The Denver Post’s Conrad Swanson updates the developing story of an apparent attempt last month by Rep. Ken Buck, acting in his capacity as chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, to pressure a subordinate party volunteer to falsify a sworn affidavit on assembly results in order to qualify at least one candidate for the June 30th primary ballot:
U.S. Rep. Ken Buck of Windsor must defend actions he took as Colorado Republican Party chairman or face a possible investigation by a state office that oversees attorneys’ conduct.
A representative for the Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation wrote to Buck earlier this month asking that he answer questions about a recorded conversation in which he pressured a local party official to submit incorrect election results to set the primary ballot for a state Senate seat in El Paso County…
The Denver District Court chief judge ruled that filing the paperwork would have indeed been illegal. The Colorado Supreme Court cemented the decision when it declined to hear the Republican Party’s appeal.
While the office awaits a response from Buck, allegations of election fraud and corruption made against several Weld County Republicans — including one of Buck’s congressional aides — remain under consideration by the Colorado Attorney General’s Office.
It’s been several weeks since the controversy exploded in early May over Buck’s attempt to induce Senate District 10 district chairman Eli Bremer to falsify the results of the district assembly, in order to place a challenger to Rep. Larry Liston on the ballot in the race to succeed term-limited Sen. Owen Hill. We’ve heard differing excuses for Buck’s recorded conversation with Bremer, in which Bremer clearly outlines and disavows the violation of the law Buck is demanding–later confirmed in a lawsuit filed on Bremer’s behalf that went all the way to the Colorado Supreme Court. Explanations range from grudges against longtime Rep. Liston among local party officials, to a misguided determination on the part of Buck to “be nice” no matter what the law says about the required support to make the primary ballot.
But the fact remains that pressuring a subordinate official to falsify a sworn affidavit, which Buck did in this case for whatever reason, is a criminal act. And even if no prosecutor brings a charge against Buck, as an attorney Buck is subject an additional level of oversight to prevent dishonest conduct of exactly this sort.
If you’ve watched Better Call Saul, you know how this works. Buck has a problem now that won’t just go away.
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Ken Buck has explained very clearly what the purpose of this was, and it was to keep elections accessible during the shutdown. Many delegates could not attend the assembly, and that unfairly hurt some candidates. Yes the court disagreed but Bremer and Buck and worked out their differences AS THIS STORY SAYS.
Colorado Pols and Socialism Now don't care about the integrity of Republican primaries. This is just another leftist smear campaign!! Do not be fooled.
Last time I checked, even if you are doing something to agree without your idea of "fair," you need to follow the rules. Do you disagree?
Given the original objection to Buck's action came from a Republican, who filed a report with the county attorney who is a Republican, and the court suit asking for an advisory opinion was filed by a Republican, it doesn't seem like this is a purely partisan issue. The vote threshold issue is a matter of state law, which I believe was passed when legislative control was split and the Secretary of State was a Republican. It isn't a matter of Republican rules.
The judge hearing the matter was Michael A. Martinez, Chief Judge of the 2nd Judicial District — originally appointed to the 2nd District by Gov. Bill Owens — a Republican. He ruled that if the party volunteer had submitted the document as requested, it would have been illegal.
Now, the Colorado Bar is examining the issue — and I'm betting they will be scrupulous about insuring the issue is handled without partisan bias.
No "leftist smear campaign" needed when Buck does himself in through his own actions.
By all means, nutlid. Stand by your Buck. After all, he taught Democrats to spell R-E-C-A-L-L.
And, maybe take the time to read the comment that JiD wrote in response to you. I know it is hard for your tiny brain to carry out such a task, but you got to learn sometime.