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April 22, 2020 04:29 PM UTC

In Fundraising Email to "Fight Leftist Propaganda," Patrick Neville Understates COVID Hospitalizations by Half

  • by: Erik Maulbetsch

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

In a political fundraising email sent yesterday, statehouse Minority Leader Patrick Neville (R-Castle Rock) underreported the number of Coloradans hospitalized with coronavirus by half. He claims “fewer than 900 people” have had hospital stays, but publicly available state data put the total at over 2,000.

Total COVID-19 hospitalizations as of April 21.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment updates and publishes COVID-19 related data daily online.

Neville’s email asks for donations to fight “the Polis Police State and his leftist propaganda media.”

“Nearly 300,000 Colorado residents are out of work and struggling to provide for their families, while less than 900 people statewide have been hospitalized with Coronavirus.

…Take Back Colorado is fighting to reopen Colorado and get people back to work, but we’re up against the Polis Police State and his leftist media propaganda machine that wants every Colorado resident to be entirely beholden to the Government.

I know times are tough, but your DONATION right now will help us take our fight to reopen Colorado directly to every resident who is fed up with the Polis lockdown and wants to get back to work….


Rep. Pat Neville” [emphasis added]

Neville sent the email just after midday Tuesday, so it’s possible the totals on the state’s COVID-19 website weren’t yet updated. Even if that was the case, the previous day’s total listed 1,880 hospitalizations.

Colorado’s COVID-19 case data summary, April 20, 2020

It’s also possible the “fewer than 900” number was intended to refer to the 851 Coloradans who are currently in the hospital for COVID-19, though the email language stated otherwise.

Take Back Colorado is an independent expenditure committee created last September by Rep. Neville’s brother Joe. According to the Colorado Secretary of State’s website, its purpose is “to educate and inform Colorado voters.” Rep. Neville used the “Take Back” name and logo since late July to support the effort to recall Governor Polis.

Phone and email inquiries to Rep. Neville were not immediately returned. This article will be updated with any response received.


12 thoughts on “In Fundraising Email to “Fight Leftist Propaganda,” Patrick Neville Understates COVID Hospitalizations by Half

  1. COVID Act Now model makes a comparison between extensive social distancing and the "open up" approach:

    Predicted Outcomes  in 3 Months

    Scenario….Infected in 3 Months…..Hospital Overload ,,,,, Deaths

    If restrictions are lifted  …>70%…..May 07 2020 ….. 53,000

    current trends* ………………..7%….. Not overloaded …..4,000


    economic value of a statistical life is about $10 million, making the the value of 49,000 excess deaths pretty easy to calculate. 

  2. Neville’s email asks for donations . . .

    Misinforming and grifting the nutters, . . . 
    . . . when you’re a Neville, it’s what you do.

    1. @Genghis: Patrick “The Pimp” Neville doing what he does best.: procuring money from the “marks.”

      “The Pimp” has a lot in common with fellow pimps Jared, Donald Jr., Eric.

      1. yes

        It's too bad that "windholzpolitics" clown isn't here to babble about how ol' Pat is a real conservative, coronavirus is Chinese bioweapon, etc. That was pretty entertaining while it lasted.

  3. Fewer, indeed…one of my pet peeves. 

    Another of my pet peeves is not being able to reply to a comment here on CP and/or not being able to comment at all. The reply/comment box opens but I can't type anything. Since this doesn't happen elsewhere, I conclude it's a CP quirk. And, yes, I have logged in. What gives?

    1. I have that problem constantly. Cdw.  Try tapping a bit to the right of the Reply comnand.  I would hit as many as 100 times before getting a blue-colored Reply signal, which would bring up my typing pad on my Amazon fire.  By trial and error I found I needed to tap a bit to the right.  

      I had a similar problem with my Mac but it wasn't as bad.  

      Let me know if the tape a bit to the right trick works for you.

      Hang in their, buddy.

  4. Well, I know that Patrick is doing good works and I was all prepared to send him money until…
    "fed up with the Polis lockdown"
    No apostrophe. Just not acceptable.
    Patrick, you can't make Jared own it if you deprive him of his apostrophe.

    Brought to You by the Committee to Save the Apostrophe from Abuse

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