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September 02, 2010 01:13 AM UTC

Pro-Buck Groups Get Ads Pulled in Missouri

  • by: Colorado Pols

Interesting news today from Missouri, via the campaign for Democratic Senate candidate Robin Carnahan:

Missouri media outlets have pulled two misleading attack ads against Robin Carnahan being aired by Congressman Blunt’s corporate special interest allies.  This weekend, a Missouri network including 77 radio stations pulled a false attack ad being run by Americans for Job Security – a group with a long history of campaign related citations and violations. [Anchorage Daily News,  8/17/08;]

In addition, Karl Rove’s special interest group, American Crossroads GPS, had their attack ad pulled down by CableNet while the FEC looks into allegations of illegal coordination between Congressman Blunt’s campaign and Rove’s group.

Both Americans for Job Security and American Crossroads GPS have run ads in Colorado on behalf of Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck, with Americans for Job Security (AJS) spending more than $2 million for Buck in the primary alone.

We’ve long wondered about potential coordination issues with Buck’s campaign and these outside interest groups. The question first came to mind when Buck raised a curiously low $40,000 in the last fundraising quarter of 2009, because normally such a poor effort for a Senate candidate would all but end their campaign; the only way Buck could have remained credible was if his campaign (and high-level supporters) knew that there would be significant outside help available. Buck had raised $1.2 million for his campaign as of the July 21 reporting period, which was less than Republican Cory Gardner had raised in his CD-4 congressional campaign, and about half of what AJS spent just on TV ads on Buck’s behalf.

The connection dug up in Missouri between Republican Rep. Roy Blunt and outside interest groups like AJS may very well end up being made with Buck as well, and if so, it will play a major role in deciding whether Buck can defeat Sen. Michael Bennet in November. If Buck doesn’t have these ads on the air in Colorado, he’s in trouble.


39 thoughts on “Pro-Buck Groups Get Ads Pulled in Missouri

      1. ‘Fox 21 news director says “Buck’s people are throwing us under the bus” ‘

        So far you guys are at two a day; are you planning to increase to three?

        1. You realize that you’ve now complained about the original story wording, the retraction story about the wording, and now the continuing story… about the wording.  “Unity” is the bit you were disputing, right?  Now everyone’s talking about it.  Good for you.  So why the complaining?

          That diarrhea of the fingers must be rough on the keyboard.

    1. 1. Dems do it, too.

      Here’s the link: [sorry, no link. Seems to be an R problem]

      2. It’s the liberal media bias. [Oops, that’s this comment]

      3. There goes Pols, shooting the messenger. [Wait, that’s you, BJ]

      4. Voters don’t care how sleazy R candidates are. [Rasmussen proves it]

      Which one did I miss?

    2. Make sure you let us all know.

      For such a so-called hard-hitting prosecutor, he sure seems content to let other people do his talking for him.

      Of course, it doesn’t cost him anything.

      It’s all about money, isn’t it?

  1. a candidate whose only major message is that the incumbent is corrupt?  Assuming it’s even true, or that the reason the ads were pulled is because the candidates these groups support are all corrupt, this may have been one of those times you should wait for someone else to pick up on the story.  Or, if you want to make like real reporters, get a statement from the mystery media outlet.

    Anyway, you also seem to be suggesting that the entire GOP is coordinating with these two groups, but that, if their ads are pulled for an investigation (valid or not), no one else will come up with any money.  In a state that actually could switch.

    Look, I hate these two idiot groups and Buck as much as the next birth control using woman, but maybe wait for a real story?  Please?

  2. You state:

    The connection dug up in Missouri between Republican Rep. Roy Blunt and outside interest groups like AJS may very well end up being made with Buck as well, and if so, it will play a major role in deciding whether Buck can defeat Sen. Michael Bennet in November.

    Would you have the same factual basis that I would have in claiming:

    Michael Bennet may very well end up having beaten his wife, and if so, it will play a major role in deciding whether Bennet can defeat Buck in November.

    This is one of the few times that I appreciate the British system of libel jurisprudence.  

    1. Groups that support Buck stand accused of coordinating with candidates in other states, in violation of the law.

      Groups that support Buck are running attack that are so flagrantly false that media outlets refuse to run them.

      Buck campaign has no money of its own. Buck’s campaign depends on these same groups.

      Therefore, it’s logical to question whether Buck campaign engages in similar practices.

      1. Groups that support Bennet are accused of criminal activity.

        Bennet is running an ad that has been truth tested as not true but keeps running it.

        Bennet hangs out with crooks and he is a liar.

        Therefore, it’s logical to question whether anyone who supports him is a crook and a liar.

        Seems just as logical?

        1. Buck raised about $50 in the primary, yet had wayyyy more media than his opponent.

          The claim was made then that he had coordinated with the 527’s  buying all that media.

          Now those 527’s have been bounced form the airwaves in another race.

          If they are bounced here, Buck will have far less media here.

          I get that you don’t like Buck’s opponents. But this article is relevant, timely and evenly presented.

  3. People seem to be forgetting, but Buck already stands accused of similar coordination. In fact, there’s a pending FEC complaint against him…

    Buck accused of campaign finance violation

    Ken Buck, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, has been accused of violating federal campaign rules by a Jane Norton fan. Norton, former lieutenant governor, hopes to petition onto the primary ballot to give Buck a run in August.

    The news was reported by and is based on seven-page complaint dated May 18. Buck is expected to sweep the Republican assembly this weekend with backing from tea partiers.

    1. These things take time.  If Buck charged you with murder, he is after all a DA, should we assume you did it before there has been any evidence of guilt?

      Unfortunately filing bogus election charges is part of the handbook of DC insiders trying to stave off outsiders.

      1. If you don’t fuck up in the first place, there is no time.

        Election charges are only “bogus” when they are adjudicated to be so.  Are you stepping in front of a real judge, or just shilling?  (Or both?)

    2. and that is real reason why they are going with this made up story.  

      They really like Mikey.  Barry told them to.  So they think it is OK to slime people who are running against people they like (see Romanoff, Andrew).  They know they have no evidence Buck did anything wrong.  

      They are relying on those visitors with diminished brainpower who will overlook the fact that there is nothing in their story showing Buck did anything wrong. I know it is those wild-ass teapartyers that support the constitution that say you are innocent until proven guilty, but that stuff doesn’t apply her on Pols.

      I am glad to know that you were not fooled by them.

  4. with no basis in fact.  

    Remember Mike “Rubberstamp” Bennet voted for Obamacare?  Can any of you (or Bennet) tell us with a straight face that medical costs are going to decrease and quality is going to increase?

    Mike “Rubberstamp” Bennet said he’d risk his job to get government to take our health care freedom.  Let’s show him to the door.

            1. You have no fucking who I am or what I believe.

              To your credit, “You libs” is something my mother would have said.

              However, it didn’t work for her.  What makes you think it’s going to work for you?

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