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April 21, 2020 07:07 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“There are very few people who are going to look into the mirror and say, ‘That person I see is a savage monster;’ instead, they make up some construction that justifies what they do.”

–Noam Chomsky


13 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. Who had Kim Jong Un in the 2020 dead pool?  Heart complications? From a broken heart cuz his bff stopped sending love letters?  A bad case of ‘Supreme Rona’? Too soon? 2020 is turning out to be a doozy – and it’s only April. 

    I don’t know who’s behind this twitter feed but it tends to reveal some pretty relevant information always about a day before it breaks in MSM.  Who gets to b the A/C nazi this summer? 


    Good morning friend in the Twitter. This is sound like nightmare, but is real. CDC have release article for it July issue early because is important. Virus is can be spread by the air conditioning – and The Donald want country open for summer: https://t.co/1Q3do1jnQ1 #COVID19

    — Rogue Melania🍸🍸🍸🍸 (@RogueFirstLady) April 20, 2020



    1. “I have a hunch the virus will get better in April December when the temperature rises falls.  The virus virus will miraculously miraculously go away.  You’ll gave so many swabs.  Tremendous swabs.  You won’t know what to do with all those tremendous swabs. It will be a beautiful thing.  We’ll have packed graveyards churches for Easter Christmas.  Americans in church celebrating an American resurrection new birth.”



  2. One two three 

    what are we coughin’ for?

    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a dump.

    I’ll die for Donald Trump.

    And it’s five six seven

    Let’s all cuss Bill Gates.

    There ain’t no time to wonder why

    Cough on, we’re all gonna die.


    Come on, Wall Street,

    don’t be slow.

    Socialism for the rich

    is the way to go.

    Just be sure as they bail out fifty trillion more

    Not a single dime goes to the poor!

    –Wall Street Don and the Foxes.


  3. Or as many people are saying: "shitty used car salesman caught lying" (who in the bloody hell is in charge of his make-up????)

  4. US stocks sink as oil plummets: April 21, 2020

    Want to know just how serious a blow the coronavirus pandemic has dealt to markets and the economy? Look at the price of oil.

    On Monday, US oil to be delivered in May settled at -$37.60 per barrel, the first negative close in history. That means producers, which are running out of storage space as demand for energy collapses, are willing to pay buyers to take crude off their hands. That's never happened before for West Texas Intermediate futures, the US benchmark.

    There is normally some volatility at the end of a contract period. But this indicates that the oil market is "officially broken" as storage piles up, Bjornar Tonhaugen, head of oil markets at Rystad Energy, told me. There's particular concern about how much space is left in Cushing, Oklahoma, the delivery hub for WTI.

    The effects of dirt cheap crude will ripple through the economy: Even in a $20 oil environment, 533 US oil exploration and production companies will file for bankruptcy by the end of 2021, according to Rystad Energy.

    The problem isn't going away. No one can say when demand for oil will recover. And even once the lockdowns end, it will take some time for refineries to get back up to speed, Tonhaugen said. Similar issues could arise when the June contract comes due in a month.

    "There's a lot of oil and no real place to put it right now, so no one wants to take delivery of it," Randy Giveans, a Jefferies analyst, told me.

    Why it matters: The incredible dislocation in oil markets is a sign of just how much the coronavirus pandemic is upending investors, even as stocks have stabilized. The effects could be felt for months and years to come.

    "This is very reminiscent of a time in the mid-[19]80s when exactly the same situation happened — too much supply, too little demand and prices of oil stayed low for 17 years," former BP chief John Browne told the BBC on Tuesday.









    1. Ttump Unveils “Major” Oil Industry Rescue Plan.  Will Allow New Drilling and Dumping in Gulf of Mexico, ANWR, Other Federal Lands

    2. Yep, and the BLM has ignored pleas to halt the quarterly lease sales,  required under the 2005 Energy Act but which can be deferred, due to the low prices and glut. Just can't stop turning over more large tracts of our public lands to big energy. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of acres here in the West, already leased, sit undeveloped.

      And let's not forget that "we still gotta drill the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge." Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower, who established the first parts of ANWR in 1960, is likely rolling over in his grave. 

      1. Wasn't the opening of ANWR Cory's first piece of legislation to tend to after Chuck and Dave got him into the upper chamber in 2014?  That's what the Denver Post Colorado voters expected of him as his primary volley, right? 

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