Not sure math is the motivation
Vote D.
How much will a plan cost that has zero chance of ever being adopted? . . .
. . . Asking for a friend.
Sanders/Warren ticket……
La Pomposa has the perfectly balanced ticket. Ideologue and pragmatist. Male and female. North and south (New England, that is). Rural and urban. Activist and academic. Older septuagenarian and younger septuagenarian.
As Vermont goes, so goes Massachusetts.
Can you say Jeremy Corbyn?
Can you say Hillary Clinton? John Kerry?
Or if you want a British example how about Gorden Brown?
Sorry, DENependent: G.G. has it right. Bernie is an American version of Jeremy Corbyn, Warren less so. At least Warren can make adjustments as she has gone along.
Doesn't mean he can't be nominated
Being nominated is the easy part. Getting a big majority (because we've seen that little majorities don't cut it) while being labeled a Stalinist communist is a different nut to crack. Didn't say it can't be done but Bernie sure smells like Jeremy Corbyn.
By that do you mean that if Sanders is nominated you and the “moderates” will back Bloomberg in third party run (yay, LibDems) or that you’ll stay home because you just cannot stand him that much (well done non-voters)?
There are all sorts of layers to the Sanders = Corbyn analogy before we even get to all the ways in which it is inaccurate. Plus, you did not address my reply which was that Biden = Clinton 2020. Which has its own layers of misrepresentation, but is probably just as fair as analogies go. I would love to be wrong, but right now I’m not impressed by the Biden campaign. Show me that he’s a better candidate than I think, please. It would make me a lot happier.
I for one will vote for Bernie if he is the nominee and even though he has zero chance of winning the general election. Hell, I voted for Mondale and Dukakis in the '80's for all the good that did.
Just keep saying –
I will vote for the D nominee.
When in doubt, just say it again. And again.
(It's how HRC won Colorado in 2016)
Though you and I seem to see many things differently, on that point lies our eventual success.
Vote Blue…NoMatterWho!
United…We Win.
Vote your conscience in the primary and vote the Mother Fucking Republicans out of office in the general.
WOTD: "It was a courteous thing to do considering the alternative."
Indeed. That caught our collective ear immediately. I would love to hear her expound on what that alternative might be.
I imagine she wanted to protect this historic document from excessive sunshine.
That was my guess…😊
Pence said it was as though he was ripping up the constitution. Only that sycophant would mistake Trump's speech with the constitution.
I suspect the symbolism will predict the fate of Trumpism. It is garbage that belongs in the dustbin of history.
R & R: don't forget that Pence owes Trump hugely and bigly. Until Trump plucked Pence out of obscurity to be his V-P nominee, with the blessings of the religious right, Pence was headed to defeat in his re-election campaign for Indiana governor.
Pence was an inept fraud as opposed to his predecessor, Mitch Daniels, who was a competent conservative. As an aside, Daniels has been the highly regarded president of Purdue University for the past few years.
Pence was Manafort's pick (and writing this while wearing my Purdue hoodie. Mitch has done a great job for the Boilermakers).
Spot on, CHB. Yammie-Pie did indeed save Pence from the severe ass-kicking he was headed for. he hadn’t just damaged those “immoral” people he so disapproved of. The whole state suffered under the boycott he brought down on them.
I said for months that Pence knows a lot more than he had to tell about the Yam’s shenanigans. He’ll gladly fall on his sword for him. If Congress changes as much as the political soothsayers are predicting, he may yet get the chance, even if the two are reelected.
5, 10, 15 flushes…
Republicans won't be happy until we return to the good old days of the '50's
Or maybe even the 1850's
Zero flushes!!! . . .
. . . let’s make America great again??!
Great article of the incestuous corruption in the Democratic party that leads to disasters like the Iowa vote counting.
As a software guy, I’m surprised you don’t understand the problem with flawed roll-outs. Speaking of incestuous corruption, have you looked at the Republicans lately?
Don't see where you updated that Forever Trumpers clogged the Iowa Democrats phone so that Democrats with legitimate reasons to call were blocked. Talk about blatant corruption of our political process David. You're right down there with the lowest of them.
That’d be something.
Vote D no matter who wins.
I agree Texas – but we won't know for several days.
The Texas primary is a guaranteed difficult count. But Sanders gets the delegates eventually.