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September 10, 2010 07:45 PM UTC

Fun With Press Releases: Planned Parenthood Controls the World!

  • by: Colorado Pols

It happens every year. The press releases and media advisories that we receive tend to increase in silliness the closer we get to Election Day. But we have a new leader in the clubhouse when it comes to ridiculous conspiracy theory rants.

According to a press release from Americans United for Life, the true secret force that runs the country from within the White House is…Planned Parenthood?

Is Planned Parenthood Running the White House?

As you know, we are facing the greatest expansion of taxpayer funding of abortion in America since Roe v. Wade. Now, the enemies of life are also seeking to promote a culture of death overseas – and your tax dollars will be paying for it.

The AUL legal team has found evidence that President Obama, with the help of Planned Parenthood, has been funding a massive pro-abortion campaign in Africa. $23 million of your tax dollars have already been shipped off to Kenya under the pretense of “ratifying a new constitution.” This new constitution dramatically expands abortion rights in a country with a population of 40 million people…

…Theresa Okafor, CEO of Kenya’s Life League, put it best in calling the pro-abortion constitution “a conspiracy to strip Africa of its cherished values by international organizations like Planned Parenthood and the United Nations.” A recent poll in Kenya found that just 9% of voters support legalized abortion.

Really? They’re really going to talk about Keny’s “cherished values”? We are talking about the same country where officials are being charged with “crimes against humanity” amid genocide allegations, right?

Full press release after the jump.

Is Planned Parenthood Running the White House?

As you know, we are facing the greatest expansion of taxpayer funding of abortion in America since Roe v. Wade. Now, the enemies of life are also seeking to promote a culture of death overseas – and your tax dollars will be paying for it.

The AUL legal team has found evidence that President Obama, with the help of Planned Parenthood, has been funding a massive pro-abortion campaign in Africa. $23 million of your tax dollars have already been shipped off to Kenya under the pretense of “ratifying a new constitution.” This new constitution dramatically expands abortion rights in a country with a population of 40 million people.

How many more lives will be lost with millions of our tax dollars subsidizing abortion overseas? Americans United for Life rejects any scheme that diverts your tax dollars to pro-abortion programs – in the United States and elsewhere. Your tax dollars should never be used to fund abortions.

Will you stand with AUL today by making an urgent, tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250, or more to fight back against this expansion of taxpayer-funded abortion? There’s no limit to what you can give, and every dollar you contribute can be written-off as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes.

Theresa Okafor, CEO of Kenya’s Life League, put it best in calling the pro-abortion constitution “a conspiracy to strip Africa of its cherished values by international organizations like Planned Parenthood and the United Nations.” A recent poll in Kenya found that just 9% of voters support legalized abortion. Not surprisingly, many local religious leaders and clergy are saying that the new constitution is tantamount to “abortion on demand.”

Make no mistake about it: Kenya is only one of the nations in Planned Parenthood’s crosshairs. In blatant political payback to the pro-abortion lobby, President Obama – in one of his first moves as Commander-in-Chief – struck down common-sense laws prohibiting tax dollars from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion. President Obama and the enemies of life have big plans for expanding abortion everywhere and anywhere, all with your tax dollars.

Fortunately, our friends of life in Congress, such as Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey, Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska, and Congressman Joseph Pitts of Pennsylvania, are calling for a full investigation of this shameful program. AUL applauds this effort and stands ready to provide the resources they will need.

And this is why we desperately need your help. With an immediate, tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250, or more, you can help us expose taxpayer-funded abortion both at home and abroad. I’m counting on your financial support to end this charade once and for all.


8 thoughts on “Fun With Press Releases: Planned Parenthood Controls the World!

  1. Isn’t this a political advocacy organization? I’ve always been under the impression that those groups are not allowed to take 501 (c) 3 status.

  2. but then the new Kenya Constitution wouldn’t

    still outlaw abortion, which is currently illegal under Kenya’s current penal code, though it spells out exceptions if “in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law.”

    Radical “pro-abortion” language, that.

  3. Remember the state of the union address from George W. Bush about stopping AIDS in Africa?

    Yeah, it’s his idea.  The current administration is just running on autopilot on this one.

  4. I thought the International Zionist Conspiracy ran the world.

    Or maybe it was the Trilateral Commission.

    Or maybe the Gnomes of ZГјrich.

    I get them all mixed up and now you want to ad Planned Parenthood to the mix.

    And, wasn’t the International Communist Conspiracy trying to take over?

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