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August 29, 2010 03:03 AM UTC

Republicans Want Your Vote To Finish The Job

  • by: harrydoby

Republicans had an amazing run from 2001 to 2008.  A decade bookended by 9/11 and the start of the Great Recession.  In between, they nearly managed to top even those incredible achievements.  

Where to begin?

The party that took power with the best wishes of an activist conservative court 10 years ago and promptly set about proving Reagan’s Axiom “The government IS the problem” wants to get back behind the steering wheel and take America for another ride.

The dissenters opined: “Counting every legally cast vote cannot constitute irreparable harm… Preventing the recount from being completed will inevitably cast a cloud on the legitimacy of the election.”[10] The four dissenting justices argued that stopping the recount was an “unwise” violation of “three venerable rules of judicial restraint”, namely respecting the opinions of state supreme courts, cautiously exercising jurisdiction when “another branch of the Federal Government” has a large measure of responsibility to resolve the issue, and avoiding making peremptory conclusions on federal constitutional law prior to a full presentation on the issue.

For anyone with a short memory, let me provide a quick refresher:

Which president took a 30 day vacation just before 9/11?

Throughout that summer, we now well know, Tenet, Richard Clarke, and several other officials were running around with their “hair on fire,” warning that al-Qaida was about to unleash a monumental attack. On Aug. 6, Bush was given the now-famous President’s Daily Brief (by one of Tenet’s underlings), warning that this attack might take place “inside the United States.”

Which party spurned a shaken Iranian government offer in 2003 to negotiate peace in the Middle East and halt their nuclear program?

It was a proposal from Iran for a broad dialogue with the United States, and the fax suggested everything was on the table — including full cooperation on nuclear programs, acceptance of Israel and the termination of Iranian support for Palestinian militant groups.

Which party bungled the pursuit of bin Laden in Afghanistan in order to pursue phantom WMD in Iraq?

Al-Qaeda fighters were still holding out in the mountains of Tora Bora, however, while an anti-Taliban tribal militia steadily pushed bin Laden back across the difficult terrain, backed by UK Special Forces and withering air strikes by the U.S.

Facing defeat, the al-Qaeda forces agreed to a truce to give them time to surrender their weapons. In retrospect, however, many believe that the truce was a ruse to allow important al-Qaeda figures, including Osama bin Laden, to escape.

On December 12, the fighting flared again, probably initiated by a rear guard buying time for the main force’s escape through the White Mountains into the tribal areas of Pakistan. Again, tribal forces backed by British and U.S. special operations troops and air support pressed ahead against fortified al-Qaeda positions in caves and bunkers scattered throughout the mountainous region.

By December 17, the last cave complex had been taken and their defenders overrun. A search of the area by U.S. and UK forces continued into January, but no sign of bin Laden or the al-Qaeda leadership emerged. It is almost unanimously believed that they had already slipped away into the tribal areas of Pakistan to the south and east.

Which party doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $11.9 trillion in 8 years, primarily through tax cuts for the wealthy and two unfunded wars?

But the government is taking no chances. Buried deep in the hundred pages of bailout legislation is a provision that would raise the statutory ceiling on the national debt to $11.315 trillion. It’ll be the 7th time the debt limit has been raised during this administration. In fact it was just two months ago, on July 30, that President Bush signed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, which contained a provision raising the debt ceiling to $10.615 trillion.

Which party decided the best way to kill a federal department would be to put an unqualified, incompetent marionette in charge, even if it cost lives and billions of dollars were lost?

And let’s not forget the politicization of the Justice Department (not to mention science).

Not long ago, President Bush asked a federal agency for evidence to support a course of action that many believe he had already chosen to take on a matter of grave national importance that had divided the country. When the government experts didn’t provide the information the president was looking for, the White House sent them back to hunt for more. The agency returned with additional raw and highly qualified information, which the president ran with, announcing his historic decision on national television. Yet the evidence soon turned out to be illusory, and the entire policy was called into question.

And finally, as a parting gift, which party gave us the Great Recession of 2008? (do you really need any more links proving that one?)

If that wasn’t enough, one of the most popular “leaders” of this party is Sarah Palin, an anti-intellectual,  self-promoting narcissist who is considered Presidential timber by the GOP.

Actual GOP officeholders don’t appear to have much more to offer either.  Cut taxes for the wealthy, increase defense spending, and disown the emergency bailout of the economy in late 2008 as “unnecessary” or face defeat to opportunistic crackpots from the Tea Party wing.

So, I really need to hear why we should give Republicans a second chance to finish the job they started in 2000, through incompetence and malfeasance, of destroying America.


29 thoughts on “Republicans Want Your Vote To Finish The Job

  1. there isn’t enough $ in that. The GOP simply looks at our country as a market. All of us exist for them to steal from and destroying the market doesn’t work as well as keeping it open 24/7. They just want your bankroll, mine and everyone else’s. The only thing wrong with Universal Health Care is it is too hard to rip off with the wild abandon they believe they are entitled to.

    1. It is also critically concerned with Rapists rights.  Without the vigilance of Ken Buck and others, some sinister 13 year old girl raped by her stepfather might not be required to carry the baby to term.

