(First thought: “Truth Test” is going to rip Stapleton’s ad to pieces. Second thought: why is Stapleton so sweaty at the end? For more on Kennedy’s ad–after the jump–see our post from earlier in the week. – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Just passing them both along to compare –
Stapleton’s Ad
Kennedy’s Ad
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The Treasurer has zero control over tax rates, fees, or anything else like that. None. Nada. That’s done by the legislature & the voters. The Governor plays a part as he can veto legislation.
But the Treasurer has no impact. So he’s running on a platform of total bullshit.
charisma = 0
charm = 0
Yeah, I know, superficial but geez, wipe that shit off with a napkin before they start shooting.
Must’ve been some party at Quayles the night before.
You and your facts David… HAHA!
Stapleton talks to fast and is whiney
Suthers has a new ad.
What do people think of it. Sorry to get off the main thread
except for the Boulder Liberal Stan Garnett business. That reminds me too much of Wadhams’ mantra “Boulder liberal [and now senior U.S. Senator from Colorado] Mark Udall.”
But this is an effective use of a newspaper endorsement. In a low visibility race like this one, a newspaper endorsement can be seen as moderating the “he said, she said” negative ads.
Kind of shop worn.
Does anyone know how big the ad buys are in either race?
Cary Kennedy just seems more likable than Stapleton. Her far more effective ad buy could save her job.
Are Buescher or Gessler going on TV in the SOS race?
the other day the Paper That Must Not Be Named said Kennedy had raised about 750k, Stapleton about 800k (including a $250k loan from himself.) Stapleton had a huge lead in cash on hand, which is a very bad deal at this stage of the game. It means Cary has already bought her time, probably at better rates and in better slots, than Stapleton can now.
But just comparing the two ads, she looks good and he looks like a dork.
I will be voting for them. As well as encourage all of my friends to do so also.
“If you are pissing off republicans… you are doing it Correctly”
Kennedy’s add if a far better production. Content, presentation and Truthfulness.
It’s been bugging me all day
That would go viral and totally end his campaign…