(Now that’s what we call “stealth” – promoted by Colorado Pols)
POLS UPDATE: Rep. John Salazar’s campaign just sent this “secret” email to their press list, with this message from spokesperson Tara Trujillo, titled “SSSSHHHH…..”
Never start off an email with those letters or someone is bound to forward it on…
Scott must be desperately in need of back up for his Pueblo debate with John Salazar on Thursday if he is offering supporters a charter bus, free food and don’t forget… the free Tipton T-shirt!
What’s wrong Scott? Not a lot of supporters in “Salazar country,” oh, or did you mean to say Pueblo?
From my blog. Rather than link it (I hate blog-whoring), I’ll just post it in its entirety.
This email was forwarded to me this morning. Hat tip to a reader.
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 10:59:45 -0600
Subject: Scott Tipton needs your help!
From: jenbaileyfortipton@gmail.comHI…
We are looking for to fill a charter bus from Grand Junction to Pueblo this Thursday to rally in front of the Pueblo Community College where Scott Tipton and John Salazar will have their second and final debate.
We are hoping you guys can come along!
The bus will leave early (at 10a) and make 1 stop, in Montrose, at a location convenient to the driver and the people boarding. There is NO cost to the people and the campaign will provide meals and snacks each way. The debate itself will be first come first seated so we can not guarantee that people will get in to the debate itself. However, this is very important to have folks there to rally and show support for Scott. This is unfortunately Salazar country so to speak and we want to have as large and excited a presence as possible! So… we will want those coming via bus to be waving signs out on the road as people enter the school and show their enthusiasm for Scott! Please call or email me or refer any one you know who may be interested to my email or phone number and have them get back to me asap! We will also be giving Tipton T-shirts to each person that participates!
Please: We would like to keep this from getting spread like crazy over email and for Salazar peoples to find out so please avoid a mass email blast. Thank you! (emphasis mine)
I can’t vouch for the authenticity of the email, but we’ll make sure it doesn’t get published all over the internet, OK?
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You can link and post here in its entirety. If anyone has earned the right…
I’ll try not to forward this link of the email to 50 people I know, too…
to know 50 people.
I don’t get out much.
For folks who have been part of the Pols community for as long as Ralphie, we have no problem with him posting a link to his own site.
We see “blog whoring” as more about people who don’t contribute much of anything other than linking back to their own websites.
Strictly between me and my yahoo address book. But I can vouch for all of their discretion in keeping it quiet.
This is hilarious. If it came from anyone other than Ralphie it would be unbelievable.
Like when Freddie Mercury got Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio, by giving it to a DJ and making him SWEAR not to let anyone else hear it.
If it was true, it was funny.
If it was false, it was a great dirty trick and was funny.
Can’t go wrong with a story like that.
reminds me of a certain (failed) rally on the national mall recently. Oh, and who was it paying for all the buses? Ariana Huffington herself. I guess D.C. is now Republican territory.
can’t even get your facts right
Huffington offering buses from NY down to DC for Stewart/Colbert rallies. Didn’t do any such thing for Schultz/union rally
But why should anyone expect you to know facts.
It now appears that Dems were busing people to two rallies. The first was an epic failure. I hope the second one is a gigantic success. It will pull all the paid canvassers the Dems have hired off the streets right before the election. (After all, who else but a fan of comedy would support Democrats right now?)
Start your own.
Pssst, Ralphie. The thread was about busing people to rallies. Did you forget what your own thread was about?
Not any rally.
Just in case you missed it, BJ.
You really ought to work on that reading comprehension.
You really ought to work on that real life comprehension.
So why don’t you go outside and play hide and…
And oh, by the way. Arguing with the diary author about what the topic was is never likely to be productive.
Hint: it’s not about Glenn Beck either.
I’m on topic.
Kids and puppies don’t differentiate between negative and positive attention.
It’s all attention.
you can derive any other false statement (like the fact that D.C. is Republican based on the fact that Huffington’s buses went to a rally that hasn’t happened yet).