  2. How much longer do you need until somebody just turns out the lights?  

    How many jobs have been lost since Obama and Bennet have been at it?  

    How much Debt added?  

    How large have they grown the deficit?

    At what point should we send in the adults?

    Should we wait for you to tell us when you have stopped treating the economy like a toy?

    Nah, I am betting the voters say enough is enough in November.

    1. I am actually a strong believer in a two party system.  But when stalwarts of the GOP from Lincoln to Eisenhower would be hounded out of today’s GOP, that’s on Republicans, not us.

      The GOP began courting the fringe with Goldwater, and made it a cynical party strategy under Nixon.  The rabies-carrying vermin that are the Tea Party are all yours.

      Engaging in a battle of principles that William F. Buckley or George Will are/were capable of is what I want.  Not the inch deep philosophical crap offered by Sarah Palin and our very own house moron, Beej, is the problem the GOP needs to resolve.

      Get a grip, found a new party, do something before the lunatics assume total control of the GOP.

      1. Now that’s the kind of elitist hate rhetoric we can all get behind. Not. The fact that you view people like me as a “problem to resolve” might explain why your party is doing so poorly in the polls. Despite your fervent wishes for this country to be ruled by a liberal elite (in which you think you would be included, for some reason), we still have a system where the government is supposed to represent the people. And it will again, very soon.

                    1. I was talking about the “pissant” thing. I never called you THAT. But yes, the more advanced degrees you accumulate, the more elite you are. But it’s a meritocratic elite – congrats to you.

                    2. But several other people did. Wow, I do appreciate your vote of confidence. Most everyone else around here says my degree isn’t worth anything if I haven’t become a liberal in the process.

                    3. I could never wrap my head around base 8 mathematics or non-Euclidian geometry, so my hat’s off to those of you who can master it. Hell, I was happy to pull an A- in trigonometry as a freshman, and I haven’t looked back since leaving that class.

                    4. It’s that you enage in the inch deep philosophizing described above that people respond to.  You can pretend it’s because you are conservative, but really it’s that your persona on this blog is that of a moron.  

              1. Do we really let someone grad from college without at least 15 hr in biology and chemistry these days? If so then that is a failure of the liberal agenda.

  3. That Democrats think elections are a College Bowl while Republicans realize that they’re American Idol.

    Harry, all your points are spot-on. Unfortunately, I don’t think they help much to sway the truly undecided. After all, if they understood your points, they wouldn’t be undecided.

    1. I like your quote and I find truth in it.  We tend to have way too much info on this site and kid ourselves that most people will see things like us, or make decisions like us.  They don’t.

      The reason the Dems did well two years ago, is the people thought that the country was off track and they wanted change.

      The reason the Dems will get killed in November, and I mean lose the House and be real close to even one way or the other in the Senate, is becuase the people know that the country is off track and they want change.

      The rest are details that really don’t matter.

      1. Yes, people are scared.  Heck, I’m scared.  None of us (except the exceptionally well-off) are economically secure.

        But abandoning common sense (in the face of a new Depression, the solution is:  Do Nothing?) doesn’t cut it.

        Do we as a nation need to live within our means?  Of course.  But right now a double shot of Keynes is what we need.  Not the false economy of belt-tightening that will lead to an overall contraction in GDP resulting in a self-reinforcing downward spiral of lost tax revenues, jobs and enonomic activity.

        Unlike individuals, the government actually can print money.  Done in sufficient quantities, but not for unproductive purposes, it actually does raise all boats, not just the top 1%.

        David, as for swaying the undecideds, well they are faced with a stark choice:  imperfect, timid leadership from the Democrats, or certain failure from the GOP.

        Maybe it is the best of a bad lot, but that is the choice given to us for 2010.

          1. Sure, we need to make the issues very clear.  

            Forward or backwards?  

            Fixing 8 years of poor governance in less than 2 years with the vacuous Party of No dragging their heels in an attempt to make things so bad the populace will return them to power should be a pretty clear message.

            When the GOP’s solution is, uh, well, they don’t really have a solution, we ought to get a savvy PR message going, and soon.

            Actually, I’ve been seeing more and more media articles picking up on this meme.  

            Recessions themselves fuel deficits by raising social spending and lowering tax revenues. Thus, government programs that make economic downturns shallower and end them sooner can pay for themselves.

            If Washington had not reacted as quickly and as forcefully as it did, the two economists write, “the costs to U.S. taxpayers would have been vastly greater.”

            With no special government intervention, the 2010 deficit would have passed $2 trillion, according to their model. It would have reached $2.6 trillion in fiscal 2011 and $2.25 trillion in 2012.

            Add outright deflation to the expected massive unemployment and falling GDP, Blinder and Zandi conclude, and “this dark scenario constitutes a 1930s-like depression.”

            Happily, government stepped in, and America bucked a catastrophe. How fortunate for us all that the tea party wasn’t running Washington.

            But shhh, don’t tell the GOP.  They think they’ve got a slam dunk in November.  Just ask Dan Maes and Tom Tancredo.

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