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February 10, 2020 06:34 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.”

–Thomas Jefferson


28 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Per the late, great Louis D. Brandeis, we can have democracy or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both. Damned shame we opted for the great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few route. Oh well, carry on.

    1. Brandeis?
      When did he ever win the Iowa caucus?
      If he was the nominee- Trump would win.
      Leftie commie socialist.

      Oddly- he is tied with Klobuchar for delegates.


      1. laugh

        True, but in ol' Lou's defense, the phenomenon of the stupidest white people in three states deciding who gets to be POTUS developed long after he was dead and gone.

  2. Universal healthcare. Free at the point of service. Works for country folks and city folks.

    "You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

    That law was put in place at Hassenplug's own recommendation to the local judge. The attorney uses that law by asking the court to direct people with unpaid medical bills to appear in court every three months and state they are too poor to pay in what is called a "debtors exam."

    If two hearings are missed, the judge issues an arrest warrant for contempt of court. Bail is set at $500.

    Hassenplug said he gets "paid on what's collected." If the bail money is applied to the judgment, then he gets a portion of that, he said. 

    "We're sending them to jail for contempt of court for failure to appear," Hassenplug said. 

    In most courts, bail money is returned when defendants appear in court. But in almost every case in Coffeyville, that money goes to pay attorneys like Hassenplug and the medical debt his clients are owed.

  3. Emerson College and Suffolk University polls both put Amy in third place on eve of big primary, at 13 and 14 pct.  That’s toast for Biden and Warren.

    You Rock Amy!

    1. There is a chance she will come out ahead. However, 538 puts Klobuchar's most likely range of outcomes as 6-16% of the vote. They forecast Warren at 8-20% of the vote and Biden at 7-18% of the vote.

      I'd be willing to bet a cup of coffee that Klobuchar does not come in 3rd place given those numbers.

    1. “Grandpa, please tell us that funny story again about how you think you can remember a time long, long ago when people could count without an App?!  Please, please, please! …”

  4. Parallels between ’16 and ’20…..

    Both races featured an angry populist – one who was a racist xenophobe, the other a non-racist but economic xenophobe (i.e., all international trade is bad) – who appealed to about one-quarter of the party.

    The role of Jeb Bush is being played by Joe Biden this year.

    There were a handful of newcomers (Rubio, Cruz, Paul) who tried but never caught.

    There are a handful of newcomers who – so far – have not caught on (Buttigeig, Klobuchar, Warren).

    History doesn’t repeat itself but sometimes it rhymes.

    The big difference:  the GOP winner-take-all rules for many of their primaries made it possible for Trump to rack up delegates with a minority of votes. The Dem rules don’t allow that.

    1. Who's the candidate who says all international trade is bad?  I haven't been following some of the folks with smaller poll numbers.  Tulsi?  Bill Weld?

      1. I'm not certain anyone says OUTLOUD that trade agreements are bad.  But there are a couple of candidates who insist they will allow only trade agreements negotiated with terms that aren't in current agreements and don't seem likely to be accepted by other top 10 economies or any Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.

        1. Isn’t it possible that’s an indication that the terms of current trade agreements maybe aren’t optimal?

          • Fundamentally rewrite all of our trade deals to deals to prevent the outsourcing of American jobs and raise wages.
          • Ensure that strong and binding labor, environmental, and human rights standards are written into the core text of all trade agreements.
          • Eliminate the incentives baked into our current trade and tax agreements that make it easier for multinational corporations to ship jobs overseas.
          • Undo the harm that trade agreements have done to family farmers.

          That’s what Sanders’ site, for example, says.  That doesn’t seem unworkable, unless the outcomes these changes seek to prevent are actually the point of current trade policies, I guess.

  5. Trump has banned New York citizens from obtaining a Global Entry pass “because” Sanctuary cities.  
    Will Colorado be next? (“because” Boulder/Denver?)

    Will we become numb to the multiple acts of a dictator?

  6. Now that the *residents 2021 budget request has been released this is worth seeing again: (Ag budget proposal: 8% cut.  I’m looking at you Dump huckistan)

    1. C'mon – ag can get cut a lot more. Farmers don't want welfare.
      The ones I am related to or others I know have told me. And they have also told me they are voting R or not voting.  They just will not vote D.


  7. Paul Krugman on co-enablers Trump and the GOP – partners in crime edition.

    People often say that Trump has captured the G.O.P., which is true as far as things like rule of law and support for democracy are concerned. But it’s equally true that the G.O.P. has captured Trump when it comes to domestic policy.

    The only difference between Trumpism and the proposals of Paul Ryan in his heyday is that the Trump administration — having blown up the budget deficit from less than $600 billion to more than $1 trillion — has pretty much given up even claiming to care about government debt. Back in the day, Ryan called debt an “existential threat”; a few days ago Vice President Mike Pence told CNBC that rising deficits aren’t a concern as long as they help boost the economy.

    The question now is whether Trump will pay any price for betraying all his promises. Democrats took the House in 2018 largely because of the popular backlash against his attempt to destroy Obamacare. But there’s a real danger that Democrats will blow the election by making it a referendum on ambitious ideas like so-called Medicare for all that are unlikely to become reality, rather than on Trump’s ongoing efforts to destroy programs Americans love.


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