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April 24, 2020 03:08 PM UTC

Ken Buck Will Defy Polis and Attend Church May 3

  • by: Jason Salzman

(God helps those who don’t screw themselves – Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Colorado GOP chairman Rep. Ken Buck (R).

Saying “we will not get through this mess without the blessing of God,” U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) told a conservative radio host Thursday that he will apparently defy Gov. Jared Polis’ (D-CO) orders and go to church May 3, one week from this Sunday.

“We don’t get through this without prayer,” Buck told conservative KOA radio host Mandy Connell Thursday. “And that’s something that I think a lot of our leaders miss, that we can have the best medical technology possible, but without the blessing of God, we will not get through this mess.”

“And we need to get back to our churches and make sure that we pray as a group,” continued Buck, saying, “I don’t care if I have to wear a SCUBA outfit to my church, I’m going to church on May 3rd.”

Polis issued revised orders this week that relaxed his previous stay-at-home order, but his rules still prohibit gatherings of more than 10 people.

Buck did not return a call seeking to know if he’d talked to health experts about his plan to attend church–and for details about the size, location, and social-distancing practices of his church congregation.

Much of Buck’s district covers Weld County, which has suffered the third most COVID-19 deaths among Colorado counties, but 9News reported yesterday that Weld County Commissioners also plan to defy Polis’ order, giving more businesses the option of opening on Monday, if they follow social-distancing guidelines.

But Weld County will continue to prohibit gatherings of more than 10 people, which would presumably include Buck’s church.

The virus is known to spread when people congregate, whether it be at churches or baseball games.

After leaders of one church told California health officials to leave them alone, the officials reported that at least 70 members of the congregation became infected with COVID-19.

But stories like that, which are easily found online, apparently don’t matter to Buck.

“I think people need to start stepping up and saying, ‘You know what? We need to open churches on May 3rd.’ It’s not good enough to say, ‘at some point in the future we’re going to open churches.’ The National Day of Prayer is the following week. It is time.”

Buck, who’s said it was crazy to close restaurants and has voted multiple times against federal legislation for COVID-19 relief, also told KOA that he continues to disagree with directives to wear masks.

Buck bragged last week about his plans to fly maskless on an airplane to Washington D.C..

And on Connell’s show, he ridiculed his fellow Congressman for their sloppy mask-wearing.

CONNELL: Is everyone masked on the floor? Are they wearing masks? BUCK:  They’re wearing masks, and when they go to the microphone, they take their masks off. Yeah, it’s surreal. It is absolutely surreal! MANDY:  So, wait. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. So, they’re wearing masks while they’re standing apart. But then when they walk up to the microphone the everybody else has spit on, then they’re taking their mask off.  Am I to understand what you just said? BUCK:  You are absolutely correct, yes.  And it makes no sense. MANDY:  All right. BUCK:  And what happens is, everybody gets off the floor and they mingle with each other, so it’s not like the mask makes any difference.


18 thoughts on “Ken Buck Will Defy Polis and Attend Church May 3

  1. Apparently, Ken Buck has a death wish. As a two-time cancer survivor, he’s especially vulnerable to covid19 infection. If only he wouldn’t also endanger  innocent fellow Weldies and their families and their future healthcare workers,  to defy Polis, I’d say, “Whatever floats your boat, Bucko. ”

    I’d bet dollars to donuts that his church also offers a virtual service allowing people to “pray in a group”, or at least all at the same time though physically distanced. My church does.

  2. Buck reminds me of those characters in Hitchhikers Guide that refused to pay telephone handset sanitizers – and then all died of infectious disease spread by unsanitary telephone handsets.

    1. Go for it Kenny. Take the wife, kids, grandkids and neighbors. Hunker down real close, hug each other and breathe deep the gathering gloom. CULL THAT HERD!!!

  3. Buck seems to conveniently forget that the flip side of LIBERTY is RESPONSIBILITY.  His liberty to publicly worship is balanced by his responsibility to help safeguard his fellow Americans.  He's big on ME but doesn't give a thought about WE.  So sad.

  4. Paging Ben Kuck….

    Leprino Foods shuts down Fort Morgan plant amid “high number” of coronavirus cases

    Leprino Foods shut down its Fort Morgan cheese plant Sunday after a “high number” of employees tested positive for the novel coronavirus, including asymptomatic workers.

    The cheese plant will remain closed for at least five days so all employees can be tested and the facility can be cleaned, director of communications Kim DeVigil said in a statement Saturday.

    About 350 people work at the cheese factory; DeVigil declined to say Sunday how many had tested positive for COVID-19, citing ongoing testing. Testing began April 19 and continued throughout the week, she said. Those employees who have not been tested were to do so on Sunday, DeVigil said, with the goal of testing all plant employees by Monday.

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