Apparently they’ve figured out how to go back in time. Now that’s impressive!
Doesn’t someone ALWAYS have to pay for the buses? They don’t usually just appear out of the mist do they?
How strange that a Dem like Huffington would advocate for mass transit to a public event. How unheard of.
Beej, you’re such a putz.
It was local people that got together and did it.
and Dick Armey’s PAC.
instead of lulz would do you a lot of good.
would do Rainidog good. Isn’t that what you tell everybody, that if you make an assertion you should back it up?
… that you didn’t ask for that, did you?
Of course, it’s already been documented on Pols in comments from various folks – some comments to which you replied (in the dismissive, as usual without any stated reasonable counterargument but instead in the manner of putting your fingers in your ears and going “la la la la I can’t hear you la la la).
So go back through your comment history and you’ll find the ones I’m talking about – the ones with links to articles about the Koch brothers and how much they’re pulling the strings on your movement. As they would say in court, the evidence has already been introduced.
As for them pulling the strings, that is utterly false. Buck effectively ran against, and beat, the Koch brothers in the primary. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
That’s precious. If your wimpiness wasn’t already well documented, I’d be tempted to pull a beej and call for your banishment. Then the impulse would pass because internet tough guys don’t scare me.
Fact remains that you didn’t choose to counter Rainidog with that. But now you can go up, hit “reply” under his or her comment, and say so. Really put him or her on the spot, see if he or she can back up his or her claim.
You mean Norton was the Tea Party candidate? Really?
The debate starts at seven pm and they are leaving GJ at ten am. Sounds like a colossal waste of time and energy. Tipton looked like a winner just two weeks ago and now this race seems to be getting tighter by the day.
…and all they get is a bag of nuts, a box lunch and a cheap t-shirt?
You’d think they’d at least spring for $10 in tokens and a stop in Cripple Creek so the saps could play the penny slots.
On November 3rd when Rep.-elect Tipton explains how you can kiss his ass.
that he would tell a near majority (because this race isn’t going to be won by either garnering 75%) of his new constituents to “kiss his ass”?
Sounds like a stand up guy. I can see why you support him.
which explains why I think Salazar — did I mention, he’s the NRA backed candidate — will win this race. Scott wouldn’t just tell his opponents to kiss his ass, he’d try to take our guns away. Not a good thing, taking our guns away!
Could get dicey pretty quick!
Take the bullets first. — Gunnie line.
good line V.
My boss was a Marine and he always says how nice the DI’s were during range week. Funny how a loaded gun does that to people…
This e-mail is from a Tiptonite named Jennifer Bailey who has a job promised to her by Scott so she’s been doing this kind of insane hero worship weird stuff for a year. She and hubby hosted a SEND SALAZAR PACKING! RV tour that had about 3 participants. The poor girl is desparately in need of some kind of therapy. And these are the people Tipton surrounds himself with. He also has people like Janet Rowland, Don Coram, and Bud Garner in his corner. No integrity, no character, and more ambition than brains. Very, very scary.
the number of Republicans in Pueblo County is so pathetic that we always get bussed in Rs. The most egregious example was the Allard/Strickland debate however many years ago. Three buses filled with angry, aggressive people who “rallied” on the sidewalks around the Arts Center, tearing down Strickland signs, blocking access both to individuals and cars. There was at least one fist fight. All the debates this year have been civilized affairs in comparison. And yes, there have been bussed or carpooled Rs at them. Some from as far as Fort Collins.
I was amused when I read this post yesterday. Today I opened my inbox and lo and behold there was this very same post forwarded to me by my dentist of all people. So being the descrete person that I am, I shared it with only 109 of my very closest friends.
We all know you hate blog whoring. But how do you feel about whore blogging?
twice, all the way through, I couldn’t figure out what the author was talking about. So I guess I don’t feel much. Whatever the rant was about didn’t press any of my buttons.
This was the only coherent line in the post, and it’s true in spades:
It could be providing food and transport for votes.