UPDATE: Click after the jump to see some of the comments on Dan Maes’s Facebook page about this endorsement. They had us laughing out loud.
We’re really going to miss Republican Dan Maes when his campaign for governor comes to a close. He’s just too much fun.
Today Maes announced via Facebook that he has the support of a Palin for his campaign. Not former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, mind you, but her father-in-law, Jim Palin, who apparently makes endorsements of his own.
You can read the endorsement letter after the jump. We’re assuming that this is the same Jim Palin from Wasilla, Alaska, who is Sarah’s father-in-law, but for all we know (and given what we all know of Dan Maes), this could just be some other dude named Jim Palin who also happens to live in Alaska.
Check out the comments on Dan Maes’s Facebook page about this. Jim Palin is either Sarah Palin’s husband, or father, or father-in-law, or…
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as being endorsed by Middle of the Road.
and at least a dozen people in the state would recognize your name/handle. So that’s two things you have over Jim Palin.
Even you.
If Dan Maes decides to drop out this is suddenly a very tight race. Maes would not have met with Tancredo unless he was open to the idea of dropping out if his terms are met.
Hick will win in a romp.
(Of course, so did Bill Ritter: look how swell THAT turned out, eh?)
hick head to head crushes tancredo.
Hick head to head crushes maes
in a three way, Hick wins by a runaway.
Even if maes dropped out, he’s on the ballot. At most, Secy of State wouldn’t count them — guarantieeing gop minority status.
If Hickenlooper is caught with a live boy AND a dead girl…he wins by a runaway.
Game, set, match.
BJwilson owes me a C-note (we bet even up, me taking Hick against the field. I’d offer to settle it now for $105 — a five percent premium for sparing him the embarassment of me laughing at him on election night.
I had the goood fortune to finally get out of florida and back to colorado for a week last week, denver and the high country.
Nothing I read, saw on tv, or heard in multiple conversations with people of various political stripes from Capitol Hill to Maybell leads me to believe Hick can possibly lose at this juncture – heck, not even if he gets caught in bed with a live Bi(cycle, that is).
Bennet, on the other hand is a very different kettle of trout. Am beginning to feel that he goes down.
A real tragedy if so. Not that I give a hang about MB per se, as an appointed Senator and all….But honestly: Dan Buck representing Colorado in the U.S. Senate.
Puh – fuckin’ – leeze!
I wish I could get out of here!
Like Gilligan’s Minnow and it’s intended three hour tour, I was to be here for maybe six months.
And no Ginger…..
comeplete with Ginger-colored hair. 🙂
It’s her job that’s keeping us exiled in Lauderdale for the time being.
Why would Maes meet with anyone anymore? Maes meets with anybody who asks him to meet; a month ago, every meeting he attended was about him dropping out. Just because Maes agreed to meet doesn’t portend anything.
I went to a Tea Party rally on the steps of the state capitol a couple of weeks ago (it was the one with Andrew Breitbart). The rally went on and on and on (a 2 1/2 hour rally is REALLY not a good idea, note to organizers) but the thing that amazed me was Maes. He.stayed.the.entire.time. I kept thinking, “doesn’t he have anything else to do?” I mean, that rally had about 250 people, tops, and a good number of them were Tancredo supporters, but he just wandered around, listening to the speakers and didn’t really talk to people that much. A top-line candidate of a major party just doesn’t spend that much time in one place, with such a small audience (he wasn’t a speaker at the rally) unless he doesn’t have somewhere else he had to be.
Just where does Maes stand on “the trolley problem”?
In Aurora, across from the MLK Library, is the Ghost Trolley. It could be the trolley problem is that the trolley never went there.
you’ve taken to posting facebook comments as diaries in order to bury mine? All right, I give up, you win the diary battle for today. I’ll have more tomorrow. Good think I’m not friends with Dan Maes anymore so I couldn’t comment. He defriended me when I told him to drop out.
In Colorado politics. That’s why Pols is trying so hard to supress you.
Wadhams is my puppet.
After men? TMI, TMI!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just a lot of sharing.
I already let it slip that you were my sock puppet. Now, they will know that, through you, I control Wadhams. We’re just one step away from letting the ultimate secret out — I’
m Libertad’s evil twin. And, then, all hell is going to break lose.
I’ll give you half my check from Soros if you give me half of yours from the Koch brothers.
It will confuse our critics even more. (and probably works out about the same. You’re the mathematician. What’s half of zero again?)
What about the checks from Stryker and Polis though?
No money from her yet, sigh, but a man has to have a dream;-)
It is the wave year.
so thank you for that.
I like that in a blogger.
I have yet to actually blog here. But I am pleased to be found funny.
despite the fact that I only showed up a few months ago.
Your ability to embed multiple videos in a single diary is truly astounding.
I can see it now… a new clip by Colorado Pols… frontpaged tomorrow…
The Embedder!
for the sole purpose of putting a lid on your drivel for the past six months. The earth has been inhabited for roughly six thousand years. This “time” thing is a real difficult concept for you isn’t it Einstein?
I gotta go with the father-in-law theory. If it was her father, his name would be Jim Idiot.
I’m pretty sure her parents’ last name is Heath.
But I could be wrong.
I cannot believe there is a chance that this guy could be our Governor.
Also, thanks for sharing the Facebook page, I have the feeling that I have now found myself an endless supply of entertainment and ample evidence for a state-sponsored sterility program.
It’s about .000001%, and probably involves something like Tancredo and Hick killing each other in an accidental head-on collision.
since everybody else is getting into the endorsement game I might as well too
ANYBODY endorsing Dan Maes is a big deal.
He’s dead, Jim.
Good one, Bones.
Maybe, in the next few weeks (prior to the election), Bristol Palin will tatoo the Dan Maes name on her belly or thigh and really give him a boost during her “Hoofing with the Stars” show! I’m sure Dan would put that on his Facebook page, too: “A Palin body part (not Todd, the dick) has endorsed me, too”!
Will the Bristol endorsement allow Dan to sit at the ‘cool kids’ table during lunch?!
When does the shame finally come to the Maes campaign?
At least he’s not my party’s nominee.