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April 27, 2020 11:33 AM UTC

You Can't Open Carry In Denver, Dumbasses

  • by: Colorado Pols
Colorado COVIDiots.

FOX 31 reports from yet another Pro-COVID rally yesterday in downtown Denver–not nearly as sizable as last Sunday’s “Operation Gridlock” communicable disease honkfest, but featuring one very foolish individual in particular:

The Denver Police Department said a protester was arrested on Sunday at the Capitol for openly carrying a firearm in a holster, which is against the law in Denver.

A protest was held at the Capitol Sunday because of the COVID-19 closures.

Denver has an open-carry prohibition, which means you cannot openly carry a weapon anywhere in Denver, including at the Capitol.

As you can see in the video posted by freak-right activist Lesley Hollywood of “Rally For Our Rights,” ostensibly in defense of the openly armed protester arrested yesterday, the offender claims to possess a concealed carry permit. The problem with that, of course, is that concealed carry permit holders by definition have a greater obligation to know the relevant gun laws wherever they go with a weapon. Every responsible gun owner in Colorado knows you cannot openly carry guns in the City and County of Denver, and if you’re not a responsible gun owner you should not possess a concealed weapons permit.

All of this is true before the guy started resisting arrest like a drunk at closing time, which he persisted in doing until eventually being obligatively put on the ground and cuffed by Denver Police and Colorado State Patrol while the crowd screams bloody murder–at the cops, mind you, not the idiot flagrantly violating Denver’s gun laws and then resisting arrest. All told, it’s an incident that casts the pro-COVID “freedom fighters,” the gun nuts, and the fact that they are on the same team in the least favorable light possible.

If you disregard gun laws, then resist arrest for violating gun laws, maybe you shouldn’t have guns.


11 thoughts on “You Can’t Open Carry In Denver, Dumbasses

  1. What is remarkable about this video is how calm and professional the cops were. This should be used as a training aid. It is unfortunate that part of the reason this is remarkable is that I have seen so many similar encounters with the police and people of color that are not handled so professionally by the "public servants." 

    1. I agree. If the gentleman in question were a man of color the dynamic would have been completely different.
      and you can see how much our T***pian thugs respect law and order.

      1. That’s crazy talk . . .

        Two Weapons, a Chase, a Killing and No Charges

        BRUNSWICK, Ga. — Ahmaud Arbery loved to run. It was how the 25-year-old former high school football standout stayed fit, his friends said, and it was not unusual to see him running around the outskirts of the small coastal Georgia city near where he lived.

        But on a Sunday afternoon in February, as Mr. Arbery ran through a suburban neighborhood of ranch houses and moss-draped oaks, he passed a man standing in his front yard, who later told the police that Mr. Arbery looked like the suspect in a string of break-ins. 

        According to a police report, the man, Gregory McMichael, 64, called out to his son, Travis McMichael, 34. They grabbed their weapons, a .357 magnum revolver and a shotgun, jumped into a truck and began following Mr. Arbery.

        “Stop, stop,” they shouted at Mr. Arbery, “we want to talk to you.”

        Moments later, after a struggle over the shotgun, Mr. Arbery was killed, shot at least twice. 

        No one has been charged or arrested in connection with the Feb. 23 killing. The case has received little attention beyond Brunswick, but it has raised questions in the community about racial profiling — Mr. Arbery was black, and the father and son are white — and about the interpretation of the state’s self-defense laws.


        1. I am sure, like Zimmerman – they felt scared. Florida justifies murder for feeling scared.
          I don't know the law in Georgia. Or Colorado.

          I don't worry about it much – I am not black.

  2. 1. " The actual open carrying of firearms is regulated by local county and municipal authorities. Confirmation of open carry municipal code restrictions would have to be done with those local authorities. Generally, most city municipal codes are posted on-line for review by the public. "

    2.  Capitol Security Protocol:

    (1) A person commits a class 2 misdemeanor if such person knowingly and unlawfully:
    (a) Carries a knife concealed on or about his or her person; or
    (b) Carries a firearm concealed on or about his or her person; or
    (c) Without legal authority, carries, brings, or has in such person's possession a firearm or any explosive, incendiary, or other dangerous device on the property of or within any building in which the chambers, galleries, or offices of the general assembly, or either house thereof, are located, or in which a legislative hearing or meeting is being or is to be conducted, or in which the official office of any member, officer, or employee of the general assembly is located.

    1. I have to differ on 1.

      Property rights supersede gun rights in CO.

      If someone walks in to, say, a coffeeshop with a gun whether it is is openly carried or concealed, they can be required to leave. Failure to do so can result in misdemeanor trespass charge (for starters) and escalates from there to the felony level which would require the forfeiture of all weapons.

      Along the lines of 1 – local authorities can ban open carry within their jurisdictions. To my knowledge only Denver does that (as a City or as a County?). Along the front range other municipalities generally prohibit weapons within their facilities like city hall and rec centers.

      RKBA Somewhere Else



      1. Website for The Law Office of Jacob E. Martinez says:

        Specifically, you are not permitted to open carry in the following locations [my bold]:

        • Federal property (for example, a courthouse, airport, post office, or federally subsidized housing).
        • A public transportation facility, unless the gun is not loaded.
        • The grounds of public and private schools and universities.
        • Any local business or organization that prohibits firearms, which is denoted on entryway to the premises.
        • Denver or other municipalities that prohibit open carry.

        I was part of a church board which considered the plus and minus of adding a sign to the front door saying open carry guns were not welcome.


  3. I hate guns.

    I also hate anti open carry laws. And, I hate concealed carry allowed laws.

    Everyone carrying a gun should be forced to open carry. It would terrify many other people and there would be more pressure to ban guns.

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